Chapter Five
Delirious' P.O.V
I woke up the next morning at 4am. My lower chest felt like someone was squeezing it. I groaned and turned on my phone. I looked at the date and jumped out of bed. There was a small amount of blood where I was laying. I groaned in annoyance.
I got dressed and ran to the nearest store. I walked down two ailses before grabbing my favorite brand of tampons. I grabbed two cartons of ice cream on the way to checkout. I flushed with embracement the whole checkout time. The cashier placed my items in a bag and I paid.
I walked back home and ran into Mini and Wildcat. Just my luck. I sighed as Wildcat greeted me.
"I'm kinda in a rush," I said.
"Do you want to come over to mine later then?" Wildcat offered.
"Sure," I shrugged. Wildcat took the small notebook and pen out Mini's hands. Mini groaned in annoyance as Wildcat wrote his address and a time on a paper. Welcome to my world buddy. Wildcat handed me the paper and I ran back home. I scrambled into the bathroom and put a tampon to use. I placed the rest under the bathroom sink and put the ice cream in the freezer.
I looked at the note and then at the time. It was only 4:30 and the time on the note said to be there at eleven. Wait...what were Wildcat and Mini doing out at 4:30?! Maybe they were on a date. That'd be cute but they'd be cuter apart. Ehehehehe I'm so evil.
I looked through a suit case and pulled out the saddest movie I packed. I popped it in and got my ice cream ready.
I ended up watching three movies which gave me no time to get ready. I just threw on some tennis shoes and grabbed a jacket. I got to Wildcat's house ten after eleven but whatever. I knocked on the door and Vanoss opened the door. The smell of pine and kiwi engulfed my nose and I held back a moan.
His eyes peered down at my 4'8 height (I feel you Del...) until his chocolate eyes meet my blue eyes. He gave me a full tooth smile and the corners of his eyes scrunched up. A small blush fell on my face and he waved me in.
"The great Jonathan is here!" Vanoss declared adding a profanity at the end.
"Sup," Everyone besides Mini said apsentmindly. I looked at Vanoss and saw the same glint of mischief as in mine. We sneak up behind Lui and David and Vanoss raises three fingers. When he gets to one, we push them right into each other making both lose the race.
The pair yelled profanities as Evan and I laid on the floor laughing. I laughed so hard my lungs burned. It reminded me of the time the rope almost took my life.
"I have to pee," I giggled out and I made my way to where Vanoss shakily pointed too. I locked the door and silently cried. I don't ever want to be happy because then something bad happens.
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