*chapter 6* coming home
Sometimes I hate myself. What if it was my fault my dad is like this? My mom's to scared to tell the police or get a divorce. I'm just a kid so they won't believe me so... What? What do I do?? Someone tell me!!! Please?
I wake up on the couch. I smell... Pancakes? "Morning kitten. " I hear gene say. My visions blurry so I rub my eyes. I see gene, making pancakes? Ok that's new. "What? " he asks. "It's just, I never thought I'd see the day you would cook. " I answer standing up.
"Hey! " he says grabbing a plate. "Heh sorry. " I reply walking towards him. He hands me a plate with pancakes. "Yay food! " I smile a huge grin. He mumbles something but I couldn't hear.
Genes P. O. V.
I hand her a plate with pancakes. "Yay food! " she yells with a big grin. "Cute" I mumble so she couldn't hear me. "Huh? " she asks. "Nothing." I reply quickly. "Whatever you say. " she says sarcastically. "Are you going to eat or what? " I say getting a little annoyed.
This girl..shes like a sister to me. I hate what her father does to her...
We get done eating and she has this weird look on her face. "What? " I ask confused. Her smirk grows wider. "Let's go to the park! " she tells grabbing my hand and pulling me to the door. I stop her, "y/n, we need clothes. " I tell her. She notices we are still in our pj's. She blushes a little from emmbaresment. "Oh." She replies.
She ran up stairs to change. Yes we keep some of her clothes over here because she likes to hide here when her father gos crazy.
Your POV.
I out of the bathroom. I see gene is ready and we head out the door. "Soo, how's home? " he asks 'trying' to make small talk. "The usual. " I reply shrugging my shoulders. We are currently walking to the park. It's about a ten minute walk so not that far. "Anything new? " he asks, again 'trying' to make small talk. "Umm, not really. " I say in a more questionable tone.
I really like to hang out with gene. He somewhat understands what I'm going through since his dad passed away. He knows when to not talk about my dad and doesn't push me. He try his best to keep me happy, he probably thinks I'm gonna start cutting myself but I won't let that happen... Not after... That.
Never mind. I just love that he's a great friend. He just a all-around great person.
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