Chapter 4
Chapter 4
"For God's sake Harry! You need to get up, take a shower, and go to school!!" Gemma yelled pulling Harry's duvet.
"What the fuck Gemma?! Just go away and leave me alone!" Harry yelled back yanking the duvet and covering himself with it.
"Harry, it's been a week since he broke up with you, he moved on, you should too!" Gemma begged.
"I-I c-can't!!" Harry sobbed
"At least call Liam, he's worried about you, you know." Gemma said opening the blinds to let a little bit of light in.
"Fine, I'll get up, take a stupid shower, and call Liam! Happy?" Harry huffed throwing the duvet aside and walking into the bathroom to take a shower.
"Very, you have no idea!" Gemma said taking the dirty sheets off of Harry's bed and replacing them with new clean ones, she began cleaning Harry's room not even complaining, she was just happy that her little brother was talking again.
Harry got out of the shower twenty minutes later feeling slightly better physically but emotionally he was a wreck, he sat down on his freshly made bed and began thinking about Louis and couldn't help but shed a tear.
He quickly wiped it off, here he was crying over Louis who obviously didn't give a shit about him and he was probably out partying and with Niall and Zayn, fucking slut after slut. He took his phone and dialled Liam' s number, Louis had moved on, well it was time for him to move on too.
"Lou that's enough! You need to stop!" Niall shouted over the loud music taking Louis' beer off of his hand and putting it in the table near him.
"WHAT THE FUCK NIALL!!! GIVE IT BACK!!!!" Louis screamed reaching for his beer but losing his balance landing face first on the floor.
"C'mon Louis, let's get you home!" Zayn said lifting up Louis with Niall's help
"N-no!! I don't wanna go home, I want my Hazzabear!" Louis slurred and began crying on Zayn's shoulder
"I know buddy, I know!" Zayn whispered engulfing Louis in a hug
"C'mon Zayn, let's get him home!" Niall said helping Zayn carry Louis out of the party. They finally got Louis in the backseat of Zayn's car after ten minutes of struggling with him, they got in the car and started driving towards Louis' house.
"If he still loves Harry as much as he says he does then why don't they get back together?" Niall sighed looking back at a now asleep Louis
"You know why Niall, he just needs time and they'll probably get back together!" Zayn said pulling over in front of Louis' house
"Help me! He's heavier when he's drunk!" Niall said getting out of the car and opening the backseat door and pulling Louis out by his arms.
"W-where are we?" Louis slurred waking up
"Your house mate, c'mon let's get you out of these clothes and into your bed!" Zayn sighed helping Niall carry Louis to his front door.
"I told you to take me to my Hazzabear!" Louis giggled trying to turn around and walk back to the car.
"No no no no no, it's too late for that and Harry's probably asleep by now, Lou!" Niall whisper-shouted trying to reason with Louis
"B-but I wanna see h-him Nialler! Why can't you take me to see him? Louis whimpered, his lower lip trembling and his blue eyes shining with unshed tears.
"You're wasted Louis. Just go to bed and tomorrow if you still wanna go see him, we'll take you, ok?!" Niall said grabbing Louis' hand, pulling him into the house, then Louis' room where he tucked him in into his bed then turning the light off and leaving Louis' house with Zayn walking next to him.
"Poor lad!" Zayn said starting the car and driving to Niall's house to drop him off
"Yeah, I just hope they get back together, but with Louis' attitude and possesiveness I don't think it's happening anytime soon." Niall said
Louis woke up the next day with a massive headache, and his sisters screaming loudly downstairs wasn't helping his situation.
"Just shut up!" Louis mumbled burying his head deeper into the pillow.
He tried going back to sleep at least until the headache could disappear but his sisters screams kept getting louder and louder.
"Fucking hell!!!" He growled throwing the covers off of him and getting up, he opened the door with a loud bang and walked to the top of the stairs "SHUT THE HELL UP WOULD YA!!!!!" He shouted at them, his sisters shutting up immediately, then turned around back to his room slamming the door loudly after him and getting back into the comfortable warmness of his bed.
Sleep was starting to comeback to Louis when he heard footsteps coming towards his room getting closer and closer then his door opening, "Louis William Tomlinson, you get up this instant!!! It's 2:00 PM already, how is it possible you're still sleeping? I need you to take Phoebe and Daisy to the park!" Jay yelled.
"Muuuuum!! Can't you Lottie and Fizz take them?"
"No, I want you to take them, Lottie has to go to the library and Fizz has a lot of homework"
Louis groaned "Fine, I'll take them! Let me take a shower first!" Louis said dragging himself out of bed.
He walked to the bathroom in his room stripping his clothes on the way there leaving a trail behind him, while he waited for the water to get to to the right temperature he looked at himself in the mirror.
He had dark circles under his eyes from not sleeping at all all week long, he was starting to regret breaking up with Harry but it was already too late for that, he wanted Harry to be happy, to have a healthy relationship not like the one they had. If he had to stay away from Harry so he could be happy then so be it, he had to stay away for his own good.
"Phoebs slow down, you're gonna trip and I'm not gonna kiss it okay cause you didn't listen!" Louis warned the hyper little girl who had started running towards the swing set as fast as she could to keep any other kid from getting there first while Louis ran after her with Daisy running after him to catch up.
"LouLou can you push us please?" Daisy asked
""Sure Gumball!" Louis said and began pushing them.
He stopped pushing them for a little bit to fix his blue beanie when he noticed a head of brown curls walking towards them and Louis started freaking out and sweating buckets even though it was cold when he noticed it was Harry and he went into full out panic mode.
"Hey Louis!" Harry said smiling shyly
"H-hey Harry! What are you doing here?"
"Just waiting for Liam!" Harry said typing on his phone
Louis felt his stomach twist painfully feeling extremely jealous, if they were still together he would've already threatened Liam to stay away from Harry but since they were no longer together he couldn't do anything about it and it hurt so so much much to see Harry smiling while texting Liam.
"Hazza can you push me? Boobear here is too slow! Daisy whined snapping Louis out of his thoughts
"Sure!" Harry smiled walking over and standing next to Louis who immediately stiffened at having Harry way too close, he wanted to touch him, kiss him, hold his hand like they used to but couldn't do anymore.
"Gumball, Harry's busy, he's here to hang out with Liam, not to push you!" Louis said saying Liam' s name with so much venom and his words coming out harsher than he intended them to be
"Oh no, that's ok! I want to!" Harry said pushing a giggling Daisy and tickling her sides everytime she got closer to him.
"Boobeeeaaar! Don't be a lazy bum and push me faster!" Phoebe whined
"I'm not a lazy bum!" Louis said glaring at Phoebe
"Yes you are, you slept till two today!" The little girl argued and Louis' face turned a deep red when Harry laughed, the melodious sound filling Louis' ears.
"So?! It's Saturday, I can do what I want!" Louis argued back looking down at a giggling Phoebe glaring at her. His glare and red face making both of the little girls giggle harder.
"Umm...Louis? Can we talk? Harry asked pushing Daisy and nervously chewing on his lower lip.
Louis sighed knowing what was coming, "About what?"
"About us...or...What we used to be!" Harry said looking down at the ground with a sad expression, a sight that made Louis' heart break and want to cuddle him and tell him everything's going to be okay but he couldn't.
"Fine! Daisy, Phoebe, go play on the slides or the castle! Louis said
"I don't want to!" Daisy said
"Do you wanna go home?" Louis threatened
"Fine!!!" Daisy growled pulling her sister with her.
Louis turned around to face Harry "We can talk now! Let's go sit on that bench!" Louis said.
They sat down as far from each other as the bench would allow it, both of them looking at Daisy chase Phoebe across the playground.
"Why?" Was the first thing Harry asked, his voice shaking a little
"Why what?" Louis asked genuinely confused for a moment before realising what exactly Harry was asking.
"You know what?" Harry whispered
"I just need to know why?" Harry interrupted
"You know why! We already talked about this!" Louis said
"So... we're over for real then!" Harry asked trying not to cry again
Louis hesitated, he had two choices if he said no then he could get back together with Harry and try to change for his sake, but if he said yes he would lose Harry forever with no second chances. He wanted to do the right thing and that included stop being selfish for once.
"Yes!" Louis said, his heart breaking in the process
"Okay then...goodbye Louis!" Harry said and walked away from Louis
Louis watched as the love of his life walked away from him towards a waiting Liam and threw himself at him, burying his face on his chest. He got up and walked towards Daisy and Phoebe to play with them to take his mind off things and Harry, and also to avoid Liam's glare.
A/N: This chapter is probably pretty short...I don't know, but i wanted to update cause it's been a while now! I've been thinking about changing the name of the story, so if you have any suggestions please don't hesitate to comment it.
Don't forget to comment, vote, follow and share! I wanna know what you think, see if I need to change things!
Jenn <3
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