The Seventh Extinction [Pt. 1]
|| 𝐍𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟏𝐬𝐭, 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟎 ||
The two hybrids exchanged blows from left and right; Red would tear into her shoulder blade, as Indy tore into Red's chest. But it was much harder for the white indominus to find openings; with Red's estranged physique, the only real weak points were his underbelly and neck. She'd forget that, too; Indy lunged onto his side like a raptor, and fastened her jaws onto Red's back. Her claws stabbed there too, for extra leverage and damage. But she couldn't break through his skin. Like steel rock, his back armor was near impossible for her teeth to tear into; the same went for her claws on his hips.
"What the-"
Red's jaws finally caught her tail, yanking her from his back and straight to the ground, back-first. Indy winced; the asphalt cracked and rippled on impact, and her claws stiffened as fresh pain lanced up her spine. She blinked, stunned and completely unaware of Red's coming arrival. Once the ground stopped shaking, Indy saw his foot crash down upon her underbelly, crushing her stomach and clenching inward for each of his toe-talons to slice into her flesh. Indy gasped, tasting blood quickly burst into her maw and squealed as Red dug deeper.
Indy snarled, trying to kick herself up; Red's weight kept her pinned down, locked for whatever deathly blow he had in store. Indy continued to cut and slash at his underside, even throwing blows that could knock the hybrid off his focus. But Red returned the favor quickly. His own claws batted Indy's away and, as she lunged up to bite his neck, a claw struck her skull, knocking her right back to the ground.
Red snorted, suddenly pushing two of his claws against Indy's maw, one for the upper jaw, another for the lower-
And he began to pry them apart.
Indy realized the sensation quickly and started thrashing about, trying to snap her jaws shut. But Red kept stretching her maw, further and further until her body started to hurt. Indy screamed in pain, trying to kick up at her killer; it wasn't working. Just as Red went for the crushing blow, an explosion suddenly went off on his side, forcing yet another pained howl from the hybrid. Indy gagged once his claws released from her jaws. She secured her feet to his underbelly and pushed as hard as she could, disarming the predator backward, and freeing herself. Indy rolled to her stomach.
And came face to face with a military tank. The humans had finally decided to do something about this.
But at the worst time.
"Oh no."
The barrel started to glow, ready to fire directly at her. "No, not me!" the indominus yelped, trying to push away; the tank fired anyway, blasting her right to the ground and burning her body. Bullets started firing from behind her, striking her scales and cutting into her flesh. Red, who rose up in front of her, rumbled amusingly at their attacks.
"They don't seem to like you very much."
Indy felt another explosion go off on her back, forcing her to let out a shrill shriek of pain. Blood was starting to trickle down her back; they were pushing their efforts into the wrong dinosaur. And, still, they didn't seem to care.
"Stop it!" Indy's tail finally whacked the policemen backward, flinging some behind their vehicles, and others straight through the car windshield. In that single sweep, that third shot from the tank was redirected by her tail sweep, accidentally hitting one of the buildings. Indy rose to her feet as fast as she could, alarmed to see Red started charging at her. She glanced over at the tank slowly turning toward her, barrel at the ready, and growled.
Indy headbutted the vehicle in the right direction, and the shot fired; a fourth explosion struck Red's skull head-on, knocking the hybrid back into a building before collapsing to the ground. It seemed to do the trick.
For a few seconds.
"Rrr..." Red stumbled back to his feet as if nothing happened, without much any injuries. Terrified, Indy sank her fangs into the small tank, straining every muscle in her body to draw it back to the center of the road until the barrel faced Red again.
"Okay, shoot!" Indy ordered. It didn't do anything.
"Shoot?" the indominus cried out, watching Red's walk turn into a trot. "Shoot. Shoot now, shoot something! SHOOT!"
"INDY!" Red roared.
"There's your target!" Indy squealed, clawing at the tank's frame. "RAGH! Why aren't you working?!"
She looked up; Red was two steps away from her. Out of sheer panic, Indy lunged out of the way, dodging Red's horns and watching the poor tank get crushed beneath his bodyweight. Along with all the stupid humans inside.
But Red's back was turned. It gave her a small advantage. Small... wasn't very much in this fight.
Indy roared, lunging into the bewildered red hybrid, and shoving into the space under his jawline. She secured her fangs to his throat and started to squeeze-
There was blackness for a second. Indy found herself on her stomach again, a couple tail-lengths away from Red, who was bleeding from his neck. He was standing there beside a gas station, unfazed, his two red eyes staring her down like headlights upon a car. Indy was bleeding bad herself; her precious snout was split in threes from his talons. The crimson ooze started suffocating her nostrils, while another cut above her eye ridge began to blind her. She winced at first, stumbling to all fours, then back to two unsteady feet. She was quick to notice her enemy was staring down a fleeing pick up truck, already knowing what he wanted to do to it. And Indy couldn't stop it.
The hybrid didn't care. Red slammed his tail into a truck, sending the vehicle flying into a gas station. A blastwave of heat and debris erupted in front of Indy, blinding and burning her before she could attack Red. The indominus cried out, doubling back into hiding until she regained her sights. She then turned back to the destroyed gas station with an unconfident snarl.
But Red wasn't there anymore.
"Sixteen of our own..." came his voice from behind her, forcing Indy to whirl around into the darkness of a wide alley. "I was forced to learn their weaknesses... their strengths..."
A clawing sound echoed from her right, startling Indy back a step. Still, she couldn't see anything. Her eyes darted from left to right, trying to make sense of where he was. But with the flames of the prior explosion snuffing out Red's scent, all Indy could do was shrink into herself and await the monster's return.
Red began thumping his tail into the ground, sending echoing cracks that startled Indy further. "They watched me tear my own friends apart, and they loved it..."
Indy growled, stumbling backward as his voice edged closer, and closer.
"But you..." Red's voice came from behind her, causing Indy to shrivel away, backing toward the gas station flames as his massive frame came into the spotlight. "You're the only one I haven't killed."
Indy slammed her tail into the ground, letting out a defending roar and charged at Red. Her teeth nearly caught flesh before his claw struck her backwards, cutting off her battle cry in a millisecond. She swung; Red ducked and headbutted the indominus into the building behind her. Indy growled in pain, trying to snake her way past Red; his club-tail reintroduced itself to her hip, striking pure bone with a sickening crack. Indy fumbled backward, suddenly realizing that she was limping.
That, and that Red hadn't been struck once.
"Nnh..." Indy tried to seek any leverage upon the hybrid; he kept his front body facing her, and gave her no room from the flames that trapped her in place. His horns acted like a Triceratops bull defending its territory, only now it was confusing her from treating her target like actual prey. She hissed, backing up further until her tail tipped the flames behind her.
There was no other choice.
Indy decided to go for his leg; she attacked low, opening her jaws and bounding forward as fast as she could manage. And she almost made it.
Red's jaws went right over her snout, plowing her head into the ground and crunching inward deep into her scales.
Indy's eyes slammed shut, listening to the sickening crunch of her skull. She felt Red lift her head upward and rattle it about until her groans were silent. Her head was thrown sideways, directing her body toward the side wall. Before she could recover, two horns slammed into her right hip, slicing through her scales and knocking the indominus right into the building. Indy roared in anguish. Her legs scrambled for a hold of the ground, and she trembled as blood began dripping down her hips.
"I warned you this would happen," said Red, drawing back and slamming her against the wall another time. Indy's jaws opened up in a silent scream, claws flexing outward each time Red's horns stabbed into her. On the third crushing blow, Indy's legs failed to hold her upright, and the poor female collapsed to the ground. Through two blurry eyes, she watched Red make a show of the hurt indominus, then pin his foot against her injury.
"You should've run away when you had the chance-"
A shape suddenly lunged into the scene, relieving the pressure on her underside. Indy growled, forcing her eyes to focus past the blurry vision, and toward the shape.
"Nobody tears her apart, but me!" a female dinosaur roared, charging under Red's neck and shoving him down the street, and to the ground. The dinosaur growled, turning toward Indy's frame to look at her. And once Indy's eyes refined themselves, the hybrid couldn't help but gasp.
The old theropod snorted, eying the injured hybrid. "Surprised, pest?"
"Y-You were dead!"
"So you did believe him. Goodness..." She growled in disappointment. "After all my years fighting your kind and those stupid humans, you think starvation would kill me?"
Indy nodded. That's usually what happened... usually. But Rexy wasn't buying it; the theropod's lips wrinkled upward, showing her fangs to the distraught indominus in warning. "Rrr... I'm going to kill you after this, pest. But-" she looked to the rising hybrid to her left. "There's more pressing matters to attend to."
Red snarled, slamming his foot into the earth. "You... and your wretched plot armor!"
"Thank you," snorted Rexy, sizing up her enemy. "And I'm always at the right time, too. It took me far too long to cross that lake and wade through those woodlands just to see your herbivore-makeover decimate Clearlake."
Red briefly looked up at his horns, then sneered. He started to circle the brown-scaled tyrannosaurus, taking in her scent to try and understand his next threat. Rexy didn't care, she growled and hissed at the male, not even bothering to question what he was, or why. He was a danger to them all... and he had to be put down.
"You used my death to push Indy over the edge..." she snorted. "She broke the security to all our holdings... is that how you escaped?"
Red scoffed. "Only a hybrid can do the biddings that nature cannot. It's what makes us inferior to you."
"And annoying," said Rexy, dipping her head to examine the wound on his leg. "You're no different from a cockroach, you just look uglier."
That slightly got to Red. The hybrid licked at his earlier scratch to reignite his primal need for blood and started puffing out his nares to sample Rexy's healed wounds. "Strange how you're defending them, too," He grunted next. "Even though they caged you up like an animal and left you to die."
"I am an animal," Rexy responded. "My nature makes them afraid of me. But my humbleness makes them respect what I am, and who I am. I'm the queen of them all... and that will never change."
Red hissed, ceasing his circling and lashing his tail from behind. "I am going to enjoy the moment I snap your neck."
"Been there... done that," spat Rexy. On cue, both carnivores let out a ground-shattering roar and slammed head-first into each other, jumpstarting the night's second primal clash.
Indy felt it all from the ground. The violent thumps of feet and tails crashing into buildings and cars. The beckoning roars of both carnivores, their jaws soaked with blood. Even the echoes of skin peeling and flesh shredding between their fangs and talons. Nevertheless, the battle raged on, and the destruction persisted in its wake. Thankfully where they fought no humans dared cross; they were still fleeing from the earlier incident, and enough aways that it'll take all of Red's stamina to catch up.
But it didn't seem all that promising.
Rexy was holding her own... for a little while. Her vicious three-ton bites were stabbing past Red's armor, opening weak points in the carnivore and damaging his scales. And her thick tail was battering the hybrid away when it grew most convenient. But Red still had the upper hand. With two massive talons, a spiked clubtail, and horns to defend himself, the tides of the fight turned so fast that Indy didn't even have time to process it. Rexy's luck turned once Red slashed her muzzle with his claws, then stabbed them into her shoulder blade to hold her still. He would headbutt her, slice her, then ram her backwards until the rex was helplessly fumbling backwards in utter shock. She's faced an indominus before... though she didn't win on her own.
This was new territory.
Indy gasped as Rexy was slammed into a building, then knocked to the ground with a violent thud. Her heart began to race.
I've got to help her.
Rexy panted; she shook as she raised toward the snarling red hybrid, ignoring the many wounds covering her body. And, just like Indy, she seemed to barely make a scratch on the younger hybrid despite how hard she fought. The battle raged on, back and forth, with no clear winner in the making. Red would kicked up the asphalt beneath his feet and charge her; horns down, back arched, and tail wavering from behind. To return, Rexy would take a step back to align herself to Red, prepared to take the hit from his horns... she was too exhausted to do much else.
But, this time, just before he arrived, Indy's white-scaled body charged in from her left, snapping her jaws around Red's throat and plowing him into the side of a church, squeezing tight until blood burst at her tongue. Rexy gasped for a moment, watching the injured white hybrid push the abomination against the building, then stumbled forward to help. It was timed well; as Red's foot kicked away Indy's face, freeing his throat, Rexy snapped her fangs around Red's neck, adding onto the pressure of the bite.
"Gmf hmf tail, mow!"
Indy shook her head and limped to Red's thrashing limp, securing it at the half-way point to avoid being struck a second time. Her claws quickly ripped at Red's thighs and calves, tearing the flesh deep enough until it collapsed in on itself. Red squealed in agony, trying to free him by battering down Rexy and kicking Indy; but even he couldn't handle two at once.
"Do it!"
"Grrr!" Rexy tried to bite harder; Red's neck was too well armored. It was designed just well enough that only his hidden-flesh could exert some form of damage. So Rexy started pushing Red down toward the ground, trying to force his throat to expose itself. Red's claws dropped to the ground to keep himself elevated, fighting Rexy's weight and strength to not give her an easy kill. And Rexy knew that...
So she began to twist.
"You need... a break!" she snarled. Red thrashed harder, realizing his head was starting to bend sideways. He tried to pull away from Rexy, but Indy held him still, restricting him from going anywhere. Her claws were there to keep his back legs injured; he wasn't going anywhere.
"Aaghh!" Red roared, starting to panic. Rexy let out one last growl and pushed as hard as she could. From behind, Indy could feel Red's tail in her jaws pushing back and forth, trying to disarm her. She didn't think she could grip on any longer, as her teeth were starting to rip, and her injury was growing worse. And then-
A sound stiffened the air. Red's thrashing suddenly ceased, and the theropod dropped like a rock to the ground.
Rexy still had her jaws on Red's throat, continuing to squeeze just to be sure. But he wasn't moving. Neither was there any movement on Indy's side; his tail slipped from her jaws and hit the asphalt with a soft thud.
"D-Did you?"
"I..." Rexy unsurely removed her jaws from Red's neck, and took a step backward. She didn't say much else; she looked upon her kill as if questioning herself. That look alone made Indy a bit worrisome, and she limped from Red's tail toward the theropod.
"Y-You don't look so sure."
Rexy looked down at Red's body for a moment, then hissed. "I heard it break. I felt it break." She bobbed her head up and down. "I am sure."
Indy closed her eyes and let out a relieved sigh. It was over.
The theropod turned her attention to the crimson eyes of the indominus and growled. "I am going to wipe this moment from my mind, pest."
"You're welcome?"
"Rrr..." Rexy drew close. "I didn't ask for a second word from you, pest."
Indy shrank away. "You're... still going to kill me?"
Rexy eyed the submissive indominus once more, then snorted. "Not tonight. Later... if I catch you again. For now..." she looked toward the dead hybrid. "Treat your leg and go hunt something with meat on it. I'm eating him, because I deserve it. And I don't want any more hybrids being born in my territory."
Indy wrinkled her snout. "I'm not watching."
"Hence my point," Rexy hissed. "Now, go away."
Indy watched her depart toward Red's body, feeling the shaking grounds starting to ease into silence. She didn't know what more to make of her ally... if that's what she should call Rexy. But she accepted her demands anyway, and started to turn away to head toward the forest.
Until a hot breeze of air shifted around her ankles.
Indy paused. She looked behind her shoulder to Rexy, watching her stroll around Red's body. Then her eyes lowered to the body itself, eying the split-jawed carnivore lying limp in his own blood. She studied his frame for a few minutes, confused as to why she still felt uneasy about this wind. Another brush of warm wind pressed against her ankles; Indy fully turned to face the dead hybrid, eyes narrowed at his face.
It wasn't moving. But the leaves near him were, which she figured was normal...
Indy leaned in closer. There weren't any known downwinds. But the leaves near him were still moving. Back... and forth. Those ones... right in front of Red's snout-
Indy's heart nearly leapt out of her chest. She barked in fright, limping as fast as she could to Rexy.
Rexy slammed her foot against Red's back and secured his fangs into his back. But upon Indy's call, the theropod lifted her head, surprised and confused altogether.
Unaware of Red's tail starting to lift behind her.
"Turn around!" she cried. "He's not dea-!"
Red's jaws suddenly lunged outward, snapping tight onto Indy's last good leg. His tail whacked Rexy backward, leaving Indy completely alone with the rising theropod.
Red continued to bite into Indy's poor leg, driving her forward until her bad leg tripped, dropping her to her back. Red's foot slammed into Indy's exposed belly, jaws still latched to her good leg with dark intentions yet to come.
"Rexy!" Red snarled, tuning his voice to annoy the theropod standing up behind him. The older female looked down to where Red stood and Indy laid, eyes wide in helplessness.
"You never learn," Red grinned, his eyes flashing toward her. "And now it's going to cost you."
He pulled backward. The real sound of bones breaking ricochet across the destruction of Clearlake. And, what followed, was a scream as horrifying as the dead itself, loud enough to shatter Rexy's spirits into a million pieces. Another twist, a second crack, and the pitch tuned higher, forcing the tyrannosaurus into action. She head butted Red in the chest, giving enough distance to put herself between Indy and the hybrid. Rexy roared in defiance at the hybrid, then looked back at the downed indominus.
Rexy's stomach lurched hard.
Indy whimpered, clawing at the ground as pain erupted from her leg. The poor limp had twisted backward, the bone now jutting out from its socket.
She was hurt beyond repair.
Red collided with Rexy, driving the older theropod from Indy's body, and back into the battlefield. Red took a step back, eyes now wild and crazed with excitement.
"It's scary how a dead human sounds so much like a broken neck, doesn't it, rex!"
The two charged into each other, just as before; Red with his strengths at play, and Rexy barely clinging onto survival. She'd duck and weave around the charging dinosaur, trying to find new ways to disarm the hybrid or expose his neck. But nothing was working, especially not by herself.
The humans would arrive a few seconds after the third fight went into play, firing guns and rockets at both contenders. Red didn't mind. As for Rexy, the humans weren't doing much else but causing more pain and panic for her. She couldn't block bullets or press on like the hybrids; she bled just as easily with a bullet as a human would. And once a rocket struck her tail, Rexy shrunk into cover, whimpering in pain.
And that made Red even happier.
The hybrid leisurely walked toward a firing tank and snapped it into his jaws. Somehow he managed to lift it's weighted body and, using gravity to his aid, tossed it directly where Rexy was hiding. The older female gasped as the tank suddenly blasted through the building nearest her, nearly hitting her skull. She went to leave her spot, only for the tank to slip from the wall and land right on her tail.
Rexy yelped, and started struggling to break free. It was too heavy to pull free, let alone lift with sheer strength. Red approached slowly, amused at the trapped carnivore. He dodged her sudden jaw snap and fastened his jaws around her neck.
"Let me help with that."
He pulled hard, shredding the skin from Rexy's tail. The poor rex squealed in agony, only to be cut off as Red plowed her into the military vehicles firing at Red. Her body slammed into the cars, crushing humans and machinery alike before rolling to a stop. Rexy groaned in pain; having landed on them gave her several more injuries to bear. She snarled in defiance, charging at Red. But the smarter hybrid already knew her attack; he dove right and ducked, slowing her turn as her bite skinned his plated spine. She whirled around as fast as she could to face him; it was too slow. Indy helplessly watched Red plow his horn into the rex, and heard the sickening crunch of meat being stabbed into. Rexy gasped in shock, then whimpered as Red jabbed an inch deeper, listening to the soft cry of the rex, and Indy's terrible scream.
Red pulled his bloodied horns away, watching the defeated rex drop to the ground with a deathly thud. He watched her groan and tremble, only to smile.
"I don't know if you're old enough to survive that," scowled Red, stepping over her. "But you're too weak to save her, now."
Rexy's eyes widened.
"Enjoy the show," Red hissed, turning from Rexy and putting Indy in his sights. And for the broken carnivore, that was more terrifying than anything.
"No, no-" Indy tried to lift up, only to fall on her side. Red continued advancing, closing in slowly upon the hurt indominus without any regrets in his eyes. Indy could hear Rexy roaring her name, urging her to run. But she couldn't, not anymore. Not from this.
She tried to stand again-
Indy slammed belly first into the earth, groaning softly. Red licked his talons of her blood and sighed.
"I thought you'd put up much more of a fight, Indy."
With tears in her eyes, Indy rose again, situating her wounded leg before the advancing hybrid, roaring at him defensively. But Red kept walking forward, unamused, and unafraid.
"But you're too human... to be a hybrid."
Indy whimpered helplessly, looking toward the injured Rexy, then back to the humans fleeing the fight. She bowed her head, still tearing up at the seams, and roared again at Red, now firmly standing her ground. Red acknowledged her choice by bowing his own head, pointing both horns straight at her. He suddenly darted forward, crashing his skull into Indy's face before the indominus could gather a bit. Indy flailed head-over-heels, landing right on her spine with a violent thud.
"I have to get rid of you," Red whispered. "And I'm so happy that I can."
Red planted his foot onto Indy's back and pushed her to her side. He gazed at that broken leg of hers with wonder and anger, lips salivating over the fresh smell of blood.
"Because I still remember that night," he rasped, slowly coiling both claws around Indy's jaws. "The night you killed me on that island."
The indominus writhed in fright, her bright red eyes engulfing the terrifying frame of the hybrid as he drew closer... and closer...
"You had me just like this... pinning me down upon that crate..." said Red, sinking his feet further into her trapped hip and tail. "There was so much joy in your eyes... such hunger, only a thrill like that can make your weakness an alibi. Your jaw came right here..." His maw suddenly vanished from sight, and Indy felt a pressure grow on her underbelly. The pressure grew and grew, until Indy gasped in pain, claws coiling inward in agony.
"You let me feel it," he snorted, watching the space between his fangs and her scales starting to draw blood. "Until I begged you for mercy. But you never stopped..."
"R-Red, please-" Indy cried out, tail thrashing back and forth. "I'm so sorry, I'm not-- ah!"
"Further... and further," his fangs tore into her muscle, spilling fresh blood across her underbelly. Indy slammed her eyes shut, growling helplessly into the night as the larger predator sunk into her body. She tried to scratch him, to bash his body -- it did nothing. Nobody was coming to save her.
"Until you stopped..." Red ceased his bite, loosening just an inch to look upon her. "And you looked at me. You smelled fresh fear... and it made you wonder what you are. What you've become. The power... the blood..."
Red stared at Indy for a while longer, falling silent. Indy hissed, trying her hardest to stay strong, and turned to him.
"Let me go..." she cried, fighting back tears. "I-I won't fight. I promise."
Red's eyes narrowed.
"I can't do that."
Red suddenly secured his feet onto Indy's back, squeezed his jaws as hard as he could, and violently ripped backward. First there was pressure. Then warmth.
Then Indy felt nothing but pain.
The indominus watched the hybrid tear a massive chunk of meat straight from her belly, spraying the world adjacent to her with her essence. Indy's body seized up, and the poor hybrid let out a muffled, blood-curdling scream into the night. Red's jagged claws helped keep her down, and silence her despite the pain he just instilled into her. Indy's tail stiffened outward, trying to even the anguish -- it was too much. Through the blur of her eyes, she watched Red gobble down the flapping meat of her inners, then dive in for a second half -- his fangs stabbing further into her underbelly. She tried to kick off -- Red tore around her body and ripped another fresh round of meat, ignoring her terrible cries of woe.
Red feasted upon her while she thrashed, enjoying the fresh blood spoiling his scales, and the writhing of his prey beneath him. Indy begged over and over again; it was no use. Even after Rexy charged into him, knocking the red hybrid head-over-heels into a building, it was too late.
Rexy snarled, weakly putting herself between Indy and the red hybrid. But he didn't look to fight, he just gazed over her shoulder to the dying hybrid, then to Rexy's stab wounds, and snorted.
"You know whatever you do won't matter," he rasped. His entire snout was dripping red, as were his fangs, and those glistening scales hidden beneath his horns were matted with Indy's blood. Rexy's eyes narrowed in defense.
"It w-will."
"Not to her," he motioned to Indy, licking his blood-stained chops. "Don't bother spending what little time she has to chase me down. It's not worth the effort... and you know that."
Rexy's heart sank.
"Say your goodbyes," Red sneered, turning around and stomping through the emptied town toward the taller buildings in the distance. Rexy's claws curled, trembling as he stared across at the fleeing hybrid, and the dying hybrid behind her. Instinct urged her to race forward and put an end to Red. But her heart said otherwise. And she knew better than most when it's best to follow this than her own natural urges. And so, Rexy turned around, limping to the bloody indominus rex to tend to her.
That is, what was left of her.
Rexy didn't know what to do. She stood over Indy as she gagged on her blood, claws struggling to hold herself together from spilling out. There was so much blood... even for her.
"R-Rexy..." Indy panted through each cough of blood. "I-I can't feel-"
"Don't look," Rexy tried to say, trying to push her shadow over the horrors of her lower stomach spoiling the ground of her inners. Indy clamped her jaw shut, letting her tears burst from her eyes.
"I can't f-feel... a-anything. I-I can't feel it..."
"Aagh!" Indy roared out loud, Rexy quickly moved to her jaws, forcing it shut to stop the blood from bursting out.
"I c-can't-" Indy started to whine loudly. "H-Help..."
"S-Stop talking..." Rexy hissed through her tears. "It's okay... I know."
Both females' eyes turned down the street, hearing a crescendo of explosions, gunfire, and human screams echoing the night. Indy whimpered, looking toward the blurry image of Rexy above her.
"Y-You... have to s-stop him..."
Rexy swallowed. "I can't by myself."
"S-Seven..." Indy whimpered. "She s-said she'd f-find me... s-she said she'd c-come..."
Rexy pressed her snout against the dying indominus rex, hearing a soft purr escape her bloodied maw. Indy nuzzled back against her, shuddering through each breath she forced out. It was getting colder...
"It h-hurts..."
"I know," Rexy whimpered, licking her cheek. "I k-know..."
"It hurts s-so bad..."
"Close your eyes..."
Her eyes tried to keep still upon her, the rounded edges of her pupils fighting the coldness that slowly crept over her. Through one last shudder, she obeyed, sealing shut as a tear seeped down her cheekbone. Rexy knew she was beyond saving. Nothing was going to preserve her memory, nothing but mercy. So, once Indy slumped her head against the ground, Rexy stepped to her head, cupping Indy's neck in her jaws, and planting one foot against her flank. She listened momentarily to Indy's heaves and groans, smelling the blood from her splattered underbelly and quaking lips as Death drew near.
Rexy took one shaky breath, letting a tear roll down her snout. She applied pressure-
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