Chapter 6: pain
A/N: so, part of this chapter, and possibly other chapters will be told by people's perspectives. The first part, (until you see \\*^*//) is in no-ones perspective.
"GO TO YOUR ROOM!" Virgil screamed back
"FINE!" Remy slammed the door of his room shut. "R-Roman, am I being to hard on him?"
Roman thought for a moment. "No. I think your being perfect." Roman And virgil jumped as they heard Logan yell from his room. They went rushing in to see Logan holding patton down with his foot.
"Where is patton!" He yelled quietly at (clearly not) patton.
"L-Logan! Your h-hurting me!" He whined.
"Logan...calm down." Virgil told him. Logan instantly turned around and took a step towards Virgil. Roman moved in between him, ready to protect the younger man.
"It's not patton" Logan said defeated. 'Patton' instantly stood up, a sinister look on his face. 'Patton' then pulled out a small dagger and lunged at Logan. Virgil noticed this, and 'patton' Froze mid-air.
"Ok, we believe you. Guess we should've in the first place, y'know with your powers and stuff. I dunno why he's fooling me, my abIlty should make so he can't." Roman commented.
"Roman, I ate pasta while you where showering" Virgil told him, testing his powers.
"Nah, you didn't. Powers are still working." Roman comfirmed. They suddenly heard a click, and Virgil dropped the imposter. They ran into the living room to see patton and Emile talking to each other, holding two plastic bags.
"Um is everything ok?!" Patton asked, looking at Logan's ruffled hair.
"No, there's an imposter in the apartment." Logan explained as emile ran to his room.
"Father, where is Remy?!" Emile asked after a while.
"Remy was in his room!" Virgil said, panicking slightly. He ran into the room to see the window wide open. He motioned for the others to go look for the imposter.
POV: Logan.
The imposter was missing when I came to where we had last them. Did patton have a brother maybe? No, he would've told me. This imposter must've had some sort of...ability, similar to us. Interesting. I heard a scream, and instantly knew what was going on.
"Patton! That was Emile, c'mon!" I said as Patton followed me. Emile And virgil were gone, but left behind was Emile's glasses. I then realised that remy's sun-glasses where on the ground two. I carefully picked them up and put them in my pocket.
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