f i f t y - t w o
June 5
11:43 p.m.
Spectator's POV
"Hurry your butt up!" Hoseok tiredly calls out.
Seokjin finally comes walking out of his room with his luggage in hand and RJ pillow around his neck. Everyone is gathered in the living room area tiredly waiting for their driver to come. Namjoon takes this opportunity to start counting all of his "children" including Y/N. As Namjoon counts to eight, feeling relieved, the sound of a car honking wakes everyone.
"Let's go, or we'll miss our flight," Namjoon says, opening the door.
One by one, Y/N and the boy group walk out of the apartment building. The eight squish into the vehicle with their luggage and each other. The light from the stars and streetlights guide their way to their destination. Most, if not everyone is asleep. Heads against windows, in hands, or in laps. The soft reflection of headlights and buildings entertain Y/N, who has a sleeping Jimin on her shoulder.
Pretty. Y/N thinks to herself, enjoying the little light show. Her eyes follow each new star that appears in sight. There aren't a lot that can be seen because of how bright the city lights are. But it's still enjoyable.
Late night drives, no matter the reason has always been a favorite of Y/N's. No particular reason but, the small moment of peace she feels. The lonely car in the empty, abandoned looking street that is still told to stop. The little diamonds in the sky, shining along with the thousand of others. Yoongi sits in the back behind Y/N and the two other members, feeling envious. Wishing that it was him with Y/N's head on his shoulder. Wishing that he was the one that could have been there for all those nights Y/N couldn't sleep.
It won't happen. Yoongi tells himself, lying once again. Yoongi pushes the thought to the back of his mind. The thought of whatever future that could happen with the one who has his heart to the back. Trying hard to think of something else.
If only there was a way to know what someone else was thinking. If only there was a way to know what someone else was feeling. If only. The two lovers think to themselves, unconsciously praying that something would happen.
"We're here," their driver tells the group.
Y/N gently shakes Jimin, thankfully waking him. Jimin rubs his eyes, now seeing clearly. Y/N opens the door and steps out onto the concrete. The cool early summer breeze blows by, dancing around Y/N as she opens the trunk. Everyone takes their luggage and stands outside of the airport, waiting to go in. The reporters and fans that may be inside, that may attack and take photos, scares Y/N. Yoongi walks up beside Y/N, placing his hand on top of hers.
"Just stay with me," Yoongi whispers to Y/N.
Your POV
That wasn't bad. I think, taking a seat in the corner next to Hoseok. I thought it would be a lot worse but thankfully it was not. I'm relieved that we did not encounter any reporters or fans. It was just a normal airport experience, for now. I scroll through my socials, waiting for the speakers to call us to board.
Dae the dingus
Dae-hyun: Imagine having a 13 hour plane ride
Dae-hyun: COULDN'T be me
I scoff at his texts.
Me: Well, for your information it's actually a 12 hour and 30 minute flight
Me: HA!
Dae-hyun: HAHA!
Me: Shut up
Dae-hyun: Make me
This child, I think rolling my eyes and slumping into the plastic chair more.
Me: Don't you have class in a few hours???
Dae-hyun: Oh FUCK!!!
Dae-hyun: I knew I was forgetting something
Me: OI! No swearing
Dae-hyun: It must be nice to not go to school
Me: I'm too KOOL for SKOOL
Dae-hyun: Don't ever do that again
Me: no promises
Dae-hyun: Imma sleep
Dae-hyun: text/call me when you land
Dae-hyun: gud nite
Me: sleep well
"Look who we found," A male voice says.
I look up from my phone to see Namjoon, Taehyung, and Jungkook, along with Sejin and BangPdm. Where is Yoongi? I wonder. I sit up straight and try to peek behind the members, looking for the missing three.
"Seokjin and Jimin are getting their bags and Yoongi went off somewhere," Namjoon states.
I nod my head and slouch back down. 12:21 a.m. The time reads on my phone screen. I hope they'll be done soon. I think, feeling anxious about the idea of us missing our flight. The first time I went on an airplane, I almost missed my flight. Not my best moments. I open my socials again, mindlessly scrolling through, not paying attention to the conversation happening. A post catches my eye and I scroll back.
Hello, my beautiful Blossoms! On today's podcast we will be talking about BTS and their collaboration with the mysterious MOON. Along with their upcoming concerts. AND rumors surrounding the seven member group and hidden artist. Tune in at 3 p.m. today. See you there!!!
Oh boy. Is there something I don't know about? I wonder, pulling all the rumors that I know out of the corner of my mind. I bite my bottom lip, thinking about everything that has happened in the past year. It couldn't be bad, right? The heavy warmth from my phone slowly leaves and cold wraps my hand. I look down at my hand and turn my head to see Hoseok taking my phone.
"Don't pay attention to those," Hoseok smiles, handing me back my phone.
"Okay," I say.
There's not much to do beside sitting in the not so comfortable chairs and waiting. I see what I think are Seokjin and Jimin walking towards us, but no Yoongi. Where is he? I question, checking the time again. 12:26 a.m. I stand up and lean against the wall beside me. The feeling of small pins and needles prickles my feet. My eyes scan the area. There aren't many people, not as many as there are during the day. A few people walk by us, dragging their luggage behind them as they try to keep their eyes open.
"Flight BA three two four, will now begin boarding," The speakers state.
I look down at my ticket in hand. Flight: BA325. Departure: 12:42 a.m. I read over once more. I stare out into the area, waiting for the person to call our flight. As well as waiting for Yoongi to appear. I sigh, taking out my phone from my pocket and then I put it back.
"I'm here," A voice says.
I look over to see Yoongi next to the group. There he is. I think, feeling a bit of relief when I see Yoongi.
"Now boarding, flight BA three two five," The speakers call.
"That's us, let's go," Sejin says.
I grab my things and follow behind the group as we make our way to our destination. I stay behind the others, walking beside Yoongi. I look over to see Yoongi staring at his ticket. SEAT: Z22. I read the part of his ticket that I can see. I nudge the side of him, Yoongi stares at me with a confused look.
"You're next to me, you want the window seat?" I ask.
Yoongi quietly chuckles and rolls his eyes.
"I think I'll pass," He says.
"If you say so," I reply.
A/N: Hello! I hope you liked this chapter. I hope you had/have a wonderful holiday. Stay safe and healthy luvs<3
P.S.- You did well, get some rest<3
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