"I Know Exactly What I'm Doing"
It's after Far From Home but Tony's alive. Let's just say it's author's magic, shall we? After all, it's just a one-shot. See more explanation in the actual story.
And watch the media.
And suffer more.
What am I doing to myself...
"Contrary to popular belief, I know exactly what I'm doing."
~Tony Stark
Peter groaned as he put his pounding head between his crossed arms on the school bench. He's been feeling shitty even since he had come back from patrolling Queens the day before. It had been raining intensively, he'd been soaked wet. The world just seemed to have it in for him as he kept slipping on puddles, and ice from the hail, that happened to start dropping from the sky somewhere in the middle of his route, had been hitting him quite hard. He was sure that one more hour and he would have been struck by a lightning. Not like the suit wasn't isolated or something but it would be his Peter-luck and would still definitely hurt like he- much.
No need to say "language!", Captain. We have it under control.
But, back to there and then.
Peter woke up sneezing. That can be quite normal, for a normal person. But since when is he a normal. Like, that's a relative term. Anyway, he had a remarkably strong immune system, so a cold in the morning took him quite by surprise. The alarm clock hadn't even come off yet, he looked at the numbers and sighed, it was four a.m.. He put his head down on a pillow and covered his face with another one. After a while of rousing throbbing in the head he eventually fell asleep. For an hour. After this time the alarm went off, waking him up roughly. Friendly Spider reluctantly stood up, flinging off the sheets. He took one step, wobbling slightly on his feet, and immediately had to support himself by leaning on the wall. Through his ultra-sensitive senses he could hear everything that was going on in his room, like crawling of spiders up his walls, or raindrops slowly dripping down from a windowsill after previous day's rain,
and it wasn't helping his headache.
Somehow he pushed himself into the bathroom and to get ready to school. It took him some time but still, could have taken longer. When he was out, Peter went to the kitchen, rubbing his eyes. He tried to wake himself a little more because apparently an ice cold splash of water straight in the face wasn't enough.
"Hi Ma-" he started sleepily but stopped mid-sentence seeing, or rather not-seeing his aunt in the room. Instead of her he saw a folded note pinned to the fridge with a Spider-Man magnet. Ha, but of course it is. She really liked teasing him about it. Peter opened the note.
"Pete, I had to go to work earlier to get out in time for you know what so I left you- blah blah blah- sandwiches- blah blah... Oh, I larbe you too, May!" With that he took his breakfast from the fridge and quickly put the sandwich in his mouth, grabbing money for lunch, his backpack, and closed the door.
Going from staircase and into the bus was quite bearable, but beforehand getting down the stairs had been a challenge.
Fast movements seemed to just make everything worse because he had to catch balance with help of a railing and though the food was good, felt a sudden urge to throw up. Somehow he managed to keep it in. Already in the iconic yellow can on wheels, he rested his head against cool window. It felt nice in comparison to previous warm. The passing buildings where like blueish smudges, cars - colorful streaks. Beautiful but also dizzying, nauseous. Heavy on the latter.
He let out a sigh. It's going to be a VERY long day.
Yes indeed. Right he was.
===//that's Peter//🕷️//he's a breakline//say hi//===
He acknowledged that he had fallen asleep when he felt someone's cool hand, or rather finger, poking on his cheek. He had his other squished by the window and his palm. He closed his mouth as soon as he realized it agape. Looking up he saw MJ with cocked head and... her eyes were so beautiful... he shook his head. Not the time, Pete! Oh, who is he kidding.
MJ snorted. "What's up, loser?" She looked amused but something else flashed in her eyes. She was fidgeting with her black dahlia pendant which she got from Peter in London, after the battle.
"When did you get here? Not like I'm disappointed, I'm not I'm happy to see you, it's always awesome to see you, but I'm just curious and you look amazing today, new lipstick? Ah wait you don't use them-" Ha was abruptly stopped, thank gods, I always blabber when with her, by MJ covering his mouth with her hand. "Stop babbling Parker, it's not like I'm gonna bump you any minute. You make too many "crisis journal-y" faces. And I've been sitting next to you for good fifteen minutes."
"Why didn't you wake me up?"
"Why did you fall asleep?" She had a piercing gaze, her right eyebrow raised quizzingly. They were glaring at each other for whole ten seconds, good job Parker, until Peter broke the eye-contact. He lowered his head.
"Rough day."
"Yeah, I imagine. Quite a big hailstorm yesterday." She nudged his side. "We're in place." Jones pointed the building outside with her head.
She stood up with her backpack over one arm. "You're going?"
Peter snapped out of his trance and reluctantly stood up with a sigh.
===//Peter//🕷️//the breakline//say hi//===
Outside the class, Peter walked straight into Ned.
"Sorry" he mumbled.
"Pete!" Ned hugged his best friend. "I've sent you, like, fifty texts. You have your phone muted?"
Then it hit him like a truck. He actually did muted it."Yeah, completely forgot to turn it up. Sorry man." Ned patted him on the back. "Nah, we're cool. Now let's go."
He was dragging Peter in but the other stopped him."I was supposed to wait for MJ until she comes back from the restroom."
"You can blame it on me." Peter shrugged and went after Ned.
"I blame it on him." Pter said as fast as Michelle sat next to him and Ned. MJ shot Leeds an accusing look.
===//Peter//🕷️//the breakline//say hi//===
"-and that's how we do it... Peter, are you listening to me?" Mrs. Stacy asked. The answer is, he did not. They were repeating sines and cosines because there was this one exam coming, but he excelled in maths and this one subject was just super easy for him. He was tired and had his head in his hands. He felt hot and cold in the same time and a shiver ran down through his spine. He could feel his cheeks redden.
"Sorry, Mrs. Stacy."
She walked closer, in the meantime giving the rest of the class a task. She took in his appearance, re-doing short blonde ponytail on her head.
"Are you felling ok? You look a little pale." Ned looked at his friend with concern.
"He's sick but won't accept it." MJ threw over her shoulder. The teacher glanced at her, nodding, and laid a hand to boy's forehead.
"You're burning up! I have to call someone to pick you up. Wait here. Michelle, look for him while I'm gone, okay?" she turned to the rest of the class "The rest of you, you have work to do!" And with that she left the room.
Flash turned on his chair. "Yo, Dickwad, need a nanny?"
He glared at Thompson with sleepy eyes."Go sine yourself."
Well, Flash didn't expect that.
===//Peter//🕷️//the breakline//say hi//===
Waiting for the teacher, Peter thought that he'll entertain himself by slamming his head against his desk. Maybe then he would stop sneezing.
Then she walked in.
"I have contacted your next of kin. They should come a few minutes before the end of this class."
Petet mentally slapped himself.
"But... May was going out with Happy..., damn you, Parker."
Mrs. Stacy smiled reassuringly. "Oh, don't worry, it's not your aunt. She didn't answer her phone, I recorded myself on her voice mail."
That caught Spider's attention.
"So who did you call?"
She showed him a number. "It was a man. He seemed quite in a hurry coming here, to be honest. Recognize it?"
Of course he did. He knew it ever a little too well.
"You called him?"
The teacher looked puzzled.
"Do you know who it is?"
"Oh yeah."
"Eager to share?"
"You'll see." And with that, he slammed his head against the desk once again.
He more heard it than anything else. The chopping of helicopter's fans. It gained his class' attention but he stayed in place, he couldn't stop Ned though. MJ obviously didn't care. If it was a murder! Then everything would be different, but...
Peter sighed and sneezed right after. He looked at the man in a suit outside the window.
You always have to make an entrance, don't you?
===//Peter//🕷️//the breakline//say hi//===
A man bursted into the still flabbergasted class.
"Where's my kid?!" Tony's eyes lustered the room, stopping on the teen with flushed cheeks that was kind of trying to blend in. "Oh, Peter! There you are... And hello, little humans who are not important. Ned. Peter's girlfriend. MJ, right?" She nodded.
Ned's eyes were wide as saucers.
"Tony Stark knows who I am. Me, the Man in a Chair." Peter, sensing with his "Peter tingle slash spider sense" he was going into a fanboy mode, quickly nudged his side. "Dude."
"Sorry, it's just... It's the Tony Stark."
Yeah, Peter knows exactly who he is.
Tony Stark.
The one who died to save the world.
Duh, the whole universe.
The one on whose funeral he came.
The one who was for him like a father, mentor.
The one who toughen him.
The one who the whole world mourned.
Billionaire. Genius. Playboy. Philanthropist.
The dead hero who returned from the grave.
On the decree of the universe, it seems.
He was so happy when he found out. When the whole world found out, seeing his grave profaned, just to find the man very much alive a few meters away.
Peter hesitated just outside the door, hand raised in a manner to knock. He didn't get to do that, though. The door snapped open to show Tony Stark, in jeans and black t-shirt with... a chibi Spider-Man? They have been making those? Thoughts ran through teen's head as he looked at his "supposed to be dead saving the f*cking world" father figure. He would chide himself for that later, but he felt his eyes water and lunged himself at the Iron Man, blabbering without any sense. "I thought you're gone."
Tony looked at his kid, returned the hug and rested his cheek on the top of his head.
He then beared off, putting Peter in arm's length, both his hands on boy's shoulders.
"You did good, kid. I'm so proud of you."
When Ned suggested that in reality they were in simulation and someone just changed the script, he told him he's watched "Inside the simulation" one too many times. But then his man in a chair came up with even weirder idea.
"I tell you, it's all just a fiction, and we're being used in fanfictions of this fiction which causes there to be parallel, multiple universes, or even MULTIVERSES and-" thankfully, he managed to shut Ned's mouth in time or else his mind would have blown up. His world isn't a fiction, it can't be. He himself feels very not-fictional. Leeds just reads too many comics.
He's good with universe's volition.
"Tony Stark?!" Flash's kind of high piched voice drummed through the room. He hadn't believed Peter when he said he had and internship. Now one of the richest and most influential men in the world came to his school and asked for this loser.
"Yes, that's me. What was your name? Don't answer, doesn't matter." He headed to Peter's bench. Mrs. Stacy was making weird choking noises, staring at the billionaire.
"I appreciate the attention slash affection but I have a wife. Could you just sign him off?"
Tony crouched in front of the teen. "You look like shit." Peter looked at him, tormented, eyes lids ajar. "Figured" He sniffled and then sneezed a few times.
His voice softened. "C'mon, get up, underoos." Peter stood up on wobbling legs and supported himself with a chair. He reached out for his backpack with one hand, but Stark quickly drew him away from that idea slinging the bag over his own shoulder. "Oh my GOD! What do you have in it, rocks?!" then he turned around, dumbstruck. "What do you make them carry? So much waste of paper... You're all getting tablets with e-books next month. You can give those frigging rocks to build wells in Africa or something." The billionaire put an arm over Peter's shoulder and turned to the boy next to him.
"Ned, come here big guy and help me with him." Ned obediently helped his friend despite the latter's displeasure and ire. Tony walked behind them.
He turned his head to look at the class. "What are you imps looking at? Never seen Iron Man picking up his kid?" Not waiting for an answer, they left the room.
When Ned returned to school after getting so close to Stark's helicopter oh my God!, Tony closed the doors and sat comfortably, with Peter's head on his shoulder. He ruffled the kid's hair and gave the pilot a sign to fly.
They landed on the Stark Tower that Tony somehow managed to get back. But actually, considering what happened, he shouldn't be that much of surprised. Wind form the fans blew his hair everywhere. He took off his iconic sunglasses. They were not the ones with EDITH though. They had access, of course, but he insisted on the kid to keep them. Right now Tony had a... paternal break from being Iron Man. He was just genius Tony Stark. Morgan needed a father, and as it seemed, Peter as well. He knew they were close with Happy, well, closer after the London battle, but Hogan was more of a... badass, suit-wearing uncle.
Peter was trying to get out of the machine by himself. He really was. But he took one step down and would have landed on his face if not for Tony catching him. He called someone inside to get Parker's backpack and faced the kid.
"Okay, hop on."
Peter looked at him with tired eyes, clearly looking for a prove he misheard. "What?"
Tony looked uncomfortable. "I'm giving you a piggy ride. Now, hop on before I change my mind."
"But Mr. Stark..."
"Dont make me call May." It was serious. They both knew it.
"... okay." Awkward to the top, he dropped his hands over older man's shoulders like a kid.
"Just don't get those snouts onto me."
Inside, Peter half sat, half laid on the sofa in front of muted TV. Meanwhile, Tony was looking for something in the cabinets.
"Do you even know how to care for a sick kid?"
"Chill, little Spider, I know exactly what I'm doing." He was tiptoeing to get what seemed a small bottle from the top shelf.
"I still have Morgan" he said over his shoulder and smiled "so yeah, I do."
"So, how is she" a cough "doing?"
The man seemed to get astir.
"Oh, she's doing great! The smartest child in her class. Bah, the whole school. She's brilliant. I know it. She knows it. She's just modest." He came to Peter and gave him a bottle of syrup and a teaspoon. "Drink it, I'm seriously not gonna force it into you like you're a baby."
There was a pure hatred to the liquid in teen's eyes but he took the medicine anyway.
Suddenly Tony spoke as he sat next to him and the other hesitantly moved so he leaned on other's side with Tony's arm wrapped protectively around him."You know, Morgan, she's been asking when her 'big bro' is coming. She sew together a Spider-Man plushie. Quite good for a six year old."
"Oh, yeah." He said with a spoon in his mouth. "She loves me 1500."
"Well, that's not 3000." Tony said with a smirk.
"Why did I not see that coming. I seriously thought she's gonna get her head chopped off." Tony said, stuffing his mouth with popcorn.
"He looks like Strange." Peter noticed, throwing one corn is that a corn or still popcorn as singular?, and catching it with his mouth.
"Dont offend people."
He straightened his back. "I meant Doctor Strange. And no, I'm serious. Give him a closer look." And so Stark did.
"You're right. They're like twins! From two different mothers but really alike!"
"Did you say 'two different mothers'? How would that even be possible?!"
"Your only sixteen, don't try to understand adults' mechanics."
"I'm sure that's not how this works."
"You've been to space and fought an overgrowth purple Papa Smurf with weird stripped chin, who later decided to play farmer. Everything's possible."
They've spent some time just watching the TV show. Stark had his arm behind Peter's back, his hand gently stroking kid's hair. Tony quickly grabbed his phone, suddenly remembering to call May. Okay, maybe not call, he would never disrupt her date.
Tony: I have the kid. Stay (with) Happy
Tony: 😏
May: ...
May: He better not assimilate your ego
He smiled at that, then looked at the kid. He's too good for that to ever happen, he thought.
Word count: around 3000
What do you think? Personally, I'm quite proud how it worked out.
Do you know what show they're watching? Share!
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