(A/N- I don't know the artist that created this master piece. Whoever knows the artist tell me so I can give them credit.)
Jonathan's POV-
"Help!" I yelled. I can't see anything. Everything is dark and I hate it. I went down on my knees and placed my hands outwards trying to find anything. My hands were shaky and when I touched something I flinched. I touched it again and it was fluffy and so soft. I picked it up and it was soft. I then realized that it was a teddy bear. I hugged it and the smell was amazing. It smelled just like Evan and then I felt myself relax. I had my eyes closed so when I opened them I saw the teddy bear light up. It wasn't a lot of light but it was enough light to see in front of me. I saw a chair. The same chair I had to sit down when I entered my parents office with Evan. I walked towards it and then I sat down.
As I sat down, memories started to appear. The memories of when I was small, memories of when I was at school, memories of my sick, stupid, parents, and memories of the guys and Evan. I started to cry, without knowing, when I saw Evan's face and his beautiful smile. I hugged the teddy harder and harder as my tears fell down my cheeks. I miss him even if I barely saw his minutes ago. I don't even know if it was minutes ago... maybe I was captured again and they forgot about me... am I even alive at this point..?
I flinched a bit when I heard the same demon voice in my head. I was so annoyed but then realized, it was not in my head...
The whole room turned dark again and the only light was the teddy bear. I looked at my feet and saw fog. The place got even more cold and I felt a shiver down my spine. I stood up from the chair and started walking straight even though I perfectly knew I didn't know were I was going. I was shaking violently and then I realized that he can probably see me. I stopped hugging the teddy bear to see where the off button was but it turned off by itself when I stopped hugging it.
"You think I will not know where you are? I can see you, even when there is no light and everything is dark."
This time, the voice was closer. I stopped in my tracks and walked to the right. I walked a bit faster and didn't hug my teddy bear so there was no light. I wanted to hug the teddy bear so badly but I knew I shouldn't. He was probably lying when he said he could see me in the dark just to trick me into hugging the teddy bear. I walk and walk until I hit someone. The other person also fell and grunted. "Who was that?" The person said. I gasped and hugged the teddy bear. The teddy bear shined bright and I could see Evan. "Evan!" I yelled as I quickly crawled towards him and hugged him. I started crying and then he relaxed and started rubbing my arms. "Jonathan, you don't know hoe glad it is to see you..." Evan said in a calm but creepy voice. It started to creep me out and then it hit me like a brick. That isn't Evan...
I quickly pushed the person that was acting like Evan and I hugged my teddy bear even tighter than before. The light was now bright enough that I could see a couple of feet in front of me. The person acting like Evan stood up on the floor and smiled creepily at me. "What's wrong, Jonathan?" The person said. "Don't you love me?" It started saying but in a disturbing voice that made my skin crawl. But it wasn't even a person since the skin was peeling open to reveal black goo. Once all the skin peeled away all I could see was black goo. I didn't even realize I wasn't breathing until I saw black dots in my vision and my lungs were screaming for air. I took in a deep breath and immediately stood up to run to the other direction. I hugged the teddy bear tightly as I ran without knowing if there was going to be a wall. I just wanted to be far away from whatever that was.
The creature started to laugh and his laugh was so creepy I started to cry from fear. I couldn't breath normally. My legs gave up on me and I fell on the floor. I tried crawling away but I was out of energy. I gave up.
I heard his laugh getting closer to me but I did nothing. I just hugged my teddy bear and cried. The creature was now right in front of me but it stopped and didn't move. "What are you waiting for?" I said with anger in my tone. "Just kill me already!" I yelled but it didn't move. I hugged the teddy bear harder and when the light reached the creature it backed away and hissed in pain. Realizing that the light hurt him I started standing up, making sure I don't stop hugging the teddy bear.
Once I was up I walked close to the creature but it backed away, scared from the light. I started walking close to the creature and it backed away everytime. The only way to defeat the creature is to get it close to the light so I'm going to have to chase it. The creature couldn't grab me when he was chasing me so this should be easy. I ran towards the creature and the creatured screamed while trying to run away.
I hugged the teddy bear harder each time and at one point I was so close to the creature that it stopped running and screamed in pain as the light devoured it. I looked down at the teddy bear and saw a small heart on its chest. I felt a tear roll down my cheek as I saw a little message.
I love you, Jonathan.
I don't know what I would do without you.
~ With love, Evan.
I felt sleepy and so I laid down on the ground, still hugging the teddy bear, and smiled as I closed my eyes. The screams of the creature turned into Evan's beautiful laughs. I kept smiling and for once I felt safe in this nightmare. As I heard Evan's laughter I also heard him say something. "I love you, Jonathan." He said. I giggled and answered back. "I love you too, Evan."
I fell asleep and when I woke up I wasn't in the same place. I checked my arms and I saw the same teddy bear I had when I was in that nightmare. I smiled and pulled it closer to me. I looked in front of me and I saw an empty chair. I decided to sit up and when I did my arms felt a bit like jelly but I managed to sit up. It looked like I was in a hospital room with all the stuff around me. I then realized I was right because of all the wires in my arm. I pulled my legs closer to me and I hugged my legs while the teddy bear was in the middle of me and my legs. I took in a deep breath and the smell of Evan hit me. I looked at the teddy bear and smelled the teddy bear to confirm that the teddy bear did, in fact, smell like Evan.
I closed my eyes for a bit and started thinking about Evan. I didn't know where he was or if he's even alive. I should be saying he is alive but I don't even know anymore. Just thinking about it made my eyes watery. I wiped off all the tears and sniffed a bit. I hugged the teddy so tightly. I don't want to let it go because that's the only thing that reminds me of Evan. I then heard the door start to open and when I turned to look who it is I froze.
Evan's POV-
I wish he could wake up sooner. It has been a year since I've woken up from my coma and Jonathan hasn't woken up or has shown any sign of waking up. The doctors are saying that I need to let him go and that I should just give up on him and end it. I always respond with the same answer, no. I will never give up on him in my life. I know he can make it... I just don't know when.
When I walked inside the hospital a doctor looks at me and then walks towards me. "Mr. Fong-" "I already told you to just call me Evan." I said. "Right, Evan, this is about Jonathan." He says. "If you're trying to convince me into pulling the plug it ain't gonna happen. I will not give up on him like all of you did." I said and continued walking. He didn't stop me, luckily. I don't even have to check in with the nurse since she already knows who I am. I can just walk in and out as long as it is visiting hours.
I look at all of the room numbers and stopped once I saw Jonathan's room. I took in a deep breath and opened the door. I was expecting to see him laying down with his teddy bear but I was wrong. I froze when I saw the same beautiful baby blue eyes that I love and begged to see again. I saw how he was also in shock and couldn't move. I thought I was in a dream or I was going crazy but I was wrong. He was really alive. "J-Jonathan..." I barely managed to say. Tears were falling from his cheek but he didn't move. "Evan, y-you're alive..." He said and covered his eyes and started crying.
I had tears in my eyes and I ran towards him to hug him. As I was hugging him I realized how much I missed his touch. I don't know what I would've done if I didn't get to see him again. We pulled apart and started kissing. I missed his kisses more. One year without his kisses is something I don't want to experience ever again. When we stopped kissing we touched foreheads and then started laughing. "I can't believe you actually survived. All the doctors wanted to pull the plug and let you vanish but I'm glad I didn't give up on you." I said and he looked at me with sad baby blue eyes. "For how long was I out?" He said and I wiped off all of my tears. "You were out for a year. I was out for a couple of weeks. You were so close to death so many times I sometimes thought of the worse." I said with more tears falling out of my eyes. Jonathan cried and pulled me close to him and hugged me while apologizing for everything. I chuckled and whispered to him, "It doesn't matter anymore. You're alive and that's all that matters. I even bought you that teddy bear because I knew you would wake up to see it." I said and he raised the teddy bear to hug him. "I love it but I don't love it as much as I love you."
The guys found out that Jonathan was awake so they rushed into the hospital room and everyone celebrated. As they were busy talking to Jonathan I walked out of the room and walked towards the doctor that always told me to pull the plug. When I found him I walked towards him with a serious face. He was talking to someone and when he looked at me he told the other person to leave and he faced me. "Evan, did you finally decide to pull the plug?" He said with a smile. When I reached him I didn't say anything for about a minute and then I just punched him with my right fist. He fell on the ground with a big bruise on his cheek and I just stood there while everyone gasped. "Just so you know. Jonathan, is finally awake from his coma. He's alive." I said and walked back to Jonathan's room.
When I walked back to the room we all talked about what we would do and we told Jonathan everything. He was kind of shocked when we told him we were in Brazil. We told him we're staying at someone's place and we payed them by working. When another doctor entered he checked Jonathan if he was fine and he could leave tomorrow. We all cheered and we stayed there all day. Even if a year has passed our love is still strong.
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