The night seemed peaceful.The breeze was rather calm and the stars shine bright in the night sky.Ford Pines was peacefully sleeping in the basement couch,excited for tomorrow's plan (he and his brother were planning to sail out their boat to the Arctic Ocean and do a research on giant squids).
In his dream,the man was standing in the beach,the same one he and his brother would go to when they were younger to search for buried treasure.He sniffed the air-just as he remembered it.It captured the essence of the sand,the oceans,and everything else so splendid in his childhood memories of the beach.Ford began to hum a low,husky tune.It seemed as if nothing else could go wrong here-nothing.
Ford reached down,and put his hand on the cold waters of the ocean.He looked out into the beautiful red sunset sure was a beauty.....sure truly was.....
Then suddenly,the red sunset turned into a pitch-black nightmare.The sand turned into dark gray coal.The ocean turned into a mass of green (Ford suspected) toxic waste.He hadn't had one of these kind of nightmares....ever since that dream with Bill.....
Bill.The triangle that tried to destroy the universe,who lied to Ford,tricked him,manipulated him.He couldn't be possibly back,right?
Of course not,The six-fingered man assured himself.Now that Weirdmageddon was over,the henchmaniacs were sent back to the Mindscape,and Cipher was destroyed,what could go wrong?
Ford didn't want to tell his brother this,but he was deeply stressed.He had been doing research and he speculated that it was possible for the one-eyed dorito to return to Gravity Falls.His mind drifted to the infinity-sides dice he had shown Dipper.Was it possible that if he or someone else were to role it,Bill could return?He also thought about the stone statue,which when Stan made a deal with Bill,Bill left his form to enter Stanley's mind.Was it possible the triangle's soul was trapped in there?Or did he,really have a soul?
There was no way to destroy the dice,so he hid it deep in the forest-with a secret code so hard to decipher no one could figure it out but him.Ford had studied the statue-nothing unusual about it.
Suddenly,interrupting Ford's thoughts,was a sinister sounded like Bill's loud,thundering,echoing voice.....but this voice wasn't his.It was much lower,and it sounded like Dipper's....only it had an echo to it.
Black vines appeared out of nowhere and thrust forward to Ford,but he tried to run away.He failed,tripping on his knees,and the vines strangled him.Hard.He felt like he was going to bleed.
"You can't escape from me,Sixer!"the voice echoed.Ford realized that this really was Dipper's voice,but his normal voice didn't echo like that.....and when did his nephew call him Sixer?
Suddenly,a picture appeared in front of him,with Mabel's shooting star symbol.The shooting star slowly disappeared,reappearing with Dipper's blue pine tree symbol,only the pine tree was a light shade of turquoise.The Bill Cipher wheel then appeared,showing not Bill in the middle but a maroon triangle dream demon wearing a blue vest and Dipper's pine tree cap.At first the dream demon had a scared expression,his stick like black arms clutching his third journal-then the picture glitched and showed papers flying everywhere,and the pine tree symbol etched out on the wheel-replaced by an triangle with a circle in the middle and a slash in the circle.The dream demon in the flash picture now had a rather sinister expression,and red fire burning in his hands.The shooting star symbol was etched out,replaced by a pine tree.Ford noticed that triangle resembled Dipper,the maroon shade representing the color of his usual shirt,the pine tree cap representing the cap he always wore,and the blue vest representing the one he wore.Then why was the boy a triangle like dream demon?Why was Mabel's shooting star etched out,replaced by the pine tree?Why was Dipper's pine tree symbol etched out?The old man had a rather ton of questions.
The pictures all disappeared,leaving Ford to look at the pitch black sky.The vines let go of Ford,and he fell from the sky............
He kept falling,and there looked to be no ground.He felt fear clutching him in his soul.He felt as if he were to be swallowed by this endless pit.
"Quit the game,Bill!"he suddenly barked.
"Oh,I'm not Bill........"the voice said,thundering.
A different voice,which was deep and hallow,whispered a chant.Ford payed close attention as the voice began to speak:
No puppet strings to hold him down,
Just fraying ties to friends and town.
Shape soon adjusts to the Dreamscape's norm,
But more can change here than just form.......
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