i. oblivion
❝and i'm scared, but i know it's not
for long, 'cause i'm learning all
that i should've long before.❞
THE SCENT OF BURNT METAL FILLED THE ATMOSPHERE AS THE CLASS OF 3A MADE THEIR WAY TO GROUND BETA, ALL FLAUNTING THEIR FRESH HERO COSTUMES. Most talked amongst themselves, pointing to the rising smoke floating up over the other side of the boundary walls.
"Who do you think's responsible this time?"
"I don't know! But my bet's on Y/N."
Entering the facility, they saw multiple robots, each missing some sort of limb or completely dismantled. Parts were here and there, and the sound of even more turmoil lay up ahead. Giving a sigh, the blackette teacher of 3A took the lead, staring dismissively at the destruction.
"I thought I told them not to rampage this place." He mumbles to himself, hands shoved into the pockets of his own hero outfit. From the corner of his eye, he saw a flash of roots and moss sprouting from the ground. They attacked with ferocity, stabbing through the centre of the robot and flinging it to the side, allowing it to perish with the scraps of its replicas.
A girl with chestnut hair with flowers entangled through it flew past, gaining her footing as she kicked up dust from the concrete. She looked at the students, almost a little surprised, vivid yellow eyes peering at the clash of colours. The girl wore a green one suit, from her neck to her mid thighs with brown outlines, as well as a chestnut leather vest that ended at her stomach and was covered in colourful flowers and leaves. Around her torso was a utility belt equipped with various things. She wore green combat boots that went up to her shins with steel knee caps.
Reaching down with a fingerless gloved hand, she plucked a walkie talkie from her belt, bringing it to her lips. The sound of static droned on for only a moment until she spoke.
"Yo ditz, the rascals are here." She spoke, a smirk threatening to appear as she bit the inside of her cheek. The static came once again, but was replaced with a voice.
"Roger that. On my way, dipshit." The intercom clicked off, allowing her to slide it back into its spot on her belt. Looking around herself, there wasn't any more robots, which was either a good or bad thing. Good, being that she didn't have to fight anything else, and bad being, well, if they weren't here, then where were they? Shaking her head, she walked over to her class, giving a smile.
"Good morning everybody." She greeted, gaining a few waves and smiles as she stood in front of her tired and questionably depressed teacher. He could only offer a sigh as he motioned for her to join the group. Nodding, the girl stood in between her close friends, Izuku and Tenya, both stepping to the side to allow the girl some space.
"How long will it take Shinobu to get here?" He asked, glancing at the chestnut haired girl from over his shoulder. She offered a shrug, as well as a small grin.
"As fast as Iida when someone puts their feet on a desk." She snickered, looking to her left to see the colossal mountain of metal flinch and chop his arms frantically, mentioning something about 'it's the law' and 'how it's disrespectful'. The blackette teacher only gave another tired sigh, watching over the dismantled and crushed robots parts.
Turning a corner sharply, a male floated down, boots softly touching the ground. Golden eyes flashed as a smile adorned the tall boys features.
"Sorry, I was in the middle of something." Shinobu grinned, walking over to the group. He has purple hair that's shaved at both sides and tied into a bun at the back, a strand or two left hanging over his forehead. His hero costume was something out of a magic show, with a black and purple body suit that stretched from his shoulders to above his knees, and a regal golden coloured cape with white fur lining the end. He also wore high white combat boots and white fingerless gloves.
"Anyways," the teacher continued, seeing as though Kenji was apart of the crowd. "You'll be put into two teams of heroes and villains. Your objective is to either defeat the other team, or claim the ribbon held by an opposing team member. Which will be voted on, mind you." He whipped out two different coloured ribbons; red and blue. He looked at everyone individually before tossing the red one to the flowery bruenette and the blue one to an angry ashen blonde.
"It may be a Friday, but please don't try and kill eachother. You'll be graded on teamwork, planning, and your overall battling skills." He continued, explaining a few more rules and the like, but a certain brunette didn't have it in her to actually listen to the poor teacher. Instead, a butterfly gently fluttering along caught her attention, making her look around her fellow students to witness it.
Holy shit that's a thicc butterfly. Damn, I wish I could fly, that would be lit. Actually, I take that back, butterfly wings for a quirk isn't sounding too Gucci to me. I'd probably get my ass beat a lot. But what if someone has that quirk? Jah moments I swear.
"Y/N? Are you alright?" I blinked out of whatever daze I was in to look at Tenya obstructing my view with his clunky ass helmet. I gave a thumbs up and a smile, nodding.
"Yup! What's happening?" I ask, spinning on my heel to see only half of the class here. Whipping around for a second time, I saw the other half of our class walking down the street in a group. I inwardly cursed, seeing that Kenji wasn't going to be on my team.
"Well! The teams were organised, our objective was told to us and Mr Aizawa left. You should really pay attention, Y/N." I glanced back to the knight, shrugging.
"Hey man, you know how much effort it is to listen to someone? Too much if you ask me." I reply earnestly, pointing finger guns at him before going to talk with the rest of my team. A paper was thrust into my chest, making me flinch. I took it and looked at the source, which made me grin. "Oh, thank you Elsa." I snatched the paper, studying it as Shouto stood besides me
"Just thought I'd let you know that Iida is our holder, and that we're on the villain team." He explained, myself nodding at the new found information.
ASUI Tsuyu
JIRO Kyouka
SERO Hanta
SATO Rikidou
IIDA Tenya
OJIRO Mashirao
Wincing, I gave it back to Shouto, who held a questioning look.
"Izuku's with Bakugou. Y i k e s." Looking around, I saw Momo leading the conversation with her game strategy. I walked over and stood next to Kirishima, listening to her plans.
"If we split up into two teams, then one can distract whilst the other team comes from behind them and defeats them." She reasoned, glancing at everyone for any suggestions or comments made by anyone else. I saw Tenya give a nod, hand to his chin.
"I think that's a great plan! But, how will the teams be chosen?" He adds, glancing at me, to which I shrugged.
"Maybe we should just put one person in charging of distracting or something." I chirp lazily, hardly remembering what they were talking about five seconds ago. Just as I said that however, everyone turned to face me. I froze and let my jaw drop, shoulders slumping.
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