f i f t y - f o u r
8:43 a.m.
Your POV
I wonder if the others are up. I swipe the keycard and open my hotel door. The sound of multiple male voices talking and laughing fill the room. Along with the faint aroma of waffles and maple syrup. Cautiously, I walk more into the room.
"Oh, good morning Y/N," Hoseok smiles.
"Good morning," I greet.
Everyone is gathered in the hotel room, everyone sitting around in different areas. Namjoon, Hoseok, and Yoongi are sitting at the little table with food. Seokjin, Jimin, Jungkook, and Taehyung, are squished on one of the beds. I notice the mini platter of breakfast foods. Croissants, bagels, fruit, and waffles. I list them in my mind. If there are waffles, no matter the time of day I will eat them. Call me donkey from Shrek.
"Why are you wet?" Yoongi asks with a confused expression.
"There's a pool here, so I went for a swim," I state, walking over to the table.
I steal a waffle off of the mini platter.
"I'm going to shower now," I tell the group.
Aye! No more chlorine stink! I happily sigh, taking one last look in the mirror. Insert; missing split dyed hair hours. I think, playing with my hair. Blonde is not it. I puff my cheeks out and deflate them. I turn off the light and walk back into the room. A giddy cheer slash squeal erupts when I walk out. I stop in my tracks and stare at the boys, who are staring at Taehyung.
"You're wearing the shirt I got you!" Taehyung happily says.
I look down at my button-up shirt and back up at him.
"Uh, yeah, I am," I say.
Taehyung gets up from the bed and walks towards me. I awkwardly stand in front of the bathroom looking at Taehyung. I can feel more than one pair of eyes on me, I turn my attention to the rest of the members. They are all looking at me. Why are they staring at me? Is there something on me?
"You look so good!" Taehyung smiles.
"Okay now, do a spin, let me see," He says, more seriously while moving his finger in a circle.
I slowly turn around, showing Taehyung along with the others my outfit. Finishing my second, and last turn, Jimin gets up from the bed. Taehyung's mini compliments make me feel a bit better but, I still have no clue what's happening.
"Ugh, I love - can we just appreciate how Y/N can pull off anything," Jimin says, looking towards his members.
I chuckle and rub the back of my neck. I can feel a light heat rise to my face. Make it end.
"Thanks but, that's not true," I say.
Jimin and Taehyung both, dramatically gasp. I walk over to the bedside table and unplug my phone from the charger. I wind up my charger and put it away. Missing one. I notice that Seokjin is not in the room.
"Where's Seokjin?" I ask, cutting off the mini debate about me.
"In our room," Namjoon answers.
"He's been gone a while though, should we go check on him?" Yoongi asks.
"I'll do it," I quickly answer.
"Uh, okay," Yoongi stands up and walks to me.
"Here you go," He hands me his keycard.
As I take a step back, Yoongi leans in closer.
"You look nice," He whispers.
I just nod my head and slip on my shoes, wanting to get out as quick.
"Aish, he's crazy," I grumble.
Seokjin's POV
"Do not apply to - I'mma just wing it," I tell myself.
I toss the instruction sheet aside and take out everything in the box.
"Seokjin, you in here?" I hear someone ask.
Who could that be? I wonder, opening the bathroom door. I lean against the door frame and see Y/N walking around the hotel room, looking clueless. At this moment she looks like a squirrel looking for its acorn.
"Over here!" I holler.
Y/N turns around from the balcony area to me. I notice her outfit, it looks nice on her. It is a very different outfit style and color scheme than what Y/N normally wears.
"I like your shirt," I compliment her.
Y/N gives a small smile, "thanks."
Y/N walks over to me. She raises her left eyebrow and tilts her head to the side.
"What are you doing?" She asks, going on her tiptoes.
Do I tell her? Oh well, they're all going to find out soon. I step out of her way and reveal the two boxes of hair dye on the sink. A soft chuckle escapes Y/N as she walks into the bathroom.
"Why two boxes?" She questions, picking up a box.
I shrug, "I wasn't sure if one box would be enough."
Y/N gives an expression that reads 'really?'. Y/N flips the hair dye box around, I'm guessing reading what it says. Which is a surprise if she is because the words are in French.
"One box will be enough for you hair," Y/N states.
"You want me to do it for you?" She offers, look at me.
I walk over next to her and look at the box again. That sounds like a great idea, Seokjin. I mentally pat myself on the back.
"What are you thinking?" Y/N asks, holding out her words.
"Dye your hair with me?" I suggest.
Y/N furrows her brows and gives a questioning look.
"Come on, you keep telling me how you want to do something with your hair," I state.
"You're a blondie, I'm a blondie, it'll be fun," I whine, trying to convince Y/N.
Y/N sighs and takes out her phone from her pocket. She puffs out her cheeks and deflates them.
"Well, we have two hours," Y/N reminds me.
I raise my eyebrow, waiting for her answer. Y/N takes the closed hair dye box and rips open the top. Y/N looks at me.
"What? You chickening out?" She chuckles.
"No, but you might want to take off your button-up," I suggest to her.
Y/N's eyes widen, as if she has seen the most amazing thing.
"That's a good idea," She says, taking it off.
10:21 a.m.
Yoongi's POV
"What are they doing in there?" Jimin asks, putting his ear up to the bathroom door.
"Shh, they're coming!" Taehyung not so quietly says.
The two boys run over and collapse onto the bed. I look back at my watch, waiting for the other two kids to come out. The bathroom door opens and out comes Seokjin's head. Is his hair purple? I can't tell if it is or if it is because of the light. Seokjin opens the bathroom door all the way to reveal both a purple haired Seokjin and a purple haired Y/N. A wave of 'woah's' and 'oh my' erupts in the hotel room.
"Ah! So pretty!" Jimin squeals.
She does look pretty. I stare at Y/N, the purple hair suits her. The light coming from outside shines on Y/N, lighting the purple. She runs her hands through her hair, making it look like her hair is changing color. It's strange, Y/N can do literally nothing and I will still find her adorable. Is this how ARMY's feel? I wonder, taking in every feature of Y/N's.
"Yoongs, you okay?" A feminine voice asks.
I shake my head and look at Y/N, already knowing it was her.
"You okay, Yoongs?" Y/N asks again.
"Huh? Yeah, I'm okay," I answer.
"That's good," She says.
Y/N pulls her phone out of her pocket and swipes her finger up the screen. I wonder what she's doing. Y/N sighs and claps her hands together.
"Hey, guys," Y/N calls out.
The room quiets down and we all look towards Y/N.
"Just a reminder, we have to leave in less than an hour if we don't want to get stuck in traffic," Y/N tells us.
I nod my head, staying quiet. Y/N walks over and sits down on the bed, next to me. I look at her. Y/N leans in towards me. It feels like my heart rate just went up.
"Thank you for last night," she whispers.
Y/N leans back, leaving space between us again. She smiles causing her cheeks to rise. I lean into her.
"You're welcome," I say.
I lean back and look at Y/N, who has a gentle blush on her face. I softly chuckle at the pink Y/N, finding it cute that I did that. If only I could.
A/N: Hello! I hope you liked this chapter. If you could vote that'd be greatly appreciated. Alright, have a nice day or night, stay safe and healthy luvs<3
P.S.- you look lovely<3
A/N: Here is what your outfit looks like. Imagine it without or with the accessories.
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