*chapter 8* girls night!
Hi! I'm weird.
Ok so today I'm going to Aphs house for the sleepover. So I should pack and get ready. She said to be there at 4 and it's 12 right now.
So I packed a onesie. It was a f/a (favorite animal) one. I also packed a pillow and clothes for tomorrow.
I hope we don't play truth or dare.
~time skip~
Ok so now I'm walking to aphs. I knock on the door and someone pulls me in so quick I couldn't see them.
"Wa? " I ask. "C'mon get you pj's on, we are gonna play T or D! " aph yells. I guess she was the one who pulled me in.
I groaned and walked to the bathroom. I changed and walked out. They all squealed and we sat down. "OK but before we play, y/n please tell me why you were so upset. "
~i told them about gene and that I think I love him and such~
"Wow, that, was, deep. " answered Kim. "Anyways we should probably play now. " replied Aphmau. "Yeah! " yelled kawii~chan.
"OK I'll start. So Kim, truth or dare? " asked aph. "U-um, truth. " she replied stuttering. "OK, who's your crush? " she asks giggling. "U-um, G-garroth. " she said blushing like a tomato.
"OK, Katelyn, truth or dare? " asked kim. "Dare! " she yelled. "O-ok.i dare you to go to gene house and yell at him for being a-" she was cut of by aph. "Language! My mom isn't fond of that. " she shuddered. "Sorry." Kim mumbled. "OK! " yelled katelyn. "No! " I yelled pushing katelyn away from the door.
"Huh? I thought you were mad. " Kim asked. "I am, but I still love him. I really don't want him to die. " I mumbled. "Aww OK, I'll change the dare. " said Kim. "OK, I dare you to call Dante and tell him to ask y/n out. " she added. "What?! Why am I brought into this?! " I yell/ask. "Because kawaii~chan thinks it's funny! " yelled KC.
"OK I'll do it" groaned katelyn. She picked up the phone.
"Umm hello? " asked Dante. "Hey this is katelyn. Would you ask y/n on a date? Ever? " asked katelyn. "Umm, let me think. No. She's not that pretty but, I'll ask you on a date. " he said. You could hear the smirk.
Honestly I was hurt but everyone has their own opinions. "Why? " asked katelyn getting a little annoyed. "She's honestly ugly, annoying, she weird and-" he got cut off. "Enough! That's it! Bye Dante! " katelyn said angry.
I didn't realize but I was crying.
Why? Why does this world hate me?? Gene? My dad? My mom? And Dante? Why?
I was crying and I ran out of the house. I could hear the girls calling my name, but I'm not going back. I don't care if I left my stuff.
I ran and ran as the cold air hit my skin making me shiver. I couldn't go home because of my stupid father.
I'm all alone. So I decided why not go to the park? Not like I'll get kidnapped or something? Right? OK well I'm stupid, but let's still go to the park!
I slowly walked to the park still in my onsie might I add. Freezing. Crying. And hurt inside. I sat on a bench and sobbed into my hands
Am I too annoying and ugly like Dante said? Is that why everyone hates me. I bet the girls only pity me. I hate-
"Y/n? " I heard a rough male voice say. I quickly wipe away my tears and look up. My eyes met with.... Genes
"Go away. " I growled. He sat next to me not saying a word. I just start to sob again. I mean wouldn't you if everyone hated you and one of the people you loved but hated you sat right next to you? I mean I loved him, yes, but I hate him to for breaking my heart into fractions.
Then I felt arms wrap around me. I jumped and looked up with teary eyes and notice it was gene. Gene is hugging me. Why? Why do you do this to me???
I pushed him away. (Y'all shippers be like "nooooo!) He looked shocked and hurt. " get away from me! " I yelled crying more. "I hate you and you hate me right? So why hug me and hurt me more?! " I yell.
He looked hurt like a wounded bird. (No feathers!) "I don't hate you! " he yells. "Oh really?! You don't?! Why did you ignore me and Block me and tell everyone you hated me?! Huh?! " I yell more tears running down my face with no sign of stopping.
"I'm sorry! Is that what you want to hear huh?! " he yells, his eyes watering a little. "No, your not. Just, just leave me alone. OK? " I say standing up.
"No." He grabs my wrist. "Excuse me? " I ask annoyed. "You hurt me in worse ways my father has hurt me! Can't you see that?! " I ask/yell. He looked at me with wide eyes. At this point he was crying too. "I'm so sorry y/n. I'm so so sorry! " he yells hugging me right.
We were both hugging and crying in each others arms. "I'm sorry I hurt you. My pride took over and I'm sorry it hurt you! " he yells hugging me tighter. "Your my best friend and I shouldn't have done that! I'm so sorry. " he whispers the last part. "Please don't do it again. " I whisper between sobs.
"A-are we friends again? " he asks letting go. "If you promise not to be a jerk. " I say giggling a little and playfully slapping his shoulder. He chuckles a little. "OK, but can you please tell me why you were crying? " he asks worried. I can feel my eyes go big. "I-its was everything. But what triggered it was, D-Dante. " I mumble.
"What? " he asks shocked and confused. "H-he said I was ugly, annoying a-and-" "no, stop. " he says shaking his head. "You are none of those and what ever he said. You aren't annoying and certainly are NOT ugly. " he says taking my hands.
I looked at him shocked and I can't believe he just said that. "I-i love you. " I say and cover my mouth right away. "I-i can't believe I j-just said that. I'm sorry. " I say fast. He lifts my chin and I remove my hand. "No, don't be. I love you too. " he says as he leans in.
"Y/n!?!? "
Dun dun dun!!!!!! OK next chapter will be called.
So c ya next time!!
Word count: 1125
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