15- Starting Le Plan
"What do you mean?" Tony asks.
"I heard Loki talking with Peter in the alleyway. Peter covered it up by saying the spider ran away," Natasha explains.
Peter knew he should not have asked Natasha to take him. She is a super fricken spy after all.
"What? You probably just heard me speaking to my spider," Peter defends.
"Hello all!" Clint says as he walks in the room with Wanda and Bucky "we have a visitor!"
"No your lying Peter and I'll prove it. Wanda! Perfect timing, Look inside his head," Natasha says.
Peter knows he should just pull out a gun and shoot them all in the head now, but he can't yet.
Wanda looks at the two in confusion "why? Who is he?"
"Just do it," Tony says.
Tony is in for it too huh? Luckily for Peter, Tony has a soft spot for the kid.
Peter looks at Tony "What? You don't believe me?"
"You've already lied once kid," Tony says.
'Don't shoot them in the head, don't shoot them in the head' Peter thought.
"But I wasn't with Loki! I promise!"
"You said you wouldn't lie again Peter!" Tony yells.
"I'm not lying! I wasn't with Loki!" Peter yells back.
"Why were you with Loki?" Bucky asks.
"Yeh, Loki is bad news," Clint says, recalling the time Loki took over his brain with the sceptor.
'There is a gun in my pocket I'm sure I could just grab it and shoo-no, no I can't. I can't' Peter thought.
"Someone call Thor and tell him Loki is brain washing the kid!" Natasha yells.
"Everyone Shut up! I wasn't with him at all," Peter yells and storms off to his room. He slams the door. 'They know they know they know'.
Peter drops his head in his hands and screams. 'No they can't know! I need to complete the mission'.
"Are you Okay Peter?" FRIDAY asks.
"Shut up!"
Peter's phone then starts ringing. He lifts his head and looks at his phone. Unknown number. He picks his phone up and swipes to answer.
"Spider. How's the mission going?" Adam's voice speaks.
"Uhh great, going great! I'm planning on attacking soon," Peter replies.
"Good." And with that the call ended.
He hears a knock at his door. He ignores it.
Knock knock.
Peter stares at his door.
Knock knock.
He continues to ignore.
Knock knock "Peter I'm sorry."
'Shut up Tony' Peter thinks to himself. He rolls his eyes and continues to stare at the door.
"Peter please open the door, the avengers and I are watching a movie and we want you to watch it with us," Tony explains.
Peter rolls his eyes again "it's probably a set up because no one trusts me!"
There is a slight pause before he hears Tony sigh and walk away.
Peter has to do something, and fast.
•1 hour•
Peter has been laying on his bed the whole time while using his hearing to listen to the movie.
But now he's bored. He thinks about attacking right now. Letting Kyhle the spider loose for a distraction. But he hasn't finished the entire plan yet. So with no further thoughts, regrets or questions he will now.
He quietly walks out his room and over to Bucky's. He walks in and takes out all the weapons like guns and knives. He dumps it in his room and repeats, going from one room and to the other.
His other part of the plan is to have FRIDAY ready to hack. He grabs a mini knife and throws it at the camera in his room. He picks up his laptop Tony gave him and starts typing away codes. He remembers the small classes he got from HYDRA on how to hack high security shit.
Once he finishes the codes he locks his laptop in his closet.
Peter then grabs his lighter from under his pillow, grabs all the weapons and puts them in a bag then jumps out the window.
'Good job, me. Being quiet is my new specialty' Peter thought to himself.
He travels to a decently distanced tree and piles all the weapons up. He grabs his lighter and stars the show.
"Part two, check," he mumbles.
When he gets back he smells of smoke so he decides to take a quick shower.
In his shower he heard sirens, not too many. Considering it's only a tree.
After his shower he grabs Kyhle and walks upstairs very carefully and quietly. He sees all the avengers sitting on the couches.
"Alright Kyhle, time for your part," he whispers and let's the spider free. The spider starts running around the room.
"Part three, check."
He quietly goes back down stairs to his room and laughs.
Finally the plan is coming together.
Reference anyone?
Oh btw I'm start posting a Frostiron, don't judge, fanfic soon Cauz I'm newly interested in this ship after reading 12 fanfics about it. Yes I do dedicate my life to wattpad, I spent my whole Sunday reading fanfics and writing my own fanfics Lol
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