You kissed Jimin goodbye as you walked into the dorm.
As you walked in closing the door and taking off your shoes you squealed so loud, you were suprised neighbors didn't start complaining.
You ran around the dorm happily with your hands up. As you could not control your excitement.
As you ran around Yoonji came out of her room with a confused and irratated face, probably from your loud squeal.
"What happened?" She asked sleepily as she rubbed her temple.
"Hehehe!" You giggled as you hugged her and grabbed her hands, jumping up aand down.
She soon followed you jumping as well. "Why are we jumping?" She stopped trying to calm you down.
"OMG! SoJiminaskedmeoutandIdidn'tknowifishouldacceptbutthenhegavethisbeautiful'speech'andIacceptedsonowwearedating!!" You tried to catch your breath.
"What?" Yoonji asked completely confused as she did not understand anything of your words.
She grabbed your hand taking you to the living room to take a seat on the sofa.
"Okay, now slow down and explain."
"Jimin and I are back together!" You squealed once again.
"Ouch my ears."she slightly covered her ears waiting for you to stop squealing."Congratulations!" She extened her arms enveloping you in a hug.
"You have been out, so now let's get you to bed." She grabbed your hand once again now leading you to the bedroom to sleep.
You and Jimin decided to tell both of your managers.
You both called your managers to meet up at the same time.
As both managers spotted each of you they came up meeting each other.
They were both rather confused but somewhere in the back of their brains they had an idea of what this said 'meeting' was about.
They both politely bowed as they greeted together.
After they greeted each other, they had their full attention on you and Jimin.
You took a deep breath as Jimin looked at you.
You nodded at him as a sign to go on.
Jimin and you walked forward as you grabbed onto each others hand.
"Y/-" Before your manager could say anything you cut him off.
"Manager-nim, I'm so sorry, but I love Jimin and Jimin loves me." You looked into Jimin's eyes and turned back to face both managers with a sincere smile. "I hope you can understand, and I know that when the time is right and we tell our fans, that they will support us."
"So, please don't prohibit us from dating." Jimin countinued as he looked over at his manager, practically begging.
Manager-nim crossed his arms. "Let us have a talk." He said as him and Jimin's manager whispered stuff to each other.
After a few minutes of them whispering they turned their attention back to us.
"Okay we have come to an agreement." They looked at each other. "And we have accepted it.
"But we hope you have taken the opinions of your fans and it will be both of your responsibilities to tell your fans." The then left you and Jimin.
Once they were far enough you jumped onto Jimin with your legs wrapped around him.
"Omg! I didn't think they would allow us to date."
"Just because we are idols it doesn't mean we shouldn't date and our fans will understand that we make each other happy."
You had a sincere smile on your face as your noses touched. You both stared into each others eyes as your lips came closer.
You then released your legs which were wrapped around Jimin's hips and ran leaving Jimin there as he had expected a kiss.
You looked back to see Jimin suprised. You stuck out your tongue teasingly as you giggled.
"Oh, your asking for it!" Jimin said as he chased after you.
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