"So mother," Liz pointed at Bella which earned a nod from the vampire. Liz then pointed to Edward who was beside Bella. "Father." Lastly, Liz pointed over to Renesmee. "And your my twin sister who is more vampire than I am so your seventeen forever?" Liz queried in a almost sarcastic manner.
"I guess you could say that." Renesmee whispered as she leaned closer to Jacob. Liz nodded and looked at the rest of the Cullen Coven. "Your the rest of the family? Wow..... Damn how the hell did I manage to survive all the way to seventh year." Liz mumbled under her breath. Emmett chortled earning a smack on the chest from Rosalie.
"We know its a lot to take in.... especially after finding out that you've just lost your memory." Carlisle said in a calm tone. Liz just shrugged her shoulders as she looked around their living area. After leaving the hospital wing, Dumbledore suggested that she stayed in her family's area of the castle.
"I figured that if I already went through this once then I could go through it again." Liz dismissed. She stood up and pulled her hair into a bun. "How am I like? Now that I'm 17?" Liz asked.
"Well we didn't know you when you were 15." Rosalie answered in a 'duh' tone. Liz snickered at the vampires tone and gave her a smirk.
"I like you. You got spunk. I can tell." Liz told Rosalie. Liz looked around the room again and sighed. "I'm gonna go. My friends got to catch me up on everything I've forgotten. I have to readjust." Liz tells them before turning to leave.
"I'll go with you." Renesmee calls out. Liz looks at her and gestures for her to follow which Nessie grins to. "Can we come to?" Jacob asks for him and Seth. Liz nods and begins to walk away whilst gesturing for the other three to hurry up.
🐅🐅🐅🐅🐅🐅🐅🐅LIZ POV🐅🐅🐅🐅🐅🐅🐅🐅🐅🐅🐅🐅
"Okay so Nessie, Jacob, Seth. Nessie, Jacob, Seth. Yep I got it now." I tell myself after trying to memorize the names of my companions.
"Are we going to the Great Hall? Its almost lunch." The guy, Seth, asks. I nod and start walking in the direction of the Great Hall. On our way there I spotted a certain redhead walking by herself a few feet away from us. A grin formed on my face and I ran over to her before tackling her in a hug.
"Lily!" I exclaimed happily. My best friend recovered from the shock and quickly hugged back.
"Lizzy! How long have you been out of the Hospital Wing? We've been searching everywhere for you." Lily tells me. I release her from my hold and put on my best thinking face.
"Don't know. I stayed with the Cullen's last night." I answer. Lily's eyes travel over to my three 'new' friends and waves at them "You know each other?" I ask.
"We all spent Christmas this year together. Oh speaking of Christmas!" Lily digs into her bag and pulls out a box. "Here this is all the jewelry you were wearing when you were in a coma. I cleaned it a bit because of the... blood." Lily whispered the last part to me. I nod and give her a smile before taking the box and opening it.
"Okay I've seen this," I hold up my small heart shaped necklace with the words 'Always and Forever' engraved onto it. "But these other necklaces aren't mine........Or they weren't mine in 5th year." I pick up a locket that says 'More like sisters.' on it and inside the locket is a moving photo of Lily and I.
"You gave me the beginning half." Lily informs me as she holds up her own necklace. I close my eyes and hold the necklace close to me. A image runs through my mind of Lily throwing herself on me in a hug but the words seemed fazed out. I shake my head and began putting the locket on.
"It's lovely. I'm glad you kept it safe for me." I thank her. The other necklace in the box is a dream catcher one.
"That one was from me." Seth says sheepishly as I pick it up. I smile at him and say,
"Thank you. We must be good friends." I look back into the box and see no more jewelry or accessories and frown. My hand goes to my wrist while a feeling goes through me like something is missing. 'Maybe it was something that Lily hadn't got a hold of from Christmas?'
"Okay so we're gonna go alright." Nessie whispered as I watched Marlene juggle apples. I looked over to her with a confused expression. "Jacob and I want to go running through the forest. I know how much you want to stay with your friends."
"Bye then." I tell her. Renesmee gives me a quick hug before walking off with Seth and Jacob.
"Where are they going?" Marlene asks.
"Out and about." Alice answers for me. "Obviously." She adds with a giggle.
"How about we head to the library?" Lily suggests. I gave her a look of disdain which only makes her roll her eyes. "Come on. You've forgotten almost two years of education. We should catch you up and when you do get your memory back it will be like you study for the N.E.W.T's." Her words made me stand up with a dramatic sigh along with Marlene and Alice.
"Lets go to the library then." Marlene says in a bored tone. I frowned at how the girl completely disregarded her apples. 'How rude? Those apples are all alone now.'
"I remember that spell. The Draught of Peace was always a favorite of mine. Yes. Yes." I mindlessly look through different books simultaneously. With a bored sigh, I slam the cover of one book down. "It's like I can remember all of this. But I can't remember the truly important things." I whined.
"Really? Why don't you go look on the shelf for any books that hold information you don't know?" Alice suggest whilst reading a potions book. I gave them a sarcastic thankful smile and head over to the shelves.
As I look through the shelf a figure a few feet away from me catches my eye. "Daniel?" I whisper yell. The boy looks up with his expression similar to a startled puppy dog.
"Liz when did you get out?" He asks. I keep a stony expression on my face as I walk toward him. "What's wrong?" He asks. I stay silent and some sort of realization seems to dawn on him. "Did he say something about our argu-" Daniel is cut off when I grab his head and bring his lips to mine.
The boy is hesitant at first but quickly responds. I went deeper into the kiss and he responded hungrily as if this had been the first time we'd kissed in ages. I smirked slightly when a idea came to mind. I grabbed hold of his hand and slowly slid it down on my arse.
A part of me, somewhere felt guilty. I didn't know why. I wasn't feeling guilty for doing this in the library with my boyfriend. I was feeling guilty because I didn't feel guilty. Does that even make sense? To me it doesn't and I'm thinking it...
Both Daniel and I continued as we were until someone cleared their throat behind us.
You'll find out what happens next later. HEHE..... I wonder why the rest of the Marauders weren't here? Doesn't that seem... suspicious to you? Maybe its just me
Anyway! Hope you liked it. COMMENT&VOTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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