mending a broken heart
I am Alive, no seriously, I am, and here is proof.
Serena's pov
I kept crying in ash's arms for quiet a while, and ash still hasn't accepted my apology or reject it, he just hugged back, rubbing his hands on my back to comfort me, but I guess silence is not a bad thing.
"It's OK" ash said.
He forgave me? Good!😎😎😎😎
We kept hugging for a while, some people passed by us but we didn't care, to us, it was only him and me, both of us hugging each other for comfort.
Ash finally broke the hug and looked straight to my eyes.
"I am so sorry I believed calem's lies, I should have known you had a reason for what you did" I said.
"It's OK, I would have done the same thing" ash said trying to make me feel better.
Ash smiles.
He stands up and holds my hand to pull me from the ground (they were hugging on the ground).
He pulled me too strongly so I lost balance and fell into his arms.
That's when i remembered something, I have to tell him about summer camp, but not right here because it started raining now.
"Wanna go to my house so we could talk" ash asked with a smile.
I nodded and returned the smile.
In his room we both sat awkwardly, avoiding eye contact.
Then ash tried to open a conversation.
"Ummmm..... so.... anything new?" He asked awkwardly.
"Yes in fact I have something to tell you ash" I said, then I started leaning to his face, my eyes glued on his, I kept leaning closer until our faces were an inch close, I could see his face getting red but I don't care, and then....
I removed a piece of dirt on his face.
"There was something on your face" I said densely.
He fell anime style.
"Anyways, what did you want to tell me" he said, asking me sarcastically.
"I just....." I grabbed a handkerchief from my pocket.
"Wanted to ask you if you remember me" I continued, handing him his handkerchief.
"Of course I do" ash said confidently.
"You.... do?" I asked happily.
"Of course, we met a few days ago, by the way what is this handkerchief for" he said densely.
Now it was my turn to fall anime style.
"No ash, I don't mean that, I mean we met before that before, in a summer camp" I said, hopping he'd remember.
"We.... did?" He asked.
Well I knew It wasn't gonna be easy to make him remember.
"Ash, look at this handkerchief and try to remember anything" I told him.
"Sorry Serena, but all that happens when I look at the handkerchief is that I see a small girl with a straw hat" ash said.
"What else do you remember?" I said to ash, who was staring at the handkerchief.
"Well I remember that I was in a summer camp, I was looking for a rabbit but then I found a young cute girl who scratched her leg and couldn't stand up, so I helped her and we returned back to camp" he said, remembering.
"Ash, I went to this summer camp too, I got lost and hurt my leg, then a boy saved me and returned me to the campsite after telling me not to give up and ever since that day, he was my hero, do you understand what this means" I said hopefully.
"Ummmm..... it means that the summer camp is a complicated place that lots of people get lost in? I mean first the girl I met got lost, and then you" he said densely, can he get any more dense.
I fell anime style, WHAT AN IDIOT!
"Ow..... ow OK OK I Remember" ash saves himself.
"Good, sorry, I was just angry at how dense you can become" I said.
Ash's pov
"Good, sorry, I was just angry at how dense you can become" serena said.
When she said that, I was surprised, how can ash Ketchum be dense, I am the most not dense person I know. 😎😎😎😎
Wait... she said I was her... hero? So she might like me😍😍😍😍, this is the best news i ever heard.
"So.... I was you hero?" I said?
Her face began to heat up
"No no no, I didn't mean it that way, I meant....." she struggled to talk.
We stood there awkwardly until we were saved.
"so uhmmm, let's go see who is on the door" I said awkwardly.
"Yeah, let's go" she answered awkwardly.
We got to the door.
It was.... batman, the dark knight himself.
Nope, just kidding.
It was JOHN CENA!!!!
Nope, it was just dawn😴😴😴😴😴
"Hi dawn, uhhmmm,What are you doing here?, and how are you here?, I don't remember you knowing where I live? Not that I mean to sound rude, I am just curious" I said as politely as I can.
"I followed serena all the way here when I heard her say she is going to see you, I also saw what happened with calem" she said.
"Then why didn't you come say hi" serena asked.
"When I saw you get inside, I thought things will get naughty, but I guess I am wrong, you didn't do it..... yet" dawn says teasingly.
Our faces turn red.
So so red.
So before we can talk she said.....
"Have you heard about the prom"
"Prom?" We say at the same time.
So, here it is, I didn't take long😎😎😎😎😎, but seriously, I am sorry for being late, I will try being faster next time so bye.
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