"It's not what it looks like!" Jimin and I shouted simultaneously.
"Maybe we shouldn't have left them alone?" V poked his head from the side of the door.
"Jungkook close your eyes!" Jin shouted towards Jungkook causing him to look over. Which I replied with a nervous smile.
"I think that was enough truth or dare, time to sleep." Jin said headed towards his room.
After I took a bit to process all that happened in my head I got up and helped Jimin up as well.
"Maybe, you should have played 7 minutes in heaven with Y/ N instead, huh?" V nudged Jungkook. Jungkook just shrugged as he walked away V following behind.
"So I guess we should go to sleep now." I gestured towards the bedroom. "Yeah..." Jimin scratched the back of his neck awkwardly as we walked to the room.
"Here for you." Jimin threw a shirt and a pair of shorts from his drawer onto the bed.
"Thanks." I grabbed them of the bed as I headed to the bathroom to change.
'These shorts are way to big, but I can't sleep in underwear' I said to myself as I observed myself through the mirror.
As I "checked myself out" I caught a whiff of his shirt. "It smells like him."
My eyes widened at what I said. "Does that make me a creep!" I whispered-yelled.
I just shrugged it off as I continued to smell it.
After I practically got high off it I got out the bathroom and back to the bedroom where Jimin was setting some blankets on the floor. I'm guessing for him to sleep on.
As he saw me walk in he smiled to himself with a chuckle.
"What's so funny, Park?" I grabbed a pillow and threw it at him.
"Ouch, nothing." "Tell me." I began to hit him with a pillow hoping it would annoy him enough for him to tell me.
"Nothinggg~" He grabbed a pillow and hit me lightly.
"Hmmp" I said on the edge of the bed with a pout on my face.
He came over to my side poking my cheek causing a playful glare from me. "You look funny." He said.
Placing my hand above my chest. "I'm hurt!" I shouted.
"Not a bad funny... a cute funny." He said with a smile. "Let's go to sleep." He threw the pillow at me as I dodged it.
I got on the bed as he got comfortable on his bed of blankets on the floor.
"Jimin.." "Hmm." He hummed. "Sleep over here." I patted the spot right next to me. "Are you sure?" He asked for reassurance.
"Yeah. Your not a stranger." I giggled. Jimin got up as he held his pillow placing it against the bed frame.
We both got under the blankets and sheets. Just as I was gonna turn off the lamp, the door opened and out crept Jin's head.
"Use protection." Jin said as he closed the door.
As I rolled my eyes and turned off the light before Jimin could see the visible blush spread across my face.
Darkness and silence."Good Night." Jimin whispered lightly
A/ N: Yay! Two chapters in one day and it's longer! Hooray!
Ilygsm! Hope you enjoyed because I really enjoyed writing this chapter.❤❤
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