Chapter 10
Chapter 10
It had been a week since Louis' 'accident' and he had decided to just stop going to school and take online classes instead. Mason had apologized to Louis while he was standing feet away from him since Harry wanted him as far away as possible while Louis only rolled his eyes and Mason just wanted to get it over with but wanted nothing but to make Harry and Louis pay. To him, things weren't over. Louis and Harry had decided to just stay at each other's houses at least until Louis was seven months pregnant and then Harry would move in with Louis to help with the baby and Jay with the girls. While Harry was suspended he had asked for extra hours at the pet store but since he was still a minor and in school, Ryan, the manager of the store had refused apologizing and telling him that he just couldn't do it and that that would be illegal.
Harry spent half the day with Louis every day to keep him company while the girls were at school and Jay at work and then he would leave for work after cooking something for them to eat. It had been four months since Louis and Harry had been together and as soon as they were alone they didn't even wasted time and immediately made a run for Louis' bedroom leaving a trail of clothes behind while Louis begged Harry to fuck him into oblivion. Of course Harry being Harry and only wanting to protect both of them went as slow as he could frustrating Louis to no end who only wanted harry to go faster.
Soon enough the two weeks had passed and Harry had to go back to school where everything was boring without Louis and since he was almost five months pregnant it worried Harry to leave him alone in fear of something happening to him so he found himself texting Louis as much as he could.
"Lou, I'm home!" Harry yelled walking into his house with the key Jay had given him two weeks before.
"Harry..." Louis mumbled from the sofa where he was sitting crying and feeling around his protruding belly.
"Boo what's wrong, is the baby okay?" Harry asked kneeling down next to Louis and reaching to touch his belly.
"The-the b-baby just kinda moved..." Louis wailed wiping the s not off with a tissue.
"Really?" Harry asked as his hands roamed around his stomach covering the whole entire bump.
"It was just like a tiny fluttering but it was there and I felt it." Louis cried harder.
"Lou why are you crying?" Harry asked slightly amused.
"B-because he moved and it felt weird, I called Dr. Summers and she said it could have been that he was squeezed against my front." Louis sniffled.
"C'mere Lou, don't cry." Harry said getting up to sit next to Louis and wrap his arms around him.
"Do you have to work today?" Louis asked looking up with blue teary eyes.
"I could call in sick." Harry suggested reaching for his phone as Louis nodded frantically.
"Ryan? I'm really sorry but I can't come to work today, my throat hurts and so does my body." Harry said faking coughs here and there and a raspy voice.
"Thank you, I'll see you in two days then. Bye." Harry mumbled.
Guess what?" Harry asked back in his normal voice after hanging up.
"What?" Louis asked poking Harry's belly button.
"I don't have to work today or tomorrow." Harry said kissing Louis' forehead.
"Fuck...I would ask for a tiny sexual favor but my sister's will be here at any moment now." Louis groaned.
"I think the baby hates me." Harry sighed looking in the direction of the window on his left.
"What? No he doesn't, he...she lobes you Haz." Louis said with a big goofy smile.
"Then why won't she move when I'm around? I got here and she immediately stopped." Harry pointed out.
"Harry...It's still too soon for the baby to start moving that often. The doctor said it was just a fluttering now that won't happen that often, the baby loves you you're her dad." Louis said playing with Harry's hair.
"If you say so." Harry sighed.
"I know so." Louis said.
"LouBear we're home!" Lottie screamed from the door then heading to the recliner throwing her backpack over to the side.
"Hey Lottie, hey girls." Louis said getting comfortable in Harry's arms.
"Lou we're hungry." Daisy and Phoebe said at the same time making Louis uncomfortable at how creepy it looked and sounded.
"Husband your four children are hungry and I'm too pregnant to get up and make them something." Louis whined then rubbed his stomach to make his point.
"Sure pregnant husband, I'll make our daughters something to eat." Harry smiled rolling his eyes playfully.
"Yay, husband is making the food!" Phoebe cheered.
"Stupid they're the husbands and we're the children so that means they're our daddies." Daisy rolled her eyes.
"Daisy please don't call your sister stupid." Louis scolded Daisy.
"I won't do it again...pregnant daddy." Daisy giggled batting her eyelashes.
"I would tickle you but I'm too pregnant to do so." Louis said.
"Lou you're not even that big yet." Fizz groaned from her spot next to Lottie.
"Fizz I'm almost five months pregnant and I'm already tired as hell." Louis said sleepily.
"Can we just order pizza?!" Harry shouted from the kitchen.
"Sure love!" Louis shouted back.
Harry came back a few minutes later with his cell phone by his ear ordering pepperoni pizza for everybody while Louis tried to stay awake but Harry's warmth next to him was making it impossible. He was woken up by the loud door bell only to notice he had fallen asleep and Harry was at the door, he saw Lottie looking in Harry's direction narrowing her eyes into slits and as soon as Louis turned around his blood boiled when he noticed the delivery guy flirting shamelessly with Harry, his Harry! while the green eyed boy looked completely uncomfortable as he handed him the money.
"We'll help Boo!" Phoebe said getting up followed by Daisy as Louis observed them completely confused.
"Daddy we're hungry!" Both Phoebe and Daisy screamed at the same time clinging to Harry's legs.
"Yeah babe, the kids are hungry." Louis glared getting up from the sofa with a hand on his belly making the bump obvious as the delivery guy gape at him, his eyes traveling down to his bump.
"Thank you." Harry awkwardly said taking the boxes from him then closing the door.
"Ass hole..." Louis mumbled walking away to his room.
"Lou aren't you gonna eat?" Harry asked.
"M'not hungry." Louis yelled back closing the door then going straight for the shower since he hadn't showered the day before, he was busy cleaning his hair when he heard obnoxious knocking on the door.
"Louis open the door!" Harry yelled.
"I'm taking a shower! Are you deaf or what!?" Louis yelled back as the mood swings started much to his annoyance. He heard the lock clicking and soon Harry was standing by the shower pulling the curtain open to look at Louis who screamed trying to cover himself.
"What the fuck Harry! What's wrong with you?" Louis screamed.
"Wanna tell me what's going on?" Harry asked equally annoyed.
"No, now get out so I can shower in peace." Louis glared.
"I'm not leaving until you yell me what's going on." Harry crossed his arms over his chest looking at Louis expectantly.
"Nothing's wrong." Louis huffed.
"Yes there is now tell me." Harry insisted.
Louis looked down tearing up, " I'm fat and ugly and you're gonna leave me for a more fit guy." Louis mumbled finally giving up.
"Louis you know I love you and the baby, I would never leave." Harry said hugging Louis jot caring if he was getting wet.
"You promise?" Louis asked in a small voice.
"I promise." Harry nodded.
"I'm gonna finish showering then I'll see you downstairs in a bit." Louis said and Harry nodded closing the curtain then the door after leaving.
Louis stepped out of the shower careful not to slip and wrapped a towel around his waist and looked at himself in the mirror smiling fondly down at his bump, he turned sideways and began stroking it carefully.
"Hey sweetheart, you're probably asleep but I just wanted to tell you that I love you and I can't wait for you to get here...You know what? I actually can, you take your time and get here when you're ready." Louis said smiling.
He got dressed and made his downstairs where Harry and the girls were eating with him attending to their every need and Louis felt his chest warming up knowing what a great dad Harry will be and he was happy he had been the one to get him pregnant because he know knew their baby will always be safe with Harry. He slowly sat down next to him and Harry immediately wrapped his arm around Louis' waist and ate with his other hand, his rather large hand began rubbing circles on the side of his stomach making Louis shiver from the sensation. After they were done eating the girls had gone to their rooms to do homework while Louis and Harry sat on his bed against the headboard talking about anything. Louis suddenly felt nauseous and rushed to the toilet where he literally vomited everything he had eaten that day gagging until nothing came out while Harry rubbed his back.
"I hate this...and its all your fucking fault you ass hole." Louis mumbled tiredly while Harry tried not to laugh.
"It's okay Lou." Harry said.
"I'm gonna sleep." Louis said flushing the toilet and then grabbing his toothbrush to brush his teeth as much as he could.
"We get to find out the sex today Lou, aren't you excited?" Harry said excitedly rolling around Louis' bed while Louis just nodded.
Louis was already five months pregnant or twenty weeks and he was only getting bigger and bigger since he was a guy he was slightly bigger than a female. The cravings, mood swings, and slight swelling in his ankles had really picked up that week and he was hating every second of it, he wanted to tell Harry to just shut up about it but couldn't since he didn't wanted to make him sad.
"We're finally going to find out what you are baby, daddy loves you." Harry said to the baby then kissing it as they were laying down on the bed and Harry's head was next to Louis' bump talking and stroking it while Louis brushed Harry's hair with his fingers.
"What are we gonna name it?" Louis suddenly asked.
"Hmm, if it's a girl I wanna name her Ruby...wait no, I like Crystal or Jade." Harry said dreamily.
"Why gem names?" Louis asked curiously.
"Because she's my most precious gem." Harry answered and Louis started tearing up but quickly wiped them away.
"I like Crystal, we can name her Crystal babe. I like Brooke, Crystal Brooke Styles-Tomlinson. Long but I like it, do you like it Haz?" Louis asked nervously.
"I love it. How about boy names?" Harry said his head around to look at Louis.
"I really like Oliver." Louis smiled looking at Harry with a hopeful expression.
"I like Bradley or Dylan...Bradley Oliver Styles-Tomlinson. Eww no. Dylan Oliver Styles-Tomlinson...I like it, do you?" Harry asked.
"I do, we also need to start buying stuff for him or her. Thank God we'll know the sex by then so that way we know what color to buy and what to buy." Louis sighed.
"I really have no clue about what we're gonna need." Harry said.
"I don't either but your mum printed us a pretty detailed list that goes from what we absolutely need to what's the least we need. Oh...we gotta go." Louis said looking at the time on his phone.
"How have you been feeling Lou?" Dr. Summers asked.
"Pretty good actually, the only thing that worries me is that it hasn't moved at all." Louis frowned.
"Well, this is the month where you'll start feeling like glitters or butterflies in the stomach, that's called quickening. Now you felt your baby move a bit earlier but these will be a bit more stronger...lift up your shirt for me please." Dr. Summers said.
"Is it okay, can you see the sex?" Harry asked eagerly.
"Congratulations...It's a healthy baby boy." Dr. Summers announced.
"Babe it's our little Dylan." Louis said wiping the tears away.
"A little boy...we're gonna have a little boy." Harry said kissing Louis on the lips.
"Just four more months to go and you'll have a beautiful baby boy." Dr. Summers smiled wiping Louis' stomach with a towel.
"Thanks." Louis said getting off of the table with Harry's help.
"I want to talk about scheduling a C-Section, what do you guys think about August 1st?"
"That's...What do you think Louis?" Harry asked.
"Yeah, August 1st is okay." Louis nodded.
"Alright then, I'll go schedule it for you. You guys are free to go and remember Louis, drink plenty of water, get plenty of rest and call me if something is bothering you." Dr. Summers said.
"Will do." Louis smiled.
"Can we pretty please go shopping for Dylan's things now?" Harry asked pouting his bottom lip.
"Alright. Feels great to actually call him by his name now." Louis said looking at the ultrasound pictures.
"I know, our mums and sisters are gonna flip once we tell them." Harry said.
They later found themselves outside of Babies R Us staring wide eyed at the entrance, Louis gulped and took Harry's hand in his dragging him back to the car clutching the printed list in his other hand.
"Lou...hell no! We're going in and getting Dylan what he needs." Harry said dragging Louis back.
"Harry I'm not ready, people are gonna look at us funny." Louis whined.
"No they won't, you're not the only pregnant guy around and if they do I'll punch them." Harry said wrapping his arm around Louis' waist pulling him forward.
"If you say so babe.'s what we need. Five to seven one-piece outfits that zip or snap down the front and all the way down the leg. Five to seven shirts that have plenty of room at the neck so you don't choke the baby..."
"I'm not gonna choke him!" Harry gasped looking at Louis with wide eyes.
"Babe...I'm reading exactly what your mum wrote." Louis giggled.
"Oh...go ahead then." Harry said letting out a relieved breath.
"... better if they go over his or her tummy, his tummy and diaper and snap at the crotch. Five to seven leggings or pull-on-pants, five outer layers such as sweaters fleece jackets and sweatshirts, preferably with a hood. Avoid clothing that has dangling strings, tassels and ribbons because they're a choking hazard. Hats and mittens, socks or booties, five to seven pajamas. Diapers, wipes, changing pad if you're not buying a changing table, stroller, car seat, baby carrier if you want one.
Six to twelve burp clothes, four to twelve four and eight ounce bottles as well as the same amount of nipples. Formula (you can get later), two bottle brushes, three to five bibs, pacifiers, bouncy seat, play mat, crib and mattress, bedding, blankets, bulb syringe and thermometer. Haz that's a lot of stuff, how are we gonna pay for all of that." Louis asked beginning to tear up. Stupid hormones.
"Don't cry Lou, we don't need the changing table, or the bouncy seat and the formula and play mat we can get later." Harry said hugging Louis trying to get him to calm down.
"It's still a lot of stuff and expensive." Louis argued.
"Babe I've been saving up for ages and I didn't wanted to tell you this but our mums already payed for half the stuff, all we have to do is pick what we like." Harry said.
"You had all of this planned out didn't you?" Louis narrowed his eyes into slits.
"Mhm, now come on." Harry smiled pulling him towards the store where their jaws literally dropped at the amount of baby stuff.
"Well shit..." Harry mumbled.
The spent the next two hours picking stuff for the baby proving it difficult since Louis was extremely picky at the clothes and the crib and car seat saying it had to be a hundred percent safe for Dylan. Thankfully a woman who was genuinely nice to them helped them out when they started arguing over the car seat, Louis wanted a Winnie-the-pooh one while Harry wanted a simple blue one saying Dylan would not even notice the freaking designs and ended up getting the Winnie-the-pooh one then they started another argument when Louis flat out refused the white crib Harry wanted and ended up getting his way and got the dark wooden one.
"Mum we're home!" Louis yelled as he entered the house carrying two light bags while Harry carried the heavier stuff.
"Is it a girl or a boy? Please tell me it's a girl." Gemma yelled running out of the kitchen crossing her fingers.
"Gems what are you doing here?" Harry asked eyeing her carefully.
"We're all here." Gemma rolled her eyes and soon everybody walked out of the kitchen.
"Well? What is it, boy or girl?" Anne asked.
"It's a...It's a boy." Harry said.
"Yup, it's a Dylan Oliver." Louis smiled.
"It's a boy...and you named him Dylan Oliver? Anne, we have a grandson." Jay cried hugging Anne.
"Sorry Gems..." Harry said not sorry at all.
"It's okay Haz...girls we have a nephew on the way, group hug." Gemma cried hugging Lottie, Fizz, Daisy and Phoebe.
"We already went shopping...can you guys help me bring the stuff in, I don't want Louis carrying heavy stuff." Harry smiled.
They spent the afternoon bringing the stuff in then sorting it through as they all cooed at every thing they had picked as Jay helped Louis clear his closet then his dresser out to make more space for Dylan and Harry's stuff while Harry set the crib up. Both boys couldn't be any happier.
A/N: Short I know. Sorry for taking too long to update again, I literally have no shame.
I skipped time a bit to get things going. ...and shit's about to go down, just saying.
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