Wizarding World ✶ Magical Candy @AJRyter
Magical Candy in North America @AJRyter on Wattpad
Tell Tale Hearts
Chocolate heart candies shaped like human hearts (about the size of a tumb) that beat and glow red. They're filled with different flavors (strawberry, cherry, chocolate, coconut, caramel) that squirt when they're bit into. The perfect gift to tell that special someone how you feel on Valentine's day. Sweet/corny notes are often included: "My hearts beat only for you" "You hold my hearts in your hand" "Quit playing games with my hearts"
Chocolate Dragon Eggs
Often given out during Easter, the eggs contain gummy dragons (like gummy worms or gummy bears) that hatch at random and breathe multon caramel instead of fire.
Root Beer Floats
The more you drink the higher you float.
Any Drink Soda
Each sip tastes like a new flavor (root beer, cherry, Chocolate, pineapple, pancake, popcorn, hot sauce, bacon, you never know!)
Two-Tone Taffy
Taffy that changes a person's color, skin hair clothes everything, half one color half another. They could end up anything from half purple polka dots and half red stripes to half plaid half neon orage.
Calaveras (Sugar Skulls)
Available around Halloween. Painted and decorated with food coloring like the no-maj skulls for Día de los Muertos (the Day of the Dead) these skulls can talk and communicate with the those who have crossed over, but only on that one day. They can be made of chocolate or flavored with vanilla. They are made and sold all over Mexico and parts of the US and Canada as well as South America.
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