lemme smell ya' breath
❝i'm moving further
away from what i am
and who i was.❞
❝Y'KNOW WHAT? I THINK WE DID A PRETTY GOOD JOBS, GUYS.❞ The brunette grinned, not before receiving a sigh from her duel-haired companion. Every one was seated in the briefing room, talking amongst themselves and waiting for the verdict of their match from All Might before going to change.
"You were the only one captured, Y/N." Shouto replied dully, making the female frown and the greenette seated next to her raise an eyebrow.
"Hey man, I did my job didn't I-"
"Okay students," All Might cut everyone off their conversations, making them face him, "as you all know, the villain team won, but that doesn't mean you all didn't do your best!" He looked around the room, his gaze lingering on the chestnut brunette, who silently gulped. "Ah, Y/N, you know you're meant to stop once you've been captured, don't you?" He swestdropped as all eyes went to the female, who was visibly relaxed.
"Well, yes, but that's what a villain would do, y'know? So, basically, I was playing my part..?" Her voice went a little high pitched, but the blonde teacher only hummed as he shrugged.
"I suppose so, yes, but please stick to the rules next time." He looked around the room again, beaming a smile. "Alright everyone! Great work today, get changed and enjoy your weekend!" The class cheered before hurriedly swooping out the door, crushing themselves in an attempt to leave.
Two purplettes came to the side of the girl, snickering as she could only sigh and wait for the teasing. Gold and lavender eyes made telepathic messages before both nodding in sync.
"So Y/N~" Kenji smirked, throwing an arm around the girls shoulder. "How about we grab some chicken noodles for dinner, hmm?"
"Or," Shinsou interjected, "we could grab some duck dumplings instead. They're really tender and tasty, y'know." Each internally giggled like school girls as the brunette gave a groan, which sounded like it came out in depressing chuckles.
"This is some bullying shit, man, I didn't ASKED to be put in a damn bird suit." She replied sourly, eyeing both males who seemed to shrug.
"It's not bullying if you're okay with it."
"And it's not rape if you enjoy it."
Letting a snort break through, the female smiled before shrugging off Kenji's arm, allowing her to walk freely to the change rooms.
"Y'all are some high class dumb dumbs, but so am I." Turning around, she cupped her hand and sucked in a breath. "Shinbro! Order some KFC! Kenji! You're paying for it!" And before either male could argue, she slipped away into the girls change rooms, leaving one to smile and the other to sigh.
"Damnit, duped again."
The cafeteria was busseling with students, all conversing as they ate their lunch or were in line to order it. The class of 3A had their own section, and everyone was happily seated and eating. All except for a handful. Y/N Shukaku, whilst the most popular in her class for all the wrong reasons, sat with a different bunch, which she got relentlessly drilled for by her friends.
"I need to buy a leash... and muzzles or something..."
Y/N sat with students from 3B, along with Shinsou and Kenji, who tagged along because it was funnier over here. Shoveling food into her mouth, the brunette gave a chocked laugh at her psychedelic friends comment. Monoma, however, was only focused on the sight of the BakuSquad enjoying their lunchtime, all except for their resident grumpy hedgehog. He would snap whenever anyone dared to breathe in his direction, which was about every five seconds.
"So, Y/N." The brunette hummed, swallowing her food as she turned to her seat buddy, Shinsou. "I dare you to go over there and say something stupid." His smirk went wide as she went quiet for a moment.
"You tryna get our queen killed?!" Tetsutetsu remarked, standing up from his seat. Kendo put a hand on his shoulder, slowly bringing him back down to his seat with a sigh.
"We can't be the Y/N appreciation club if there's no Y/N, Shinsou." The gingerette shook her head solemnly, making the flowery brunette swing her head around.
"I have an appreciation club?" She asked slowly, watching the whole table nod in agreement, Monoma doing so especially proudly as he held a hand to his chest and grinned.
"Bitch, I am the founder." He boasted, making Kendo groan at his confidence. The brunette stood up and gave a salute before walking away, ready for whatever was about to go down.
"Y/N, wait." Turning around, a pair of white clout glasses floated towards the girl, making her eyes widen at the masterpiece. Holding her hands out, the glasses were gently placed down onto her palms. Putting them on, her vision dimmed down, but her coolness went through the roof.
"If you didn't die with these on, then you didn't die at all." Kenji's voice echoed in her mind, making the female nod in agreement. Turning around, the female hasted to the rambunctious table, ready. Even though she was only halfway to the table, she could hear them shouting loudly, cutting through the ambience of the cafeteria.
"DUNCE FACE I SWEAR TO FUCKING CHRIST IF YOU DON'T GET THAT FUCKING FORK OUT OF THE OUTLET I'LL BLAST YOU TO HELL!!" Bakugou yelled, hitting the yellowette on the head repeatedly with his fist. As it dawned on you that you may be subjected to the same torture by just breathing near the explosive boy, it was too late as Kirishima noticed and waved to you.
"Hey! Y/N! What's up?" All movement on the table ceased as they watched the seemingly emotionless brunette walked towards them, which if you were to take a look in her mind, was quite the opposite.
'Dunk a breadstick in my pickle juice, aww man this is a bad idea. I can't do social events seriously, big y i k e s. Kenji, if you're reading my mind, save me before I shid and piss myself in fear. I am q u a k i n g.'
"Hah?! What's wrong with you, dumbass? Why are you here?" Bakugou spat, taking his shoes off the table as he leaned closer to the slient girl, who was having an internal breakdown.
"Bakugou! That's so rude!" Ashido pouted, watching the male as he glared at the brunette.
"Bakugou, relax. Hey there hottie, what can we help 'ya with?" Kaminari flirted, gaining a dirty glare from the ashen blonde.
"You are completely hopeless. She's quaking because of you." Sero sighed, shaking his head in shame. Clearing her voice, she pulled a piece of paper out from her pocket.
"Okay, so, I wrote a poem for you all." She announced, making them all stop and stare, except for Bakugou, who was being a cuck per the usual.
"You can shove it up your ass. What is this? Middle school?"
"Bro, shut up I wanna hear this!" Kirishima whined before giving his undivided attention to the female. "Please don't mind him! Continue, please." Internally praising the male for taming the beast, she stared at the page.
"Alright, so, roses are red,
Bakugou's an extremist,
Microwave go mmmmmm,
Guacamole penis."
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