Chapter 15: The True Culprit! Gold Heart Awakens! - Part 2
Previously on Hyperdimension Neptunia: Legend of the Male CPU. . .
Things were looking peaceful for our rookie hero, (Y/N) for the moment as he decided to spend some quality with Lowee's CPU Candidates, Rom and Ram. As they were having fun, Uranus left a small, rather cryptic hint that tied to (Y/N)'s watch, but was left with no answers. Ignoring it, (Y/N) continues to try and have some fun with the twins before he was suddenly abducted by an unknown figure. When (Y/N) is pulled to a remote location, he meets the true culprit behind commanding the Virus Empire to take over Gamindustri. Viron, the King of Viruses. Seeing that there was no choice, but to fight (Y/N) tries his best to match Viron's level of fighting, but he the more he fought, the more he was getting overpowered. Thinking that he's won, Viron attempts to finish off (Y/N), but just in the nick of time, the CPUs and CPU Candidates have come to the rescue. Now all of our heroes stand before their new foe and is ready to finish what (Y/N) started for them. Will the goddesses be able to win against Viron or will they simply just delay their fate?
Purple Heart (Neptune): Be prepared! (N/N) fought well for us, but now we will take it from here and show you why we are CPUs!
As the story continues now. . .
(Insert Opening Here)
IF's P.O.V.
Location: Planeptune's Basilicom, Sharicite Chamber
July 12, 20XX
Time: Evening
We were so glad that Nep and the others were able to go and save (Y/N) just in time as Compa and I have rushed to get Miss Histoire who was busy doing some work of her own helping with any questions that some citizens from Planeptune had. Compa and I explained to Miss Histoire about the situation and who was the true culprit behind all of this as we are now in the Sharicite Chamber speaking to her right now with Compa holding the computer to show the situation that was happening in Leanbox.
Histoire: This is quite a shock. Our enemy as been right under our nose this entire time without us knowing.
IF: Each time (Y/N) went into another reactor, he was fighting a weak version of our enemy, who calls himself Viron, and even so. . . just fighting one of them was a struggle for him to take down. But as you can see right now, no matter what new tricks he dished out, he kept getting overwhelmed by the fact that Viron had more strength, speed, and durability to outmatch him.
Compa: We could even tell just how much effort (N/N) was putting into battling Mister Viron. He didn't have this much wounds before, he had way and he was still able to fight. . .
Compa then looked down to the ground with a dejected look.
Compa: . . .However, all of us rooted for him and it still ended up with him losing.
IF: Lucky for Nep, she was able to come to her senses that (Y/N) wasn't in any condition to fight anymore and all of them are now there as you can clearly see. What I did want to ask though, is if there is any record of someone named Viron in any of your data? We could use that information to see if we can help Nep and the others in some way.
Miss Histoire shakes her head sadly to that question.
Histoire: Unfortunately, I'm sorry to say that I cannot find any data of the sort in time for you to use it. It would take three days to fully find it.
I sigh from this as I really don't get how Miss Histoire takes so long to process just a simply story of history for us.
IF: *sighs* I figured. . .
Histoire: Was there anything specific about the fight (Y/N) had with this Viron that you noticed?
Compa: Nuh-uh. . . Other than that he is a rather mean person hurting (N/N) like that. . . I couldn't do anything about it and neither could Iffy. . .
Histoire: I see. . .
Miss Histoire then turns to the Sharicite which was still having it's using glow of energy that we see everyday.
Histoire: Knowing that (Y/N) is alive thanks to Neptune is good news as it appears that the Sharicite is still completely intact. If Neptune and the other CPUs didn't get there in time, then I'm sure it would illuminate red like it did before the day we even had (Y/N) over. . . Something still does seem rather peculiar. . .
This makes Compa and I curious as we both look at each other before back at Miss Histoire.
IF: What's that. . .?
Histoire: (Y/N) is apparently the "only" source who is keeping the Sharicite how it is. He's not even directly interacting with it and it still is able to block any Virus energy that tries to enter it.
Compa: But didn't you say that it was because (N/N) was wearing that golden watch of his that it's happening?
IF: No, Compa. Remember the day that he woke up in the Basilicom. . .? There was also an examination in his blood stream.
Histoire: Speaking of which, I did ask (Y/N) a couple of days ago to allow me to analyze another sample of his blood. . . and I noticed something rather different as there was actually a faint radiant glow that showed for a moment before it went back to being normal.
Compa: Oooh. (Y/N) has glowing blood?
Histoire: Precisely. More specifically, it was a more shiny golden color for a second. It's something that I don't have the answer to why that something that strange occurred in someone like (Y/N). . . While his blood does indeed contain the ability to hold Share energy to fuel his power. . . the fact that it is doing this now. . . makes me think of something more than what (Y/N) orginally is.
This surprised me before I get a serious look on my face as I remember awhile back we heard (Y/N)'s life story from his foster parents. I think I know what Miss Histoire is trying to say. . . I even look at Compa as she too looks to be intrigued.
IF: Miss Histoire. . . Could you be implying that (Y/N). . . isn't entirely human?
Apparently, I hit the bullseyes as Miss Histoire looks up at me and sighs.
Histoire: While it is still hypothetical of what this means. . . that is most accurate answer that I can say for now. What gave you the idea that made you consider that (Y/N) isn't entirely human either, IF? Compa?
I look at Compa as I look at her and nudge my head gesturing her about something. It was the time where we truly found out where (Y/N) came from and when Compa realizes what I was talking about, she gives a slight gasp before shaking her head worriedly. It was most likely the fact that (Y/N) wanted us to keep this a secret from everybody and I'm sure everybody includes Miss Histoire too. I don't like keeping secrets from somebody like her, so I put a hand to my head and sigh wearily before looking back at Miss Histoire as I told her something different.
IF: That's something that you'll have to ask (Y/N) yourself. . .
Compa: Secret. . .
I knew that our answer would be met with confusing from Miss Histoire as stares at us with a raised eyebrow not really knowing what information (Y/N) was keeping from her. However, she knows that we're not like Nep who probably fibs over more ridiculous things than this so she gives an understanding nod.
Histoire: *sighs* If that is what you wish, then I will not probe you for anything else.
Compa: *smiles* Thank you, Miss Histoire.
Histoire: I'm glad that you two have shown me these useful pieces of data as I'm also glad that Nepgear found our young companion for us to analyze not only his, but their fight with Viron as well.
Compa: I really hope Nep-Nep, Ge-Ge, and everybody else will be alright. . .?
IF: Let's try our best not to be worrywarts about it Compa. Besides. . .
I then take the computer out of Compa's hands and I type a couple of things on it before the feed that Gear had of the fight was now back to it's normal recording to what was happening now as we could see Nep and the others talking with Viron who had a frown on his face not really happy to see that we sent them over there to rescue (Y/N).
IF: The only thing that we can do right now for them is hope for their safety as we volunteered to stay back and watch how this will go. . . but even so, it's up to Nep now to deal with this situation like you said.
Compa: Iffy. . .
IF: It's not a bad thing to be an optimist, Compa. I like that about you and Nep. . . but sometimes you also have to be a realist too as this is what's currently happening in the present.
Histoire: IF is right. Let us see if there is anything that we can possibly use to our advantage while watching this battle. . .
Third P.O.V.
Location: Leanbox, Remote Island
Thanks to (Y/N) being able to stall time and fight, the CPUs were now here face to face with Viron and came to protect their friend from being killed by their new foe. White Heart and Viron clashed their weapons for a moment before they pushed each other back as White Heart repositions herself with her allies. Viron wipes some dust off of the shoulder part of his armor before giving the CPUs a deep glare.
Viron: I don't need to feel fear right now. . . but I still don't need to feel like I've won either. My goal was to overthrow you CPUs and rule Gamindustri with an iron fist that controls not only all of the nations, but Virus energy as well.
Purple Heart (Neptune): You've shown yourself to us now. Now that you're true self is standing before us, we're going to make sure that your plan doesn't go in effect at all.
Black Heart (Noire): I guess that the fact that (Y/N) was able to survive against you long enough was luck for both of us.
Purple Heart (Neptune): No, Noire. . . I wouldn't call this luck. . .
Black Heart (Noire): What gives you that idea?
Purple Heart (Neptune): If (Y/N) didn't let himself get captured instead of Rom and Ram then we wouldn't be able to track this location.
Purple Sister (Nepgear): Now that you mention it, all the way out here. . . our communicators are useless now all the way back in Planeptune. . . Due to this place not really picking up any satellite signals, the only method of contact we would have would be (Y/N)'s watch.
White Heart (Blanc): Yeah, even so. . . it wasn't like I was just going to sit back and watch him get obliterated by this shitbag.
(Y/N) smiles from that was sitting up as that tells him just how much the CPUs care for him. Green Heart looks over to him and sees his smile as she smiles back at him before turning to Viron.
Green Heart (Vert): We are indeed grateful that Nepgear and (Y/N) provided us the means to find you. I suppose you haven't heard of the expression. . . "Like moths to the flame?"
Viron scoffs from Green Heart mocking him that he fell for a trick that he wasn't prepared for.
Viron: I knew that you all were more of a nuisance than I thought.
Purple Sister (Nepgear): *smiles* Well. . . you would have to look at me since I was the one who modified (Y/N)'s golden watch in the first place.
Black Sister (Uni): Not the time to brag, Nepgear. . . but she's right. The fact that she even came up with such a contingency plan for us to find you is prove enough that we were two. . . possibly three steps ahead.
White Sister (Ram): Like a game of hide and seek, we caught you.
White Sister (Rom): Red-handed.
Green Heart (Vert): Splitting yourself up into your generals to hide your true identity. . . Clever, but you must've gotten overconfident to think that just trying to get rid of (Y/N) in your usual form would be enough to hide from us.
Viron growls as he clenches his fists in anger that he is now confronting eight goddesses who have outsmarted him over the course of their fights. However, thinking of Green Heart's comment, he takes a deep breath and just sighs.
Viron: Just so we're clear. . . I "wasn't" trying to hide from you goddesses. If I wanted to try and exterminate you all and drain your power myself, I would've done so earlier when you all were at your most vulnerable. The reason I didn't was because that I knew that I was already weak.
He then looks down at the palm of his hand as he slowly clenches his fist.
Viron: When you're in a battle or even an entire war. . . knowing your weaknesses is the key to knowing when is the exact right time to fight your enemies. That's what I kept telling myself. It's also the reason I put my power into creating generals to fight you in case it needed to be done. If either four of my generals lost a battle then that would just mean that I'm still too weak to overcome a goddess. After our quarrel in Planeptune though. . . I realized that it was him. . .!
He points over to (Y/N) who was giving him an angry glare. The CPUs eye (Y/N) before turning back to Viron.
Viron: He was the exact wall that I needed to push through in order to bring you goddesses down. My general Hijack would've beaten him, but thanks to that damn watch of his, it caused you all to transform even when Virus energy was emitting a field strong enough to prevent you all from powering up. I resented myself for a short time after realizing this. . . but all that meant for me was that I just needed to keep learning what advantage I had over him. It's easy to enter a battle, but once your inside, escape is almost futile when you realize that you're at a disadvantage.
(Y/N): So you're telling me that bringing me here was a gamble??
Viron: I had the exact idea that you were being carried by the CPUs that stand right before me. Perhaps it was even the opposite considering you were their source of transforming. It wasn't a gamble, it was a likely chance since my power was greater than yours. I clearly proved that to you all. Now it just pisses me off that maybe I'm in a disadvantage again since you all came for me.
Purple Heart (Neptune): We were coming after you because you were about to kill (N/N)!
White Heart (Blanc): A dirty, sadistic bastard like you who's only goal is to try and beat us down doesn't justify anything, you dipshit!
White Sister (Ram): We're going to go all out on you!
Black Heart (Noire): If you know your own weaknesses then you should know that you're clearly outnumbered against us!
Viron: I wouldn't always say that there is strength in numbers. . .
Green Heart (Vert): Well that's quite hypocritical considering you tried using an entire army to beat us.
Viron: Let me finish my thought, Miss Busty! Though with a size like that, I'm sure they're fake.
Green Heart gains a tick mark at Viron mocking her breasts which is something that she takes great pride in.
Green Heart (Vert): Fake?! Say that again and I will end you here and now!!
Both Purple Sister and (Y/N) were surprised at Green Heart's sudden anger.
Purple Sister (Nepgear): Goodness. . . That got Vert riled up real quickly. . .
(Y/N): Yeah. . . That's something I'd never really thought I would hear Vert defend herself for. . .
White Heart (Blanc): Focus, will ya Thunder Tits!? (Honestly, that pisses me off a little bit too.)
Viron: It's all about knowing the opponent that you're dealing with too. Throughout the fights that you had with my generals, I was also analyzing what fighting style you all tend to have in your mindset too. Even both the Guild agent, the nurse, and the Gold Third who must be still back at your nations somewhere. I can even explain it hear and now just what your methods are.
He points over to Purple Heart who kept her glare on Viron to see if he would try anything on her.
Viron: You, CPU of Planeptune, doesn't mind playing an offensive or defensive scenario as you are able to handle both kinds of situations in close sword-range combat. However, you do tend to become less serious in some situations when you are executing a plan or think you have an advantage. Your little sister who is your CPU Candidate is a different side of that coin as she likes using ranged and close-ranged attacks. While she is rather gullible, she's more serious unlike you. . . I find that rather ironic.
He then points over to Black Heart who was with Black Sister as well.
Viron: CPU of Lastation, you like to talk down to your opponents a lot when you're winning in a situation and often more likely to fight by yourself in a competitive situation. Your attacks show grace and elegance like a dance and are coordinated awfully fast. Your little sister is a master markswoman, so I should keep out for her whenever I'm far away. It would be more wise to combat her up close, wouldn't it?
Black Sister sweats from this as that is actually her exact weakness seeing that she only carries around a large rifle. However, Black Heart reassures her sister to not get nervous just because someone is able to analyze both of them. Viron continues the analysis data that he caught of the CPUs as his attention focuses over to White Heart and the two CPU Candidate twins.
Viron: CPU of Lowee, you excel in physical strength more than the other CPUs and is considered to be the more strategic type even though you have a short fuse that can make you lose your head in a fight. Your tiny sisters don't intend to be separated much from each other as they work together most of the time that they are fighting. They even specialize in magic skills to exploit weaknesses out of their opponent.
Viron then points his finger at his last adversary which was Green Heart.
Viron: Finally, CPU of Leanbox. . . You are indeed fast and you can counter attack a lot of the times when someone combats you from afar. Even though a spear is a mid-ranged weapon, I should be more careful if I am too far away from you. . .
Viron then crosses his arms finishes his explanation on how he sees the CPUs fight through his own eyes.
Purple Sister (Nepgear): So you've been studying us hard. . .
Black Heart (Noire): In that case, we'll just have to change our approach now that you've told us how exactly we fight.
Purple Heart (Neptune): Hold on, Noire. . . He may telling this to us for a reason. . .
Purple Sister (Nepgear): What makes you say that sis?
Purple Heart (Neptune): The fact that we've beaten his generals means one thing, but know that we know that they are a part of him is another. . .
White Heart (Blanc): Hold on. . . You mean. . .
Purple Heart (Neptune): Some of us may already know how to deal with some of what Viron plans to combat us with, but remember that (N/N) was the only one with you in those reactors. Though Nep Jr. may know two things considering she went to the reactor that was owned by Leanbox's Virus Empire.
Purple Sister (Nepgear): Huh. I didn't really do much analysis when I fought Hijack back in Planeptune, but Malware was pretty strong with his powers as it was a little more tedious. . .
Purple Heart (Neptune): That's fine. . . I mostly fought Hijack, so I'll know when to look out for that portion of fighting inside of Viron.
All of the CPUs then pulled out their respective weapons and got into a fighting stance as Viron did the same.
Viron: You're all are pretty good listeners. . . I somewhat respect that. However, I'm sure that'll be the only compliment that you'll get from me as Lowee's CPU stated, my only goal is to drain your Shares to overthrow you goddesses. Now that you're facing before me, I have no choice, but to fight you. However, due to you all not being able to get anymore help from your allies, you'll have no choice but to fight me too.
White Heart (Blanc): We're not going to fight you. . .
She slings up her axe over her head.
White Heart (Blanc): We're going to kick your ass!!
She then charges straight at Viron which worried (Y/N) that White Heart was getting a bit hasty already.
(Y/N): Blanc, wait!
(Skip to 1:29)
Viron puts his guard up getting ready to face White Heart as once the two met a close-range distance, White Heart and Viron started duking it out as each strike that White Heart made with her axe against Viron's claws caused a small shockwave from the force of their strength against each other. Viron then jumps and does a spinning roundhouse kick to White Heart which she was able to block with her axe. The two then collided attacks with each other once more that they both slid past one another. However, Viron quickly reacts to this as he does a leg sweep on White Heart which throws her footing off and this worries (Y/N) as her guard was now down.
(Y/N): Blanc!
Viron was getting ready to stick his claws into White Heart, but she quickly had a plan for this as she sticks the blade of her axe into the ground and she swiftly swings around it with both arms to then kick Viron hard in the chin. White Heart then points a finger as she strikes the villain.
(Pause Music Here)
White Heart (Blanc): Heh. Asshole.
Viron gets knocked into a nearby rock and he slides down it before grasping his head.
Viron: (Ngh. . . She's strong. . .)
(Y/N) was watching this from the sidelines as he was impressed that White Heart was able to actually inflict some minor damage onto Viron compared only giving him minor damage when he was using strong attacks.
(Y/N): (Whoa! This is amazing! Viron actually felt some damage and was sent flying!)
White Heart then pulls her axe out of the ground as she grips it again with her glaring at Viron.
White Heart (Blanc): I don't know what the hell (Y/N) was talking about with you being so strong. . . You're way to slow, Viron. I guess all of that fighting with (Y/N) must've made you a little more tired fighting me.
Black Heart (Noire): Quit showing off. . .
White Heart then turns back to Black Heart with a smug smile on her face.
White Heart (Blanc): What? Are you jealous? You want to hit him too?
Seeing White Heart distracted, Viron decided to take this opportunity to try and attack White Heart, but Purple Heart sees this as she dashes towards her.
Purple Heart (Neptune): Look out!
White Heart was about to barely dodge a claw swipe from Viron and also just in time for Purple Sister to shoot her M.P.B.L. at Viron before he could attack. Purple Heart looks back to her younger sister and nods with a small smile at her quick thinking.
Purple Heart (Neptune): You guys. Don't underestimate him just because he is slow. He'll take any chance that he can to get an advantage whether it will be when we're distracted or weakened. The textbook method here would be to fight as a team, not as individuals.
(Y/N): She's right you know. . .
Black Heart turns back to the slightly injured (Y/N) who gave her a serious look.
(Y/N): You girls may be CPUs and I may be a human, but don't go thinking that because I may not be on the same level as your power that Viron's outmatched.
Black Heart looks at (Y/N) and thinks about his advice before turning her back to him while putting a hand on her hip.
Black Heart (Noire): Fine, what a pain.
Green Heart (Vert): In that case, the four of us have more close-ranged weapons than the little sisters. It'd be best for them to keep a distance while we try and get up close and personal.
(Y/N)'s eyes widen from this as he tries his best to get up as he summons out his sword.
(Y/N): Don't worry. . . *grunts* I'll fight too. . .
However, due to him being so weak, (Y/N) falls down to the ground in some pain as those injuries weren't completely healed up. Black Sister flew over to him along with the White Sisters and gave him a serious look.
Black Sister (Uni): You're in no condition to even swing a sword. Stay down you idiot.
White Sister (Ram): Leave this to your goddess pals, alright (N/N)?
White Sister (Rom): We've got this!
(Y/N) was surprised to hear this, but he knew that they were right as he just sits back down and crawls over to a nearby rock for cover just in case he may get hit during part of this fight.
(Y/N): Good luck everybody. . . I'm counting on you. . .
Black Sister (Uni): We'll finish this for you, (Y/N). Just you watch. . . I know that I said that you might be sitting on the sidelines, but I didn't want it to be like this where you were hurt.
(Y/N): Don't worry about me, Uni. Your sisters need you and I'll just be here to provide some support if needed. If it comes to it, I'll jump in and help. . .
Black Sister smiles at (Y/N) as she nods before she along with the White Sisters fly over to their sisters. Viron stands up and gives an exasperated growl before he get's into a fighting stance again.
Viron: To think that you would escape a rather fatal attack from me my using your own weapon. . . That little duel that we had was indeed a test to see if I could take you CPUs on. Even if you develop a new strategy to fight me, I'll only adapt to it even if you try it again.
Purple Sister (Nepgear): (He really does have personalities similar to his generals. . . Hijack's calm nature, a tiny hint of Canker's humor when he was fighting (Y/N), Bane's cruel ways of defeating his opponents, and even now he thinks like Malware to where he looks at this similar to how a game is played.)
Viron then summons out his sword and he swings it around in one hand before pointing it at the CPUs.
Viron: Be prepared, CPUs. . . This will be my next step. . .
The CPUs stared Viron down for nearly a minute as (Y/N) sweats from seeing this situation right in front of where his friends are now getting ready to fight Viron for him. He doesn't know how this fight will go, but all he can is hope that his friends beat him and stay safe. Eventually, once a random sound of the wind kicks in, the CPU Candidates fly up into the air while their big sisters scattered around Viron.
Purple Heart decided to go first at striking Viron as she uses Cross Combination as a start. Almost each strike that Purple Heart did was blocked by Viron until she sent him up into the air. Viron looks down at Purple Heart in case she was about to follow up again, but Purple Sister kicks him from the side to knock him away.
Purple Sister goes for a follow up attack as she and Viron clashed swords for a second before Viron lets go of his sword with one hand before making it glow red and he punches Purple Sister to the ground. However, as he was busy with gloating of getting that attack in, Black Heart comes in and she kicks him away before flying up to him to use Drop Crush which sends Viron back down to the ground. He lands on his feet before glaring back up at Black Heart who laughs.
Black Heart (Noire): It appears you've picked a fight with the wrong CPUs today, Viron.
Viron: Hmph. Did I?
A small glowing blade then appears in one of Viron's hands.
Viron: Virus Spear!
That was the same move that he used on (Y/N) when he fought him which Black Heart notices as she dodges it just in the nick of time, but that was a distraction as Viron punches her in the face sending her away a bit before teleporting in the place of where she was flying so that he could follow up with something else. However, Black Heart blocked his next sword swing with her own. Black Heart then ducks down for a small blast to hit Viron straight in the face which makes him grunt in slight pain. Black Heart raises her head with a smirk as she knows that it was her sister who was responsible for that.
Black Sister was right behind Black Heart as she charges up another shot in her rifle. Viron however teleports again behind Black Heart to kick her away before he smacks away the next shot that was made by Black Sister.
Viron: Tch! Using your own sister as your own shield?? I'm not surprised considering that you lack the necessary options to fight on your own!
Black Sister (Uni): Shut up! Don't act like you know me or Noire! I know she always says that I have room to improve, but that just means she still wants me to get better than her!
Black Sister then blocks a sword swing from Viron as she gets knocked back at little. She then flies above him to shoot a couple of shots at Viron. Viron sees these shots before simply smacking them away with little effort. He then teleports right in front of Black Sister surprising her before she gets a kick to the face from Viron. Viron then sees Black Heart getting ready to attack him again, but he quickly turns around to punch her in the stomach sending her to the ground. She shakes her head before glaring back up into the air to see Green Heart now facing Viron.
Green Heart (Vert): Inbetween Spear!
She quickly makes a ton of spear decoys appear from behind her as they were all targeted at Viron. Viron looks around at the spears heading towards him before he stares at Green Heart with a glare. He glows a red aura before a large red barrier projects around him which neutralize all of the spears that were aiming at him. They all fell to the ground and disappeared into bits. Viron then dashes towards Green Heart as she kept dodging some constant attacks made by Viron. Green Heart then parries an overhead sword swing made by Viron before spinning her spear around a couple of times before using Rainy Ratnapura to counterattack.
Viron: Gah! Well. . . I guess that was one option. . .
Green Heart (Vert): You said it yourself. You know the way the we fight, however it doesn't appear that you're able to handle our methods that well.
Viron: Hmm. You misunderstand. . . By one option, I didn't mean attacking you to test your strength. . .
He then conjures up a small orb in his hand and throws it at Green Heart who simply moves to the side to evade it, but Viron smirks from this as he snaps his fingers and an explosion happened which caused Green Heart to scream in pain from the blast.
Viron: But rather knowing just how much punishment you take, in case I have to use another type of method to inflict some damage!
Purple Sister (Nepgear): Vert!
Viron hears Purple Sister as she dashes toward Viron while yelling and Viron clashed some sword swings with Purple Sister.
Purple Sister (Nepgear): Why are you so against us? We have nothing to do with why your army didn't exist and we did.
Viron: That's for me to know and for you to find out yourself, girly!
Viron pushes Purple Sister back who is suddenly joined by Black Sister.
Purple Sister (Nepgear): Looks like the more we fight him as individuals, the faster it takes for him to adapt.
Purple Sister says this as Viron sees some ice shots coming from White Heart's Gefarhrlichtern skill and he blocks some of them before putting up a barrier around him to make the ice shots break instantly.
Black Sister (Uni): In that case, let's get him simultaneously!
Purple Sister (Nepgear): Way ahead of you!
Black Sister then flies in front of Purple Sister for them to do their team attack, Stark Vita. Purple Sister flies in front Black Sister who fires many bullets that flew straight past Purple Sister. Viron gets ready to fire a beam down towards White Heart before he suddenly felt the five bullets graze his armor in the back which made him grunt in pain before looking back just in time for Purple Sister to send a hard sword slash to him. Viron gets knocked to the ground from this and White Heart gave the two a thumbs up before swing her axe like a baseball bat to do a follow up for them and Viron gets knocked into the air before rolling across the ground. He recovers, but he was clearly not happy as he growls.
Viron: Grrrr! You pests!
Viron flies up to Purple Sister and grabs her leg before swinging her around and he sends her flying to Black Sister who got hit by her fellow CPU Candidate.
White Sister (Ram): Hey, Viron!
Viron turns to see White Sister (Ram) who had a smirk on her face as she winks at him.
White Sister (Ram): Special delivery~
Viron: What are you talking abou-
Before Viron knew it, his legs were frozen solid in a cube shape and gravity works itself as he sent back down to the ground. He looks at his legs before breaking them with his fists to break himself free and looks behind him to see that it was White Sister (Rom) who was responsible for the little attack while her twin sister was the decoy.
White Heart (Blanc): Not bad you two.
White Heart then runs towards Viron who sees her jump into the air to come down with her Getter Ravine skill. Viron remembers White Heart doing this though as he jumps at her, grabs her arms and he spins her around before slamming her to the ground.
White Heart (Blanc): *grunts* Cheap move, you bastard!
Viron: You CPUs should also be aware of something as you're not the only ones who are capable of making such powerful skills. . .
Viron yells as the ground around him also shakes before he slams his palm on the ground while making it glow.
Viron: Doom Tidal!
Large geysers that made explosions happened all around White Heart as she gets sent into the air before Viron teleports up to her to follow up with slamming her back down with both fists. White Heart blocks this just in time, but she still gets sent to the ground. He then feels his armor heat up a little as Viron looks back to see that White Sister (Rom) had used some fire magic on him. Viron turns to White Sister (Rom) as he crosses his arms and he makes his sword float in mid air.
Viron: Nice try, but this suit of armor was designed to protect itself against heat and radiation.
Viron extends his hand out to command his sword to launch itself towards White Sister (Rom). The older twin candidate braces for impact, but an ice wall appears in front of her to stop the sword. She turns to see that White Sister (Ram) had protected her as she smiles.
White Sister (Ram): Don't worry Rom, I've got your back.
White Sister (Rom) nods to this as they both look at Viron with glares. White Sister (Ram) gets an idea in her head as she smiles a little mischievously.
White Sister (Ram): You know. . . this guy just doesn't know how to have fun in a battle does he?
White Sister (Rom) turned to her younger twin sister in confusion to what she meant by that.
White Sister (Ram): Maybe he needs a little bit of notice to understand just what he's facing. . . 'Cuz clearly not paying attention to the both of us just shows that he's a dummy. What do you think, Rom?
White Sister (Rom) then understood what White Sister (Ram) was talking about as she smiles and nods.
White Sister (Rom): Yeah. Not looking at us was the exact same way that (Y/N) got himself schooled.
White Sister (Ram): I know right? His brain must be as small as an atom if he can't handle two little CPU Candidates like us. Does he even how to babysit his own army?
Viron was getting annoyed by the second as White Sister (Ram) and White Sister (Rom) kept on making fun of him. He growls as he turns both of his hands into claws and gets ready to charge at the twins.
Viron: Don't mock me you little brats!!
Viron then felt a tap on his shoulder and he turns around just in time for White Heart to smash him hard in the face with Zerstorung which made him yell out in pain.
White Heart (Blanc): Honestly, your brain must be the size of an atom if you clearly didn't know that I was coming right behind you!
Viron: Then why don't you turn around as well!
White Heart gasps as she does to see that Viron must've teleported right behind her and his fist glows red as he got a revenge attack by punching White Heart in the face which sent her flying.
White Sisters (Rom & Ram): Blanc!!
White Heart was actually being sent towards (Y/N)'s direction as he gasped before running just in time to jump up and catch White Heart with both of his arms.
(Y/N): You okay?
White Heart looks at (Y/N) who caught her for a second before nodding.
White Heart (Blanc): Thanks to you. This guy is pissing me off by the second.
(Y/N) looks at Viron as he was dueling with both Purple Heart and Black Heart as they were all clashing swords with each other. Even though Viron was getting attacked by both sides from two goddesses, he was actually able to handle them quite fine as he kicks Purple Heart away and parried a sword slash from Black Heart. (Y/N) thinks for a second before looking in his inventory before it looks he had something that could help.
(Y/N): Here. . . it's may not be much, but I'm sure these can help with your stamina.
(Y/N) pulls out three SP Chargers that he had in his inventory which surprised White Heart.
White Heart (Blanc): When did you get these??
(Y/N): I was saving them in case of something like this happening. My watch can regenerate my power, but not my wounds unless I use my Heal skill which does take a fair amount to my Share energy to use. However, the same can't be said for you. . . so I packed these just in case.
White Heart looks at the SP Chargers for a second before smiling at (Y/N).
White Heart (Blanc): Not bad. Looks like you thought a couple of steps ahead before going into those reactors, huh?
(Y/N): *smiles* Yeah. . . Here, give these to Neptune and Noire. . . they'll need it.
White Heart nods as she takes all three of the items before taking one herself and she could feel a huge boost of energy flow through her as she flies over to go deal with Viron again. Black Heart does a diving kick on Viron who blocks it before grabbing Black Heart by her hair and he slams her to the ground before throwing her across the ground towards Purple Heart who helps her stand up.
Purple Heart (Neptune): Are you alright?
Black Heart (Noire): That was but a scratch.
Purple Heart (Neptune): He wasn't lying when he stated that he knew how to deal with us. Even with two or three against him, he's still able to pressure us back.
Black Heart (Noire): What do you suggest we do then?
Purple Heart (Neptune): I don't know. . . We can try our best to change our approach, but even so our strength is slowly getting weaker.
White Heart (Blanc): I have a solution to that.
Purple Heart and Black Heart turn to White Heart and she stops flying before she throws both of the SP Chargers at Purple Heart and Black Heart. They see them before catching them with surprise.
Black Heart (Noire): Where did you get these?
White Heart (Blanc): Thank (Y/N). He was the one saving them for if we ever ran into something like this.
Purple Heart looks at (Y/N) who was peeking behind a rock waving to her with a smile. Purple Heart smiles back at him and waves back with a small blush before she looks at her charger and takes it to regain some stamina. Black Heart does the same as they both feel refreshed now.
Black Heart (Noire): I suppose we'll have to thank him later for coming up with this idea.
Purple Heart (Neptune): Indeed.
Suddenly, Purple Sister is seen getting knocked back to the ground right in front of the three CPUs and this shocks Purple Heart.
Purple Heart (Neptune): Nepgear!
Purple Sister (Nepgear): I'm okay. . .
The rest of the CPU Candidates fly over to their comrades as Green Heart was now dealing with Viron as she ducks under a sword swing of his before using Purpurascens Burst as she spins her spear before hitting Viron with two vertical hits before she charges the final hit by doing a horizontal swing with her spear. This only made Viron flinch as he jumps back before using Virus Spear once again which hit Green Heart before she could try and block it.
Black Sister (Uni): I don't get it. . . It's like the longer we fight him. . . the stronger he gets.
Purple Heart (Neptune): Perhaps that was somewhat of the cause from how (N/N)'s battle went as well?
White Sister (Ram): We used all kinds of magic on him, but he uses the same excuse saying that his armor is durable against those. . . especially since we froze him a couple of times.
White Sister (Rom): Ram. . . I'm really getting tired. . .
White Sister (Ram): Actually. . . So am I. . .
White Heart (Blanc): Don't give in yet, you two. (Y/N) provided us a little bit of backup, so we're prepared to handle what crap, Viron has next.
Purple Heart (Neptune): We'll need to be strategic about this though. Nepgear, you and the rest go tell Vert to regroup with us while you also try and keep Viron busy for us.
Purple Sister (Nepgear): Understood.
Black Heart (Noire): You better not miss a single shot, understand Uni?
Black Sister (Uni): Right! You got it, Noire!
All of the CPU Candidates flew back to go and they see Green Heart getting slightly overwhelmed as Viron does a backflip kick to her in the face. Purple Sister's eyes widened from this as she looks over to White Sister (Ram).
Purple Sister (Nepgear): Rom! Ram! Can you. . .
White Sister (Ram): Already got it covered, Nepgear!
White Sister (Ram) slung her wand over her shoulders as a large pointy icicle forms at the tip and she get's in the position as if swinging a baseball bat. White Sister (Rom) then using Ice Cube to form several ice projectiles right in front of White Sister (Ram). She swings around and around knocking each one straight towards Viron. Viron and Green Heart were dashing towards each other before Viron felt the cubes hit him which made him turn around, but he probably shouldn't have as Green Heart then uses Kinestra Slash on Viron making him yell in pain. Viron gets up, but not before he also looks up to see White Sister (Ram) already in front of him as she brings down her Ice Hammer over his head.
Green Heart flies over to the CPU Candidates and smiles at their diversion for her to attack.
Green Heart (Vert): I am grateful for your little distraction that you gave to Viron.
Purple Sister (Nepgear): Not a problem, Vert. Neptune and the others need you right now. We'll cover for you.
Green Heart nods as she flies away and the CPU Candidates go over to assist White Sister (Ram) as Black Sister holds her gun out in front of her.
Black Sister (Uni): EX Multi Blaster! Mode Empress!
As she fires that, Green Heart goes over to the other CPUs.
Green Heart (Vert): I take it that you have some sort of plan?
Purple Heart (Neptune): Right. Vert, how much energy do you have inside of you?
Green Heart (Vert): I believe that I still have plenty to last a little longer.
Purple Heart (Neptune): Good. So he wasn't able to land too much hits onto you.
White Heart (Blanc): The longer we fight that asshat, the more stronger he gets.
Green Heart (Vert): How did you figure that?
Purple Heart (Neptune): This is possible, but since he has the ability to gain more power when he drains Shares, then he's most likely been regenerating somehow the more he was fighting us.
Black Heart (Noire): We don't know how. . . but it's most likely from his attacks, his home base, or anything else like that.
Purple Heart (Neptune): Which means that we'll have to finish this quickly!
The other three CPUs nod to that as they all turned back to see the CPU Candidates struggling a bit to handle themselves against Viron as he counters Black Sister's beam from her gun with his own and he quickly overtakes her power with the beam barely blasting her body. Purple Sister helps her out by using Mirage Dance to try and slice some damage onto Viron, but his uses his claws to block all of the strikes. The CPUs prepare themselves as they get their weapons ready to fight once more.
Purple Heart (Neptune): Is everyone ready? Noire, Vert, you know what to do first.
Green Heart (Vert): Leave it to us!
It was time for the CPUs to activate their ultimate team move together, Guardian Force as Black Heart and Green Heart went to go and attack first. Viron was still taking on Purple Sister as they both clashed swords before Purple Sister notices something behind Viron as she gives a fierce smile.
Viron: You CPUs are going to perish!! It doesn't matter how many of you there are! You're ALL weak!
Purple Sister (Nepgear): Is that so? Maybe you're right, but we do know how to work together compared to somebody like you who sends others to do their work for them.
Viron: What are you talking about?
Black Heart (Noire): She means us, you doof!
Purple Sister jumps away just in time for Green Heart and Black Heart to attack from both sides at him, at a quick speed that Viron couldn't even see coming.
Green Heart (Vert): I can't wait how long you'll endure this!
Both of them do the same thing yet again as Viron was knocked around all over the place at blazing speeds from both Black Heart and Green Heart.
Viron: (What the- I can't even see them coming!) How did you two get so fast so suddenly??
White Heart (Blanc): Try and answer that once you've lost! I'm gonna smash that armor open like a can of soda!
White Heart yells that out as he comes from above Viron who was surprised to see her coming so suddenly as he takes an overhead slam from her axe, not only knocking him to the ground, but also making him bounce back upwards.
White Heart (Blanc): Neptune! It's on you now!
Purple Heart flies down towards Viron who was still hurt from White Heart's attack and Purple Heart glares down at her foe before she comes in for the finishing touch as she slices right through him before landing on the ground. She doesn't look back as the place where Viron was creates a huge explosion that (Y/N) had to shield his eyes from. Viron let's out a huge yell as he could definitely feel all of that pain from the CPUs attacks. All of the CPU and CPU Candidates fly down towards Purple Heart as she turns around to see that Viron was on the ground badly hurt from taking a hit that hard. He holds his head as he gets up and looks at his adversaries while panting at just how much hits he's taken from all of the goddesses at once. Even though his armor was still completely intact, he was very tired. (Y/N) saw this and was incredibly surprised.
(Y/N): They did it! It doesn't look like Viron can handle all of them at once even with having such power that's suppose to be as strong as Share energy.
Location: Planeptune's Basilicom
At the Basilicom, IF and Compa gave out some cheers that Neptune and the others were able to best Viron with the condition that he's in right now. Even Histoire who was watching the fight with them had a smile on her face from all of them being able to best Viron in a fight.
Compa: Go Nep-Nep! Go Nep-Nep!
IF: Great job, Nep! I'm glad that you and Gear are fine along with the rest.
Histoire: It appears that we have (Y/N) to thank for this outcome as well. If it wasn't for his capture like they said, we wouldn't be able to possibly find or apprehend our culprit like we have now.
Compa: I'm just glad that all of the butterflies in my stomach can rest now.
Histoire looks at the screen with a smile before a thought came her mind as she ponders.
Histoire: (Still, I'm a little concerned for how Viron was able to handle (Y/N), but not Neptune. From what I heard most of the time, (Y/N) was the one who had most of the power to best two of the generals, but even so I wasn't there to see the outcome. . . Something doesn't seem quite right about this. . .)
Location: Leanbox, Remote Island
Viron was looking at all of the goddesses who still had their weapons out looking at him seeing if he still wants to fight. He was panting as he was out of breath from fighting so hard against eight goddesses at the same time. He then puts his sword away which surprises some of the goddesses as he stands up on both of his legs which were a little dusty.
Viron: *pant* *pant* Well. . . I guess my assumption was correct when expecting all of you to best me in an eight on one fight. Despite my strength and knowledge of what you CPUs can do, you were still able to best me. . . You're all not as easy to kill as I thought you would be. . . especially those four CPU juveniles. . . They're stronger than they look. . .
Black Heart (Noire): Hmph. If you still want to fight even after that attack then you better think twice as we clearly have the upper advantage here. . .
Viron: Yes. . . you do. . .
Purple Heart (Neptune): Are you admitting defeat?
(Y/N) was watching the entire thing as he came from behind his hiding spot where he was witnessing the entire battle. He looks closely at Viron as he crosses his arms and closes his eyes with a frown. The CPUs all see that Viron has just admitted that he's been bested as they all put their weapons away as well. However, the way Viron was surrendering seemed fishy to (Y/N) as he raised an eyebrow.
(Y/N): (I know that with my assistance that they were able to overwhelm Viron with a team attack, but. . . this is all happening too fast. . . Viron doesn't even have a dent in his armor and he's surrendering??)
Green Heart floats over to Viron and extends a hand out as she touches his shoulder.
Green Heart (Vert): In that case, we shall keep you somewhere where you can repent for your actions for possibly centuries. . .
Viron stares at Green Heart for a second before scoffing as he pushes her hand off of his arm.
Viron: Just because that I didn't say anything doesn't mean that I'm accepting this outcome. . . There is something that I need to tell you CPUs. . .
This concerns Purple Heart as she slowly puts her hand behind her back and summons her sword out without anybody noticing in case Viron was going to try anything.
Viron: The reason that I decided to fight you. . . was to merely see if I can basically match a CPU and my assumption was partially right as I personally believe that if we all had one on one matches, the outcome would more disappointing to you and more assuming for me.
White Heart (Blanc): Excuses now?
Viron: Just an opinion that I believe.
He then gives off a smirk.
Viron: But tell me CPUs. . . don't you realize that the fact that I can practically drain Shares from wherever seem peculiar to you?
Black Heart (Noire): What??
Viron: *chuckles* I'm asking. . . Did you forget that I can do. . . THIS!!
(Skip to 0:15)
Viron instantly teleports right behind Green Heart shocking her as suddenly he forms claws into his hands to stab them straight through Green Heart's skin which made her let out a bloodcurdling scream.
Green Heart (Vert): KYAHHHHH!!!
(Y/N), Purple Heart (Neptune), & Purple Sister (Nepgear): VERT!
Green Heart's entire body glows red as Viron was draining her Share energy away exponentially and she instantly turns back into her normal, human form as Vert. He takes his claws out of her as the wound that was in her body disappears, but Vert falls down to the ground in extreme pain. White Heart growls in anger as she summons her axe back out before charging straight at Viron.
White Heart (Blanc): You cold-hearted BASTARD!!
White Heart tries to use Zerstorung on Viron, but something unexpected happens as Viron simply catches her axe with his hand without even looking making White Heart let out a shocked gasp.
Viron: Simply just absorbing one CPUs power as made me twice as strong than I was fighting you goddess!
Viron then snatches White Heart's axe out of her hands before literally snaps in half by bashing it into his knees. He throws it away before sinking hi claws in White Heart's stomach making her yell out in pain.
(Y/N) & White Sisters (Rom & Ram): BLANC!
White Heart reverts back to her normal form as Blanc and falls down to the ground as the red glow around her dims out. She grabs her torso in pain from having all of her energy severed out like that. Black Heart was getting ready to use Tornado Sword, but Viron saw this and Black Heart was suddenly glowing red around her body before she is dragged towards Viron like a magnet and he grasps Black Heart's neck, sinking his claws into them, draining all of her energy out at once.
Black Heart (Noire): *straining* Why. . . you. . .
Viron: It's futile to resist now, CPU of Lastation! Your power is mine!
Black Heart's eyes blinked red for a second and a red aura glows around her as well as she reverts back to her normal form as Noire.
(Y/N) & Black Sister (Uni): NOIRE!
Now three CPUs were down making everybody including (Y/N) scared. Purple Sister and Black Sister backed away from Viron, but as they do, he teleports right behind them scaring the two as he sinks both of their claws into their shoulders making them both scream out in pain.
They both fall to the ground back into their normal forms and both of the White Sisters tried to run and fly away to not get their powers taken, but Viron had already teleported as the two bump into him and fall to the ground. Viron smiles evilly as he does it once more by sinking his claws into the young twins who revert into their normal forms while moaning in pain.
(Y/N): ROM! RAM!
Purple Heart sees all of her friends down and she was shocked. Viron teleports right beside Purple Heart who notices him as she swings her sword fast enough a couple of times to block his attempts to try and take her power too. Viron scowls from this as he just kicks Purple Heart away with more strength than usual that it made Purple Heart scream in slight pain. She falls to the ground before doing a backflip to reposition herself.
(Stop at 1:08)
Purple Heart shakes her head to regain her composure as she gives a serious glare back at Viron.
Purple Heart (Neptune): I knew you had something up your sleeve! From someone who's experienced fighting plenty of foes, I had a feeling that this was too good to be true!
Viron: And yet, your comrades totally fell for my trick. . . and now I have severed all of their Share energy to make it into my own Virus energy.
Viron says this as he makes a large fiery red aura that had grown in size form around him which made Purple Heart sweat at how much powerful he has become now.
Viron: It seems like your the only one left. . . You can just try and do as you like, but any chance that you believe will be enough to defeat me now is useless!
Purple Heart (Neptune): (H-He's right. . . That kick that he just did to me had way more power than what he did before. . . I don't think that I can beat this guy. . . especially alone. . .)
Suddenly, Purple Heart felt something grasp her leg and she looks down to see that it was Nepgear who was struggling to even try and get up from having her power drained so fast like the others.
Purple Heart (Neptune): Nepgear?
Nepgear: N-Neptune. . . I. . . I'm sorry. . . I-I couldn't. . . do anything.
Purple Heart turns to her little sister and kneels down to her.
Purple Heart (Neptune): It wasn't your fault, Nep Jr. Neither was it mine. It wasn't as if we were prepared for something like this to happen anyway. . . How do you feel?
Nepgear: N-Nothing, but. . . pain where my shoulder is. . . It's. . . feeling a little better, but. . . when it happened it was worse than an Anti-Crystal. . .
Purple Heart (Neptune): I see. . .
Purple Heart then turns back to Viron and gives him a glare.
Purple Heart (Neptune): I don't think that I can beat him either. . . He'll drain me soon enough if I force myself to surrender. . . but that'll just give him a bigger advantage. . .
(Y/N) looks over to see Purple Heart contemplating on whether she should fight or surrender and he get's a really worried look as Viron is probably seven times as powerful as he originally was.
(Y/N): (Damn it! I can't fight and now we're in a huge disadvantage. . . If Neptune get's her energy drained then it's all over. . .)
(Y/N) then looks around his inventory to see if had any more spare items that might prove beneficial. He looks hard before he does find one more thing that he bought as he makes it appear and it drops into his hand.
(Y/N): This should do the trick. . . I hope.
(Y/N) looks over to Purple Heart who was still with her little sister and calls out to her.
(Y/N): Neptune!
Purple Heart looks over to see (Y/N) waving to get her attention as Nepgear looks at him too with curiosity.
Purple Heart (Neptune): (N/N)? Maybe he has a plan? I should go and see what he wants.
Purple Heart looks at Viron and he was just staring at her with crossed arms and a smirk waiting for an answer to see if she'll still challenge him or if she'll give her power up too. Purple Heart gets ready to fly to (Y/N) before Nepgear grabs her hand.
Nepgear: W-Wait. . . sis. . .
Nepgear reaches into her pocket and she digs inside of it before pulling out a STR Booster Z which surprises Purple Heart a little.
Purple Heart (Neptune): Nepgear. . . Do you know how rare these are? How did you find one?
Nepgear: I. . . was going to give it to (Y/N). . . in case he would be allowed to fight with us, but. . . things have changed. . . and I guess I didn't want to be put in harms way either. If you take this. . . your strength and defense should multiply Neptune. . .
Purple Heart looks at the item and nods as she takes it before flying over to (Y/N) who wanted something from her as well.
Purple Heart (Neptune): You wanted me for something, (N/N)?
(Y/N): I saw Nepgear give you an item and I actually had the same idea as I bought this for myself in Super Nittenland while watching over Rom and Ram. . .
(Y/N) pulls out a Hero Drink and shows it to Neptune who was surprised that (Y/N) bought quite a rare item too.
(Y/N): Do you think what Nepgear gave you plus this will be enough?
Purple Heart thinks to herself before getting an idea as she smiles at (Y/N).
Purple Heart (Neptune): Actually, I do think I have my own plan as well. If I use my own skills to power myself up. . . then it should be enough to match Viron's power. It'll only be for a short amount of time though, so I'm going to use a skill to help me with it too.
Purple Heart takes the Hero Drink and she drinks it to power herself up along with the STR Booster Z which she takes as well. Purple Heart takes a deep breath as she could feel her power growing as she glows only slightly.
(Y/N): Neptune. . .?
Purple Heart (Neptune): I feel like I have more power than usual. I'm going to power myself up and then I'll be ready to face, Viron.
(Y/N): Nep. . . I'm just worried. . .
Purple Heart smiles at (Y/N) has she takes his hand.
Purple Heart (Neptune): All you can do right now. . . is believe in me. Can I ask you of that, (N/N)?
(Y/N) looks up at Purple Heart and her warm smile at him just makes him stare at her in astonishment as it was the exact feeling that he had when he was hanging out with her on that night over Planeptune. (Y/N) didn't say anything, but he just nods trusting Purple Heart that she knew what she was doing. Purple Heart lets go of his hand and smiles down at her friend.
Purple Heart (Neptune): I will do what I can to help you and the others right now, (N/N).
Purple Heart flies back over to the middle of the field and she lands back down on her feet while glaring at Viron. Viron puts his arms down before smirking at Purple Heart.
Viron: So? What's it going to be CPU of Planeptune?
Purple Heart then activates two of her skills which was Do Your Best! and Stat Multiplier to increase her power even more. She then points her sword at Viron with a serious glare.
Purple Heart (Neptune): I am not ready to give up quite yet if it means that I still have an opportunity to save Gamindustri with what my friends provided me!
Viron scoffs from this as he summons out his sword which was emitting a crimson red glow that was darker than usual, but Purple Heart didn't let that intimidate her.
Viron: Hmph. Very well. Let us see that if what your comrades provided you will be enough to save you and your precious world.
The rest of the CPUs had recovered from their power being drained so fast as Blanc looks over to see that Purple Heart was getting ready to face Viron one more time.
Blanc: L-Look! Neptune's still okay!
Noire and Vert see this with shock.
Noire: Neptune. . .
Vert: It appears that she also has acquired something or things to enhance her strength as well. I pray that it is enough for her to deal with our adversary who has powered up herself.
Location: Planeptune's Basilicom
At the Basilicom, IF and Compa were worried for their friend as they know that it will either be Viron or Purple Heart who will win right now. Histoire was staring with worry as well as she knows that while Purple Heart in her human form can be lazy and not diligent, she can count on her to save the world when necessary.
IF: Come on, Nep! Show 'em who's boss! Don't disappoint us all here and now!
Compa: Nep-Nep. . . You can do it, Nep-Nep!
Histoire: This is truly a jousting match. . . It will either be one or the other who loses. . . Neptune, please use whatever strength that you have left to help your comrades. . .
Location: Leanbox, Remote Island
Purple Heart was glaring daggers at Viron as she takes a deep breath to steel her nerves as she could feel everybody depending on her right now as they were all looking. She holds her hold out in front of her with both hands as Viron still stares her down with a cocky smirk on her face. (Y/N) ran over to be seen in the middle of the field as he was looking at the two along with the rest while sweating with a nervous face.
Nepgear: Neptune. . . Please don't lose. . .
Noire: We're all putting this on you now, you hear?
Vert: It's all on you now, Neptune!
Blanc: Hit him with your best shot!
Uni: Come on, Neptune! You got this. . . right?
Rom: Ram. . . I'm scared. . .
Ram: Come on, Rom! Neptune's got this!
(Y/N): (It's like they're reading each other's minds. . . Viron knows that we provided some advice and assistance for Neptune, but Neptune also knows that if she misses this one chance that she has right now. . . It's all over for us. . . Gamindustri will plunder. Viron stole energy from everybody else and nearly beat me. . . I can't bear to see what would happen to us if he stole Neptune's energy too. I can't take as much hits as they can since I'm human, but. . . I can at least believe in them to provide them more power. . . Neptune. . . we're counting on you right now. . .)
Purple Heart deepens her glare onto Viron.
Purple Heart (Neptune): Viron. . .
Viron: Come at me. . . Purple Heart. . .
Everybody around gulps in fright for what was going to happen now with these two now facing each other down.
(Skip to 1:26)
A horizontal split screen appears on the camera as the top shows Purple Heart's eyes while the bottom shows Viron's eyes. It then transitions to a vertical split screen as the left shows Purple Heart's sword and the right show's Viron's sword. The split screen stopped as Purple Heart and Viron stared each other down for the longest moment. . . before both of them were ready as they both made platforms for themselves to launch themselves off of. . . and they started charging at full speed to each other.
(Skip to 1:41)
Purple Heart (Neptune): Victory Slash!!!
Viron: Corruption Slice!!!
Both of them called out their moves glowing their swords their respective colors and everybody was anticipating what was happening as they both yelled out the closer they were getting to each other. Once they were close enough, they both took a swing at each other to see what exactly would happen with their strikes and the absolute unexpected happens. . .
Purple Heart's sword just goes flying out of her hand shocking her as she watches it fly off into the distance while screaming exclaimed with worry.
Purple Heart looks back towards Viron and she gasps as she tries ducking under Viron's attempt to sever her power with his claws. However, Viron anticipated that she was going to do this as he came from below and sunk his claws into Purple Heart's neck making her scream out in pain.
Viron: You're power. . . IS MINE CPU!
Purple Heart screams feeling all of the excruciating pain in herself as she tries her best to get out of Viron's grasp. . . but it was no use as her power was draining instantly.
Purple Heart made one final attempt at it, but her arms simply just fall down weakened as she glows a red aura and she turns back into her normal human form as Neptune. Neptune groans in pain as she felt like could couldn't even get up either from how weak she is right now. Viron takes his claws out of Neptune as she falls down to the ground face first. He smirks at her before looking at his hand which had a purple aura at first before it overtakes itself into a crimson aura that made him laugh evilly.
Viron: *laughs evilly* Don't tell me that THIS is Gamindustri's only Console Patron Units! One's who get so powerful when they transform that they cannot see that their weakness is right in front of them!
(Y/N) was watching Viron gloating and all he could think right now is that they lost as he falls to his knees with tears streaming down his eyes that Gamindustri and all of his friends is going to be eliminated because of this bastard in front of him. All of the goddesses had the same defeated look on their faces as some were frustrated, anxious, or sad.
(Y/N): *sniffles* No!!!
Viron heard (Y/N) as he sees the boy himself falling into despair after witnessing that all of his friends just lost at once even when it seemed like they were winning.
Viron: You've wasted plenty of my time, (Y/N). There's no hope for anybody else to save you at all. . . not even your own friends. I told you before. . . you brought upon yourself choosing this life to go by!
(Y/N) continues to cry with tears streaming down his face. He gave all of what he could to help out his friends and it still wasn't enough to even finish off his foe. At this point, all hope will be lost as (Y/N) couldn't believe that his friends are here and defeated all because of him.
(Y/N): (*sobbing* Is. . . Is this all my fault?? Is he right?? Is this exactly what I deserve for choosing to fight for the goddesses?! I can't do anything now. . . Gamindustri is going to perish by this bastard. . . and it's all because of me! M-Maybe. . . it was all a mistake. . . If I never met Neptune. . . Noire. . . Blanc. . . Vert. . . or even all of the others. . . maybe things would've gone differently and maybe they would've been safe. Now their going to be executed. . . possibly along with my other friends who I've met with Neptune. . . I. . . I never should've followed my dream!!)
???: (In (Y/N)'s Mind) Don't you DARE think like that, (Y/N)!!
(Y/N) heard that familiar voice as he looks up from the ground to see that it was Uranus who had appeared and she was giving (Y/N) a deep glare from his thought that all was lost.
(Y/N): U-Uranus. . .
Uranus: You heard me, idiot! Say that again and I'm going to punch you so hard for you to forget that thought you had in your mind!
(Y/N) was surprised from Uranus' sudden tone of voice as it was honestly scaring him just a little because its not like Uranus at all to be so serious for once with him. He then sighs as he looks back to the ground with a depressed.
(Y/N): (But what's the point? When I tried fighting him, he stabbed my own sword through my chest and I nearly died! All that bringing my friends here did was delay that and I couldn't do anything to help them at all! He won. . . Plain and simple, Uranus. . .)
Uranus crosses her arms looking down at (Y/N) with her glare still directed at him.
Uranus: So you're really just surrendering THAT easily?! Give me a break!
(Y/N): (Well, do I have any other options? How can some lowlife of a human like me beat someone who's main ability is to drain Shares out of CPUs? It's all impossible!)
Uranus puts a hand on (Y/N)'s shoulder.
Uranus: Yes! You do have other options, (Y/N)! And no, it's NOT impossible!
(Y/N) looks up at Uranus with a glare of his own before smacking her arm off of his shoulder.
(Y/N): (Stop sugarcoating it!!! I'm done! We're all done for!)
Uranus' eyes widen from this before it turns back to her serious glare.
Uranus: Fine. . . But let me ask you this. . . Don't you think that even for a second that if somebody like you was out of the picture then your friends, family, and the world might just give up too? Didn't you even stop and consider that if you didn't have that watch of yours then you might've bit the dust sooner?
(Y/N): (Of course I did! But how is that any revelant to-)
Before (Y/N) could finish that sentence, Uranus didn't something completely unexpected and slapped (Y/N) hard across the face making him cry out in pain as he hold his cheek where he was slapped. She then grabbed (Y/N) collar and hoists him up to her level so she could scold him straight in the eyes.
Uranus: Will you shut the hell up?! This isn't the friend that I sought to save myself when he lost his memories from trying to save me too! If you even remember a goddamn thing in those memories that I helped you remember then you should know that it was YOU who said that you would protect the future of Gamindustri! You would protect both of our futures! Your friend Neptune out there is hurt and you can still do something about it like you did plenty of times before!
(Y/N): B-But I. . .
Uranus drops him to the ground and he glares down at him not liking this a bit that (Y/N) is not listening.
Uranus: Alright, wise guy! Still not convinced? I keep telling you over and over again. . . REMEMBER!
(Y/N): Remember? Remember what??
Uranus: Look back in all of those past memories that are rightfully yours! If they're yours then who was it that was at the pond with me that night? Who was it that told me not to worry if I was ever forgotten by my people? Who was it that protected me when the Deity of Sin had struck over in the Gamindustri Graveyard? Just WHO are you, (Y/N) (L/N)? Are you human? Are you a soldier? . . .Or are you much more than that?
(Y/N) then gasps from when Uranus said as the same image from when he was fighting the Deity of Sin popped and he saw that figure who turned back into him during that time. More images than that crossed his mind though as another showed a figure helping Uranus when she was hurt in her HDD form, another showed that was her and someone else flying together in the air with smiles, and finally one more image showed the figure fighting alongside the other CPU predecessors towards something extremely strong and powerful that the figure himself was able to handle it on his own. A tear escapes (Y/N)'s eye as his eyes widen in shock before he grabs his head in complete agony and falls to the ground.
Uranus: Do you get it now? Who you really are, (Y/N)?
Uranus then gives a smile as (Y/N) continues to roll around in pain before it slowly stops. Once it does, he was sweating a little and panting from how much pain he felt from all of those memories coming inside of his head at once. He then opens his eyes as he looks up with a look of realization. Uranus then walks up to (Y/N) and gives him a smile as she kneels down to him and puts her hand on his shoulder.
Uranus: It seems that you finally get it. . . Listen to me (Y/N). . . Your friends are out there depending on someone who can save them now and so am I. . . So show me the (Y/N) that I remember too and save Gamindustri. . . got it?
Uranus says this as she takes (Y/N)'s hand into her own with a sweet smile for him. (Y/N) didn't look back at her as he was still processing what he just finally remembered and who exactly he is. Uranus puts her hand on (Y/N) cheek to make him look at her and she smiles down at him.
Uranus: It's up to you now. . . Legendary Male CPU. . .
Uranus then did something that surprised (Y/N) as she pecks him on the lips and she faded away instantly. As this illusion that (Y/N) saw ended, he entered back into reality and looked to see Viron walking towards Neptune who was still in pain from being defeated by Viron. (Y/N) saw this and his face slowly turns into a scowl that said he was angry. Viron walks up to Neptune and looks down at her with a smirk.
Viron: Considering that you still had the guts to defy me first. . . I think I'll grant myself a generous gift of having your execution be a long, slow process. . .
Viron glows a red aura around him and he get's his claws ready to stick them inside of Neptune once more. . . but he stopped when (Y/N) called out to him.
(Y/N): Lay even a finger on her and I'm going to rip that entire hand off, asshole!
Viron heard (Y/N)'s voice as he turns around to see him standing up and Neptune heard him too as she opens her eyes and looks back at (Y/N) along with the rest of the goddesses.
Neptune: (N/N). . .?
Viron: *smirks* This is a surprise. . . You still want to talk and give me pointless threats that mean absolutely nothing now? I didn't think you were going to stand back up considering that I've already shown that I've won and you looked like you were going into the depths of despair. Still, it probably would've been better if you stayed down.
(Y/N): You thought it'd really be that easy for me to just whine my eyes out? I said from the moment that we met that I'm not going to give up fighting for the goddesses because they're not just people that I admire anymore. . . They're my friends. All of them.
Viron sighs and shakes his head.
Viron: Oh, (Y/N). . . Why is it that you are protecting the lives of some bitches who you share nothing in common with?
(Y/N) growls from this as Viron continues to speak.
Viron: I mean you want to protect the CPU of Leanbox, who only cares more about her own gaming ranks than her own nation. I mean. . . you probably just like her because she's got a bust. . . Speaking of which, the CPU of Lastation is always yelling at your face, calling you names like being a perv which always annoys you greatly. . . I'm surprised you didn't abandon her from the start. The CPU of Lowee, you can't even hold a proper conversation with her since she mostly likes being alone on her own turf and not even going to bother her own siblings too. . . and the CPU of Planeptune. . .
Viron looks down at Neptune with a smirk before back at (Y/N) who had his eyes shadowed from his hair.
Viron: You admire her so much, but she can't even count her own IQ unless she actually turns into her goddesses form. That's something that you admire so much? Don't make me laugh. Goddesses like them should not exist at all and I guess you're just too idiotic to admit that, aren't you-
(Y/N) then suddenly stomps his foot hard on the ground which caused a small shockwave to happen and Viron actually flinched from this as he didn't know what he was seeing right now. The CPUs were even shocked from that much of aggression that (Y/N) let out as he starts talking.
(Y/N): *growling* Shut up. . .
Viron: W-What the hell??
Neptune: (N/N)?
Vert: You're. . .
(Y/N): You. . . You piece of- I've had to listen to you go on and on about how worthless you believe that my friends are. . . AND I'M SICK OF ALL OF IT! YOU HAVE NO RIGHT AT ALL TO SAY THAT ABOUT MY FRIENDS WHO I PROTECT WITH MY LIFE EVER SINCE I'VE MET THEM, YOU HEAR ME?!?!?
Nepgear: (Y/N). . .
Uni: Yeah. . . He's going all out on him. . .
Nepgear: N-Not just that. . . Look!
Nepgear points to (Y/N)'s watch on his wrist and they both could see that it was glowing a bright shiny golden color.
Nepgear: That's never happened before. . .
Uni: Didn't you customize part of it, though?
Nepgear: Yeah, but. . . I didn't intend for it to do that!
(Y/N): You want to know just how valuable my friends are to me?!?! Well, I'll tell you!! Vert and I get along quite well as we both love playing games with each other!! She may always kick my ass in MMOS, but doesn't mean that I'm going to slam down the controller just because I can't win! I love hanging out with Vert as I would say that we're gaming buddies!
Vert stared at (Y/N) with astonishment from that as she closes her eyes and smiles from this as this is how much (Y/N) cares for her. On (Y/N)'s watch, nobody could see it but the symbol of the Shairicite appeared on their and it was glowing a green color.
(Y/N): You wanna know facts about Blanc, dumbass?! She makes really good books to read and while many others may criticize her a lot to give her their opinion that her fan fiction is terrible! I don't mind mind reading them at all because she put her heart into making those stories! I don't mind taking my time to have some quiet time with her or play with Rom and Ram as their like my little sisters to me!!
Blanc was surprised to hear this as she looks down to the ground with a shy smile that (Y/N) really does like her books compared to others. Rom and Ram had big smiles on their faces too of (Y/N) saying that their like a family to him. The Sharicite symbol on (Y/N)'s watch then glows a white color too.
(Y/N): Sure, I know that Noire doesn't like to show much emotion around others and she can be mean at times! But she's not doing it to try and say that you're worthless. . . I mean have you seen how strict she is to Uni?! She cares so much for her own sister that she scolds her and tells her that she has a lot of room to improve on! She wants her to be just as good as she is and that goes for me as well as I believe Noire can support anybody to get better when she knows that they can!
Noire blushes immensely from this and so did Uni as they couldn't help but smile at (Y/N) from how he feels about them too. The color of the Sharicite on (Y/N)'s watch then glows black as well.
(Y/N): Nepgear is someone who I also love being around! She's smart, responsible, and while she may have confident issues, she knows that people like me who is her friend can support her enough to say that she's a leader of the CPU Candidates and can try her hardest at anything that comes her way!
Nepgear felt so happy by this that one teardrop comes from out of her eye and (Y/N)'s watch glows a slight purple glow too.
(Y/N): And Neptune. . . Don't even think about saying that I don't need her at all! She was somebody that made me happy from the day that we met!! Neptune's never given on me and neither did I!! She lightens my mood even when it doesn't seem necessary because she just loves it when I have a smile on my face!! That's what she wants for all of her friends, including me!! I love seeing that exact smile on Neptune's face too, so don't you even think calling her worthless, dumbass!!
Neptune didn't say anything, but she just smiles as she was healed for (Y/N)'s entire speech long enough that she got on her knees and she winks at (Y/N) while giving him a thumbs up. Even some tears escaped her face as well.
(Y/N): You high and mighty piece of crap. . . Don't you dare try and be the judge of who is right or wrong here when you couldn't even show your goddamn face to us until now!!! I'll tell you right now. . . that I'm going to protect the goddesses future and Gamindustri's too, even if it kills me!!! I'm going to show you that CPUs are way better than you!! By a million!!! I don't want anymore of that worthless bullshit coming out of that stupid smirk on your face!!!
(Y/N) then closes his eyes with and he grits his teeth too showing just how angry and determined that he is right now.
(Y/N): So. . . So. . .
He then opens his eyes which glowed blue for a second and he points his finger at Viron with a pissed off look.
Suddenly, something beeped on (Y/N)'s watch as he looks down at it to see that the symbol of the Sharicite was switching colors fast from purple, black, white, and green in a random order. It kept on doing that surprising (Y/N) a little before suddenly it finally stopped and the symbol of the Sharicite went to a golden color inside. The golden watch then did something else that no one was predicting as the center of it popped up in the form of a button to press down and Viron looks at that with slight confusion.
Viron: What is that???
(Y/N) looks down at the watch before looking back up at Viron as he knows exactly what he has to do now. He holds his watch right in front of him with a determined look before he raises his hand. . . and slams his hand back down on the button to press down hard onto it so that whatever it had in mind would activate. After he removed his palm from pressing the button, the watch was now gone as it vanished off of (Y/N)'s wrist shocking everybody around including Viron.
Blanc: What in the. . . It's gone!
Noire: How?? All we need was blink and now it's off of (Y/N)'s wrist. . . Where-
Everybody then heard something from the sky as they all look to see that dark clouds were now forming over the island making them a little bit worried. Suddenly, lightning struck around the place and Viron didn't know what was going on either before he looks back at (Y/N) to see that around his body. . . golden sparks of electricity were forming around him. He closes his eyes as he could feel a huge burst of energy flowing from within his body. His entire body then glows (F/C) before it quickly changes into a golden color and (Y/N) starts to float off of the ground while holding one of his wrists up to the sky. Tremors started to go around the place too as the ground was shaking beneath everybody.
Location: Planeptune's Basilicom, Sharicite Chamber
IF, Compa, and Histoire were still watching the whole thing and they were in shock by what was happening with (Y/N) as they had no idea where (Y/N) was getting this sudden burst of power from. Small tremors started to go around the place too as IF was trying her best not to drop the computer that had the live feed of what was going on out in Leanbox.
IF: What is going on??
Compa looks behind herself and gets a shocked look as he taps on IF's shoulder before pointing forward.
Compa: Um. . . Iffy. . .? Histoire?
Both of them look in Compa's direction to see that the Sharicite was emitting a large purple glow that shocked all three of them.
IF: Miss Histoire! What's happening with the Sharicite?!
Histoire: I do not know! This is a first even for me. . . (Could. . . Could (Y/N) possibly be trying to draw energy from the Sharicite all the way to his location? That shouldn't even possible. . . How is doing this??)
The Sharicite glows bright some more before it finally shoots a beam of purple light out of the door shocking the three as they already could tell where its going. IF then looks at the computer and grows an even bigger shocked looked once she sees something far out in the distance.
IF: Miss Histoire! Look at this. . . It's not just from here. . .
Histoire and Compa come to look at the laptop and they do indeed see that IF was right as there were more three more beams of light that were coming from the sky and they were all directed towards where (Y/N) was.
Location: Leanbox, Remote Island
There were four beams of light that were coming from the sky in colors of purple, black, white, and green and they were coming from all of the nations at once. The others including Viron see this with shock as all of the beams arrived to where (Y/N) was and they were all absorbed into his wrist. Not only that, but the wind picks up, making (Y/N)'s hair flow through the wind. He closes his eyes for a second and all of the energy charges up inside of him once more before after a few seconds of all of the energy charging up inside of him. . . A thought crosses his mind.
(Skip to 1:15)
(Y/N): (Let's do this!)
(Y/N) then let's out all of his energy out to his entire body as a pillar of golden light envelops him and he yells out into the cosmos.
The pillar of golden light shines brighter as everyone around was shielding their eyes from what is happening with (Y/N).
Blanc: What's with that bright light?!
Viron grunts from how bright this light is and he could even feel the energy radiating off of where the light was coming from. The rest of the CPUs could feel some of their strength returning from this light as well as some of them stood up while still shielding their eyes from the light and the wind blowing their way.
Noire: I better not be the only who is sensing Share energy coming from where (Y/N) is!
Vert: No. . .! You're not the only one! It's as if all of what he is doing right is regenerating the lost Shares that Viron took from us!
Viron: What?! Impossbile!!
Dimension: Ultra
Location: Planeptune's Basilicom
Plutia is seen trying to sew another doll while Peashy was running around playfully and they both suddenly felt a tremor going on where they are at. The both of them walked up towards where the balcony of the Basilicom was and they look outside to see that far away from them, a golden pillar of light is shooting into the sky which shocks both of them as they both stare in astonishment.
Dimension: Hyper
Location: Planeptune Grasslands
In a grassy dungeon, the Gold Third could be seen fighting off some monsters together before they also feel the sudden tremor as well. S-Sha and K-Sha got into a fighting stance in case a monster was about to come up before the two of them along with C-Sha and B-Sha see the golden pillar of light out in the far distance shooting up towards the sky. C-Sha and S-Sha looked at each other to what that may be as it was questioning for all of them.
Dimension: Zero
Location: Uzume's Hideout
Uzume, Adult Neptune, and Umio were talking to each other at a table before they all felt the sudden tremor that was going around all over Gamindustri as well. Uzume pulled out her megaphone and Adult Neptune pulled out her swords in case anything was going to happen to them and they all went outside to look around before lowering their guard once they see the same pillar of light that the rest of Gamindustri was seeing as well.
Dimension: Hyper
Location: Leanbox, Remote Island
Back at the location where this was all happening, the process nearly done as inside of the pillar, a silhouette of somebody could be seen inside of it as everybody was wondering who that was. Viron was getting scared the more that he was looking at this and he growls before using Virus Spear where the pillar of light is to stop it from happening. However, the spear just disintegrated into bits which made Viron gasp of how that could be happening.
Viron: H-How?? What can possibly be letting out so much energy in there?!
Neptune: ((N/N). . .?)
Suddenly, the pillar of light finally dies down and once it did, everybody was astonished except for Viron for what they see next. What came out of this pillar was an older looking man who suddenly opened his eyes and they had power symbols in them like all of the other CPUs. He had long, golden spiky hair and was wearing a black bodysuit with glowing (F/C) linings that went around from the neck, the body, it wrapped around his waist like a belt, and they even appeared on his arms and legs. This new person stared at Viron with a deep glare as he was shocked by what he was seeing before he glares at them.
Viron: Who are you?? Where did the brat go?! He was just in that light until he activated that damn watch of his!
The figure stayed silent for a second before he deepens his glare at Viron and he points at him.
(Y/N)?: Who am I, you ask?! I am neither (Y/N) or a human! I am the CPU who provides Gamindustri all of this Shares! I am the CPU who protects all of the goddesses!
This shocks everybody around as they heard him say that one word out loud.
Nepgear: Did he just say. . .
Uni: CPU?!
(Y/N)?: That's right! I was born to provide Shares so that the goddesses would keep ruling for their people to make them live happily! To ensure that Gamindustri stays safe once more, I will vanquish anyone who dares to lay a finger on the goddesses! You want to know who I am??
The person stayed silent for a second before he makes a golden aura glow around him and smirks confidently.
Gold Heart (Y/N): I am the legendary Male CPU, Gold Heart!
(Insert Absolute From Megadimension Neptunia VII Here)
The moment he said that, everybody around even IF, Compa, and Histoire who were back at the Basilicom were completely in shock from what he just said.
All: WHAT?!?!
Location: Planeptune's Basilicom, Sharicite Chamber
Histoire: (Is this real?? So. . . So the legends are true! The Legend of the Male CPU. . . is completely true after all! And he was right in front of our faces the entire time. . .!)
Everybody was staring at Gold Heart in shock including Viron who couldn't believe what he was seeing right as there is literally another CPU right in front of him. It appears that the legends that were assumed to be a myth is true after as Gold Heart is now in front of the actual CPUs of their nations. Just how is the Male CPU existing now? Will he be our final hope to saving Gamindustri from the wicked King of Viruses?
Chapter 15 End. To Be Continued.
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