I remember
And there it is, the chapter you have been waiting for, you are gonna like it, it has some thing that is unexpected, you will surely love it, I hope.
Ash's pov
I kept looking for Serena everywhere, but then, I see calem hugging Serena (i just made my self throw up)😝😝😝😝
I began to feel hurt, why do I always lose people I care about, I felt so heartbroken I left the place, leaving them alone.
Serena pov
Calem hugged me and took my by surprise, but, that isn't love, it's just my way of getting revenge on ash for playing with my feelings like that but still, with calem I can't feel the warm feeling in my chest.
But I do with ash
I don't feel protected and safe.
But I do with ash
I don't have a crush on him.
But...... I have one.... on ash
I see Calem leaning close to me, trying to kiss me.
I put my finger at his Lips, denying the moment.
"I am sorry, but, I am not ready for this" I said.
He looked disappointed but what can I do, I can fake anything, but not love.
"It's OK, I understand" he said.
"Thanks, I have to go home now, so..... mummy..... see ya tomorrow" I said, trying to avoid alone time with him.
"OK.... see ya" he said, even more disappointed.
I wave my hand and started heading to my house.
I arrived home and went to my room without uttering a single word to my mom, i didn't want her to know what happened.
I closed my eyes, trying to remove ash from my mind but I can't, I can't remove him from my mind.
What is wrong with me, why am I so fixated on him? He is a bully, but yet, I have a crush on him, it's just that, every time I look into his eyes, I see I young 6 year old boy extending his arm, and wants to help me stand, what does it mean? This is so weird.
I looked around and saw a picture, it was a picture of what I went to summer camp, I looked at it closely, it had lots of people I don't remember, but, other then my own, I saw a one familiar face, it was a young boy, with messy black hair, brown eyes and tan skin, he is so familiar, he was also my best friend in camp, after he saved me when I got lost, he looks a lot like ash.
Then I get a flash back.
"Hi, I am ash, who are you" the boy said.
Then my eyes widened in realization.
That boy, was it? Could it be?, can it actually be ash Ketchum, well they look identical, he.... he is him!
Ash was that boy, I have no doubt that ash was that kid, my knight In shining armor, my hero who saved me when we were little, it was ash.
"Well, come to think if it, I didn't give ash anytime to explain what he was doing and why, I was so angry I didn't let him talk, but.... maybe I should...... go and talk to him and see why he was doing what he was doing, but is getting late now, I'm gonna ask him tomorrow" I mumbled.
So, I slept and decided to talk to him tomorrow.
7 hours later
I woke up, hearing birds, it was a peaceful morning, I hated the fact that I had to go to school instead of sleeping.
Ash! I forgot, I have to talk to him.
I dragged myself from the bed and started getting ready for school.
On my way I saw someone which I didn't wanna see right now, calm *sigh* I am not sure why did I say yes to him yesterday, I wish I hadn't.
"Hey babe" cake said excitedly.
That sent a shiver to my spine, that sounds way to cliche and stupid coming out of him.
"Don't call me that please, it's weird" I said politely.
"Can't a guy joke around with his girlfriend" calem said with a big smile.
He is being so blunt about it, it's like he wants everyone to know, well I have to do it sooner or later.
"Calem, I think we should break........" I said but was interrupted when the bus arrived.
Calem then held my hand and started to grab me to the bus.
"Lets go babe" he said.
*sigh* This is gonna be a looooooong day.
We arrived at school, but I couldn't find ash anywhere.
I will go look for him.
"Babe, where are you going" calem asked.
"I am going to the bathroom" I lied.
"Ok" he said with a little suspicion in his voice.
I went and looked everywhere, I looked up and down and everywhere but I couldn't find ash anywhere.
I saw Gary standing, talking to girls, obviously flirting with them.
Then one of the girls slapped him hard, so hard in fact that he flew and landed on the ground in front of me.
"AND DONT EVER FLIRT WITH ME AGAIN" the girl said and stormed off.
"Jeez all I did was ask her on a date" he said.
Wait, ash is gary's cousin, gary might know where he is.
"Ummm gary, do you know where ash is" I asked, with worry on my face.
Gary was startled since he only noticed me now, but stood up and acted cool.
"Oh hi Serena, I was just training on flying but it went wrong and I fell" he said nervously.
"Yah, sure you were, anyway, do you have any idea where ash is, I am really worried about him, I can't find him anywhere" I said in a worried tune.
"Ohhhh, worried for your boyfriend" gary said teasingly.
"OK OK, jeez" he said.
His face turned into a serious one.
"he said he didn't feel like going to school today, I don't know got over him, he seemed so... depressed" gary said.
Then, I felt guilt plague my mind and body.
Did I..... do this to him, was it my quick judgement that made him depressed, I have to go talk to him after school.
The school day was long and boring, I couldn't focus on anything,my mind was on ash all the time, I couldn't concentrate on anything else.
I have also been trying to avoid calem and my friends, because that might lead to them knowing what happened.
I was close to ash's house when I saw someone.
"Calem? What are you doing here?" I asked.
"I should ask you the same thing" he said with an angry voice.
"I am going home" I lied.
"LIER, you are going to see him, aren't you, you are going to see ash, what is it with you, it's always ash here, ash there, I am your boyfriend now, but you never give half of the attention you give him" he yelled.
"IT BECAUSE I DONT HAVE FEELINGS FOR YOU" I yelled, letting out all my anger.
"Calem, I don't like you, and I never will, I tried but, I just can't, I am breaking up with you, I can't take this anymore" I said, trying to stay calm.
I could see his eyes widen.
He then pushed me to the ground.
"You can't break up with me after agreeing to be my girlfriend! I won't let you" he said.
He started approaching me.
Then out of no where ash appeared and pushed calem away from me.
"You will be mine Serena, AND YOU ASH, YOU WILL PAY" calem said and stormed off.
Wow, when I met calem, he was quiet, shy and nice but now, he is bad now, I never expected he would actually hit me.
"Hey, are you ok" ash asked.
Then, I couldn't hold it in me anymore.
I broke down crying.
I hugged him, which took him by surprise and continued to cry on his chest.
"I am sorry" I said.
And this chapter is done, finally, all of you have been waiting for it, I am sorry again because I was late but right now, I am in the mid year exams, but when I finish them, I will have plenty of time to right for you guys, so bye, see you in the next chapter.
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