Prologue-I Always Hoped
It's been almost sixteen years. My twenty-sixth birthday was a couple weeks ago, and it was pretty fun. The whole family was there, so I tried my best to look happy. To ignore the missing person. Even Gillby and Scorch were there, but no Gaster. Not my Dad.
Everyone's forgotten him, except for me. Even Papyrus. Frisk told me that they saw a weird skeleton looking man in a secret room in Waterfall, but we have no way of knowing if it was Gaster. I still hope it is, but I have no way of knowing for sure.
Speaking of Frisk, they promised me that they would never reset again. I took it with a grain of salt because of Chara, but I think they really meant it. They are very determined after all. I visit them and Tori a lot now. They keep trying to get Tori and 'Gore back together, and Alphys and I have been supporting their shipping antics. I really want to see Tori happy again. We've become even closer since we could actually see each other without the door.
I remember walking outside the door to the house, but I don't remember walking here. I get lost in thought a lot, and this was no exception. I felt like I'd been here before. Everything was snowy, and it kind of reminded me of Snowdin. I walked through the small town, and people kept stopping to say hi. Either they were very friendly, or I was right and I had been here before.
I made it to the end of the town, and I found a small pile of ashes. I knelt down to look at it a bit closer, and I could see a few specks of a Monster's Dust in it.
"I'm sorry." I said, standing up again. I turned to leave, but a strong gust of wind sent me tumbling back. I let it push me after a second, but only because I heard a voice in it.
"Please, this way." I started walking, and the wind almost stopped. It was still blowing enough for me to hear the voice. "I'm sorry for being gone. I'm sorry that I wasn't there. I'm sorry about all of that."
The voice stopped talking, and I stopped walking. A huge tree was in front of me, and its branches and trunk were all twisted. A small sliver of something whiter than the snow was sitting at the base. I walked a little closer, but the wind picked up again. It didn't speak this time, only surged in front of me. It circled around the white sliver. It rose off the ground and I could finally tell what it was.
Part of a Soul.
The wind stopped as the sliver of Soul fit into the rest of the Soul, which had materialized out of nowhere. I watched as a figure formed around the Soul. It looked incomplete, but I could still tell who it was.
"I'm sorry I wasn't there." I could feel magical tears running down my cheekbones. "But I'll be here for the rest of it." He held his hands out, and I rushed to him. I hugged him like our lives depended on it, and he returned it just as hard. "I'm sorry son."
"I love you Dad."
"I love you too."
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