Chapter Seven
It was only three more hours before Mabel,Dipper,and Stan reached Gravity Falls.Mabel was asleep,her soft snores being the only sound in the car.Dipper had tried to sleep,but he realized two things.The first thing was that dream demons couldn't sleep at all.The second was that he didn't feel sleepy.
He wished Mabel were awake.Dipper and Stan both could hardly conjure up a conversation.But the male twin didn't want to wake his sister up.She looked quite peaceful,but all that was going to change in a minute.
Mabel's left eyebrow scrunched a bit,the first sign of a nightmare........
-Mabel's Dream-
Mabel was wrapped in glowing red chains,blood trickling down her lip.All she could hear was an echoey,inhuman laughter in the background.
The older twin tried to be brave,which she realized,wasn't an easy thing to do when you were being covered in tight irons chains and hearing someone cackling behind you.
"Who-w-ho are you?"Mabel said,her first word a stutter,her second and third barley a whisper.
The voice stopped cackling."Don't you recognize my voice,dear sister?"
Mabel stopped squirming in her chains.The voice said dear sister.That meant the voice could only be......
"Dipper?"she asked.She realized that the voice did sound like her brother.....only it was less human-like.
The voice decided to reveal itself.Stepping out of the galaxy colored,star painted landscape was......not what Mabel expected(Then again,Mabel didn't know what to expect.).
The voice turned out to be some type of demon (Mabel realized that he was probably a demon because of that powerful glow he seemed to give off by his presence,like Bill.).The demon,like Bill only had one eye,wore a top hat and had a bow in the place where his mouth should've been but he was a blue pine tree instead of a yellow triangle.
"No,I'm not that paranoid meat sack,I'm the paranoid meat sack's demon!"The blue pine tree demon shouted,hovering over Mabel.
She looked,astounded at the demon."Wh-what?!My brother's no demon-wait,he is one now."
"Oh,sorry miss,let me explain."The demon tipped his top hat in mock apology."Folks call me Pine Tree.I'm the demon inside your brother!"
"I can see why they call you that."Mabel said."What do you mean,by that your the demon inside my brother?Isn't he already a demon?"
Pine Tree clapped his hands,and a black cane appeared.He spun the cane around while saying,"Well,technically speaking,your brother's NOT really a demon....YET.You see,that's how he can come to your dimension as much as he pleases,instead of being in the Mindscape all the time.And you've got a demon inside of you too!Her name's Shooting Star!"Pine a Tree clapped his hands again,and a blue hologram of another demon appeared.This one was a shooting star,she had one eye as well.
"What?!When did I have a demon inside of me?"Mabel asked,trying to point an accusing finger at Pine Tree,but it was hard to do that being wrapped in chains.The demon noticed this and snapped his fingers,the chains disappearing.Mabel fell to the ground,bruises on her knees and cheeks.
" know that moment when you feel angrier than you imagined,slightly sadistic,or you feel like the devil is inside of you?"Pine Tree asked Mabel,who nodded fearfully."Well....that's us,coming out to play!Your demon reflects your dark side.Not everyone has demons inside of them,of course.Only the Fallen Ten."
"Fallen Ten?"she asked.Pine Tree rolled his eye.
"God,you sure asks a lot of questions."He said."I can't answer all of them,but I can tell you one thing.You won't be able to stop me from taking over your brother.....remember,the more darker his personality gets,the more he'll turn into ME....he'll be just like ME....he'll become me.....and after that I can channel all the other Fallen Ten's demons,and we'll be UNSTOPPABLE!"
Pine Tree had a cackling fit.Mabel stopped her foot and yelled,"I'll destroy you!"
The demon looked over at her."How can you destroy me,if I'm part of the thing you love the most?"
With that,he disappeared.
-Dream Ends-
"Mabel?Mabel?!"The female twin awoke to the sound of her brother's voice and his hands shaking her shoulders.
"Dipper?Why'd you wake me up?"she said groggily.Mabel hadn't realize how tired she had been,and now she was getting one of those feelings in the morning where you just want to go back to sleep for eternity.
"You looked terrified when you where kept squirming,and you yelled,'I'll destroy you!'.If you don't believe me,ask Stan himself."Dipper gave a worry glance at his sister."What were you dreaming?"
"I-uh-......"Mabel thought about it she should tell Dipper what she was really dreaming.Would he be terrified,even more scared of himself if she told him about Pine Tree?
Suddenly,a voice yelled at her,Don't tell him!You don't want him to know!
"Wha-?Who said that?"Mabel looked around.No one was speaking.
"Mabel,are you alright?"he asked again."You can trust me,just tell me,please!"
Yeah right,like you can trust him.The voice said with sarcasm.Remember last summer,when he hid about his dealings with Bill,his apprenticeship with Ford,and-
He did all that to protect me,you dummy!Mabel yelled in her mind at the voice.
"I'll tell you all about that......later......."she said.Was Mabel really taking the voice's word?The voice had a calm,relaxing female tone......the type of voice you could trust.But Mabel learned that you couldn't trust anyone.
"Promise?"Dipper asked.
She smiled back at him."I promise."
But did she really mean it?That smile on Mabel's face felt fake.
The car came to a halt.Stan turned around and told the kids,"Hey,we're going to stop here for a good fifteen minutes for a bathroom break.Mabel,you can go first.I'll stay in the car with your brother."
She nodded,and hopped off the car.The gas station seemed deserted,no one there but them three.
Mabel splashed water on her face,which felt hot and sticky.She also washed her hands,which also felt hot and sticky.
A blinding light flashed in front of the mirror.Mabel backed up,and made fists.She clenched her teeth as hard as she could.Mabel had always been a better fighter than her twin brother,even now he was on the stages of adolescence.
"Hellllloooooooo Mabel!"The same female voice she had heard earlier echoed in the distance.
"W-who are you?"Mabel asked,clenching her teeth tighter.
"Why,I ask myself that all the time?I'm your mirror,your reflection of your deepest desires.I'm you."The voice revealed itself to be the same shooting star demon Mabel had seen earlier,only this time she was wearing a fuchsia top hat and bow.
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