Life is good then it turns bitter.
Vanoss's POV-
I was woken up by two guards who looked at me with serious faces. "Breakfast time." One of them said. I looked at Delirious, hoping this was all a dream, a nightmare, but it was all real. I saw him in the hospital bed in a coma. His body wasn't as pale as yesterday but he still looked pale; his eyes were closed. I tried to convince myself that he'll live and he'll be okay but I couldn't even convince myself. I, for some reason, couldn't believe he could live. I looked at Delirious for one last time and walked outside of the nurse office.
The guys ate breakfast in silence except for me. I barely even touched my food. "Come on Evan. You have to eat something." Droidd would tell me. I didn't want to even speak so I just shook my head. "Evan, you need to eat to have more strength," Mini said. I kept on shaking my head and kept on just nibbling my food. Thinking of Jonathan was making me depressed and angry because I couldn't do anything else to bring him back. I just had to see him slowly die.
I went to my first period alone without Jonathan. I went to my second class alone. I went to all of my classes, adding lunch and dinner, and Jonathan wasn't with me. Days. Days and more fucking days have passed and still, Jonathan hasn't woken up. I still slept inside the nurse office since I couldn't let Jonathan go. Every day I saw him he looked better than before but he looks like he'll never wake up. I would always talk to him and tell him what happened in class so he wouldn't miss anything. I know he won't hear me but I still talked to him to pass the time. I wanted him to wake up but he didn't.
Until one day he finally woke up but there was a serious problem. He didn't remember shit.
Delirious's POV-
I woke up in a strange room. When I looked around I heard a heart monitor. I stood up slowly and my head started hurting. I looked around me and I guessed I was in a nurse office or something because I saw a bunch of cotton balls, popsicle sticks that they shove down your throat, ex-etcetera. I looked at my arms and saw a bunch of wires. I moved them out of my arm and the heart monitor stopped, making a really annoying sound. I stood up a bit but my legs were about to give up on me so I quickly sat down on the hospital bed.
I heard two pairs of footsteps running towards the nurse room and then a hot Asia appeared in the view with a tall white male. They both looked shocked and relieved. I frowned, trying to remember who they were. "Um... do I know you two?" I said. They looked at each other and frowned then faced me. The Asian person spoke first, "Y-You don't remember us?" He said. I shook my head and the tall guy cursed softly. "What the fock! He lost his focking memory!" The tall guy said. I guess he was Irish because he sounded Irish. The Asian guy looked disappointed and sad at the same time. "Do you at least remember someone's names?" The Asian guy said. I thought for a moment and then a name surfaced into my mind. "I remember only one name. Evan Fong, that's it." I said. The Asian guy smiled and faced the Irish man. "He remembers my name! Wait, so you don't know anyone else's name?" The Asian guy, I guess Evan, said. He sounded so happy when I said his name for some odd reason. Then two buff guys came inside. I guess they were guards or some shit. "Evan Fong, Jonathan Dennis, and David Nagle. You need to report back to lunch immediately." One of them said. I was so confused at this point.
The two guards pushed us to the direction of the cafeteria and when I entered the cafeteria I saw a LOT of people eating. They all looked tired and so depressed. Some were laughing and making jokes but deep inside you could see them depressed and tired. Everyone looked like they were in shape, even the ladies. I looked around and a table full of men stared at me with wide eyes. I looked back at Evan, not sure what to do. He smiled kindly and looked at the guys. "They're our friends. Did you remember another name?" Evan said. I tried to think but my mind was fuzzy as fuck. The Irish guy sat down next to a Mexican looking dude who was short. Evan sat down on one of the seats and I sat on the least seat next to him. Maybe I don't remember Evan that much but when I look at him all I think is 'God damn boy! You hot as fuck!' Of course, I never said it out loud I just think about that.
The guys look at me and I felt like I was getting eye-raped. "Um... I don't know any names except for Evan's. Can you guys repeat your names for me?" I said. I felt so nervous and when I said I forgot their names they looked at each other. "Evan, did Jonathan loose his memory?" A tall guy said. He had brown hair and blue eyes. I looked at him and stared blankly. "Who are you?" I told him. He looked at me and looked disappointed. "You really don't remember. Well, my name is Tyler or just call me Wildcat." He said. I looked at the left of Tyler and saw a smaller white male. He had light brown hair and he had glasses. "Who are you?" I said. He looked sad and answered me, "My name is Craig. You can call me Miniladd or Mini." I nodded and looked at the rest of the guys. They started telling me their names and I just nodded.
"Delirious, what is the last thing you remember?" Mini said. I frowned since I didn't remember anything except for a small memory which I'm pretty sure was a dream. "I don't remember anything. Well, I remember a dream. It was weird, I had a tail and ears of a raccoon, weird right? That's it." I said and chuckled at my weird dream. The guys looked at each other with a 'really' expression. I looked at them and went serious. "It was a dream, right?" I said. Evan gave me a small smile and then I had wide-eyes since he started forming huge beautiful golden wings which resemble an owl's wings. He also grew a small tail of feathers. I looked at the rest of the guys and they all had animal parts. I had a wide mouth and didn't know what to say. "Close your mouth. You shouldn't be surprised since you also have raccoon ears and a tail." Tyler said. "H-How am I supposed to not be surprised since I don't even remember anything?" I said. I kept on staring at Evan's wings and then I looked at him. "Can I touch your wings? Sorry, they look so soft." I said while I reached for the wing. Evan moved the wing closer and when I touched the feathers it felt so soft. "Jeez, these wings are soft as fuck!" I said while I kept on touching the wings. Evan then moved his wings quickly. I looked at him confused as in why he did that and he smiled shyly. "Sorry, my wings are kind of sensitive." He said. I nodded and faced the guys. They were talking to each other normally but Mini and Tyler were closer and they were also holding hands. I looked at them and then Mini saw me confused. "You don't remember?" He said. The guys looked at me and I shook my head. "Like I said, I don't remember shit. You need to tell me everything that has happened." I said. Mini looked at his hand and at Tyler's hand. "You were the one that brought us together. You told me that Tyler like me and I trusted you. Now we're together." He said and I was confused. "So I'm the reason you two are together?" I said. They nodded and I nodded back trying to fit all the pieces together. They kept on speaking and I kept quiet. I looked at my surroundings and I saw other people looking at me with a scared expression.
I looked at Evan and it was like if he could read my mind. "Jonathan, these people look scared because you have a, um... a voice. The voice is you but the Delirious part of you. Um, it's a bad voice that can take control of you but it needs your permission. One day the real Delirious got out and he grew so powerful that you almost lost it. You would've taken a long time to come back to normal. I helped you come back but that caused you to go into a coma. You're so lucky to be alive because you were on the verge of dying. Now, you're awake and lost your memory. Plus, your parents and my parents own this place and they personally placed us in this place. They're evil and they were the reason you lost your memory and almost killed yourself." Evan said. He sounded sad at the first time and then turned angry at the last part. I wasn't that shocked but I kind of was. I do remember when my parents gave me a scar on my face but I never thought they would do these crazy experiments on me or other people. The lunch I ate wasn't going to stay in my stomach for long.
Next thing you know I ran towards the bathroom and when I reached I toilet I puked my lunch. I heard a pair of footsteps and then when I finished throwing up all of my lunch I stood up and grabbed some toilet paper to clean up my mouth. I looked at Evan and he looked worried. "Are you okay, Jonathan?" He said. I nodded and flushed the toilet. My throat felt like I had acid poured into it. I went to the sink and splashed my face with some water so I could refresh myself. "I know it's a lot to take in since you barely woke up from a coma but it's real life. I'm sorry Jon." He said in a very sad and worried voice. I rinsed my mouth with water and spat out the water. I grabbed another piece of toilet paper and cleaned my mouth once again. "I know my parents are assholes and I hate them but I never thought they would ever do this shit to me or any person," I said and took in a shaky breath. I was scared. Scared that maybe I will die here and rotten. "Evan, I have a question. Why do they want to make everyone have powers and make them into Hybrids? Don't you think that maybe we could use them against them?" I said confused once again. He winced and then took in a deep breath. "Well, that's the reason of why you almost died. About one or two months ago-" "I was out for about a month or two!!"
"-Yes and let me finish before you say anything, please. Well, a while back we were in our normal class and then our parents called everyone into the cafeteria but one person from each table was missing..." When he explained everything to me in FUCKING DETAIL; I felt like I wanted to puke out all the acid in my stomach. "A-All of t-that happened... Oh god. Why?" I said and I felt like I wanted to crawl into a corner and just die. Everyone here hates me for something I didn't even cause. The real Delirious WASN'T ME!! IT WASN'T MY FUCKING FAULT!! My sadness was replaced with anger and then a particular voice returned.
Aww, the poor baby can't take it? You're such a pussy.
Why don't you just give up then? Give me full control and I'll make us both unstoppable.
Why don't I? It isn't a bad-
JONATHAN DON'T YOU DARE GIVE UP!! I waited for you to wake up from the fucking coma so you can just give up on me? No, you're staying alive!
Evan, can't you see? We're all dead!! No one knows we're here. Nobody is probably trying to help us. We're all doomed.
Jonathan is right, Evan. Maybe you should join us. You can't become Delirious like me but you can kill next to me.
I rather die. Jonathan, you control him. I don't want to loose you.
Evan, you're not my boyfriend or anyone to me. You're just a stranger I met here.
Exactly, you can't say anything. Come on Jonathan. Let me take control.
I then remembered something. When I was in a coma I did hear a voice. It matches Evan's voice. He would always tell me how his day was and the first day I was in a coma I felt something on my lips. A small kiss. I ignored the voice of the real Delirious telling me to let him take control and I faced Evan. He was leaning on the wall looking like if he lost a war. He had a small tear running down on his cheek. All of a sudden the memories came washing in like if I was watching a movie. I kept looking at Evan and then he faced me with the saddest face I have ever seen. "Aren't you going to make Delirious take control? I'm done with this shit. I rather die now." He said with anger and then started walking outside the bathroom but I stopped him. He turned to look at me with a sad and angry face. "What do you want Jonathan. Aren't you goin' to kill everyone?" I kept looking at him and then at his lips. I'm probably going to regret this but I have to give it a try. Before Evan can say anything I lean closer to him and then kiss him. I kissed him and I didn't feel him kiss back. I was about to stop but then he kissed back and he pulled me closer to him. It was a long and beautiful kiss. All the butterflies in my stomach finally flew away but then the memory of a particular person came to mind. I pulled away from Evan because I needed oxygen but it was also because of the memory of him.
Evan was smiling and he looked so happy. I was smiling also but at the same time, I was dying inside. I felt like I wanted to destroy everything. Not because of Evan, but because of him... I looked down at the floor and looked at my hands. I felt so... so... I can't even describe it. I felt like a fuck up. I felt Evan carefully lifting up my chin with his fingers and made me look at him. "Hey, Jonathan. Why are you down?" He said in such a caring voice. I just smiled but I couldn't. I hugged him tightly and started weeping on his shoulder. "Evan, I'm having horrible memories of someone. I can't stop thinking about it and it's killing me inside." I said with a lot of tears coming out of my eyes. He rubbed my back gently and whispered to me stuff like, 'Everything will be fine' or ' Don't worry. Nothing will happen to you'. I won't lie, it was making me feel better but the memories still come back.
After five minutes of hugging Evan pulled back and gave me a small caring smile with a cute kiss on the lips. "Jonathan, will you please be my boyfriend?" He said with a nervous tone even though he looked confident. "Yes, I do want to be your boyfriend. Don't you think that maybe it's weird that you're telling me a very important question and we're in a bathroom?" I said and we both laughed a bit. We shared a passionate kiss and walked out of the bathroom. I didn't have a smile since I was still processing all of my memories. Just because I have all of my memories doesn't mean that I automatically know what's going on. It's like if you woke up from a really realistic dream. When I sat down on the table again the guys looked at me with a sad face. "Guys, I have my memories back but it feels like I just woke up from a realistic dream. So, I think I made you, Tyler and Mini, get together because I was reading your minds and found out about your feelings, am I right?" I said. Tyler and Mini were smiling as if I just won 20 million dollars. I guess I was right? They guys were happy about me finally getting my memory back but I still had some fuzzy memories and some bad memories.
I kept on thinking and thinking about all of my memories and then I felt a nudge on my shoulder. I looked at my right and I saw Evan with a smile. I smiled back and then the guys started cheering. I got startled and faced the guys. "Fucking finally!!" Tyler yelled and cheered. "Yeah, about fockin' time!" Nogla also yelled. "Jesus man! It finally happened!!" Brian yelled and looked around. The guys were loud as fuck and everyone kept on turning and staring at us. I tried to shush them but they kept on being loud until finally, Evan stepped in. "All right guys. Stop and be quiet before anyone wants to stab you in the neck." He said and chuckled. I was so confused. I was too focused on my thoughts that I totally forgot about the guys and their conversation. "Why are you guys cheering so loudly? I almost had a heart attack." I said and felt my heart beat. "Because you two finally figured out that you have feelings towards each other. That's why!" Lui said with a squeaker voice. "Yeah, I swear it was really obvious. You two would always be together and you two would always make goo-goo eyes at each other. It was so adorable I wanted to puke." Droidd said and everyone chuckled while I rubbed my neck. "Really? Was it really that obvious?" I said kind of shocked. They all nodded. "Remember when one day you two weren't with us and we barely found out about MiniCat here?", Marcel questioned, "We were just talking about how obvious you two were. You can't hide it. Well, Evan was really obvious but Jonathan was kind of challenging but at the end, we all knew that you both had feelings towards each other." Marcel finished. While he was talking I was using my mind reading powers. I was listening to Marcel speak but at the same time, I was using my powers on Nogla. He kept on staring at Lui but Lui didn't even notice. So I wanted to find something out.
~Nogla's thoughts~
Just focking great. First, it was MiniCat and not it's H2Ovanoss. Why couldn't Lui and I be like them? I know I'm straight but maybe I'm not... Why do I have to make everything more complicated? Stupid, stupid, STUPID! You fell for a fockin' straight guy! The chances of me and Lui being together are very slim. *Small sigh* Why David? Why do you- Wait, Delirious is reading minds... FOCK!!
~End of Nogla's thoughts~
I blinked and then looked at Nogla but I also felt all of the guys staring at me. I turned to look at everyone and they just stared at me. "What? What did I do?" I said confused. "You were reading someone's thought's weren't you, Jonathan?" Evan said with a smile. I was so confused. "H-How the fuck did you guy's know?" I said looking at them and then at Nogla. He had a serious face but I saw it in his eyes that he looked panicked for some reason. "You know, your eyes turn completely white and a glow of blue appears. I know that happens 'cause I've seen it happen." Evan explained. I said 'Oh' for five seconds and smiled widely. "Well, I just read someone's mind and it was really interesting," I said and then turned my face slowly to Nogla. As I turned to look at him my smile grew while his panic was more visible. I was cruel but now I know they both do like each other. "David, would you want to confess somethin'?" I said. The guys faced David and he turned really red. Lui looked hopeful but then he looked sad. I didn't like that. "Jonathan, don't be cruel. That's not cool of you to do." Lui said facing me with a sad expression. I smiled more and faced Lui this time. "Why are you trying to stop me? This is about you Lui." I said and the guys stood up more straight. Especially Lui. Both Luis' and Davids' faces were red. Nogla took in a deep breath and looked at Lui. "Um... I had this huge crush on you but I've been hiding it since the beginning. I guess Jonathan found out about my feeling right now and I'm hoping you have the same feelings towards me." Nogla said with his eyes closed. It was clear he was nervous. Lui just stared at him and then smiled. "Were you waiting for me to slap you and tell you I was straight?" He said with a chuckle at the end. Nogla opened one eye and then opened the other one. "Of course I have feelings for you since the beginning too you Irish bastard," Lui said and Nogla was smiling like an idiot. "So can you be my boyfriend my stupid squeaker?" Nogla said with a playful tone. Lui punched him in the arm and then gave him a small kiss. "Of course you dumbass," Lui said and we all laughed and Brock acted like if he was about to puke. "Oh god you two are so adorable I'm going to puke out my lunch," Brock said making puking sounds.
Everything was great until the bell rang but instead of Evan and I leaving to our next class we got stopped by four guards this time. "Evan Fong and-" Evan looked so annoyed he didn't let him finish. "Yeah, yeah, whatever. Our parents are calling us both. Whatever let's just go." Evan said and I followed him. Even if I barely woke up from a coma and barely remember shit I do remember all the shit my parents said.
Sorry I haven't posted sooner. I know you're all probably going to kill me but I've been busy with A FUCKING PROJECT THAT IS FUCKING WORTH 60 PERCENT OF MY FUCKING GRADE!! FUCK MY ENGLISH TEACHER AND THE SCHOOL!!! I HATE CLASSES!!! Well, sorry about that I just got a bit carried away. Anyways, I'm sorry for not posting a chapter. Btw, if you guys are making some books please tell me 'cause I want to read because I'm bored af. Thank's for everything and PEACE!! ✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻
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