Pissed & Sorry
"Hey Lily!" I whisper yell in the library. She looks at me with disbelief then rubs her eyes and looks at me again. Her mouths drops open as she touches me to see if I'm real.
"Are you really in the library Liz? Who are you?" She asks dramatically. I let out a sarcastic laugh.
"Ha ha very funny. I'm the kind of person who is secretly smart." I grab a random book and point at it. "Don't judge a book by its cover. Even though this," I gesture to myself. "Is incredibly hot and fantastic. You shouldn't judge me." Bupy now I'm talking to a random first year who looks like she's about to pee her pants. "Run along." I shoo her away and she sprints off.
"Children just love you don't they?" Lily asks sarcastically. I shrug and put the book back.
"So Lil how's life been? Have you finally agreed to go out with James?" I wiggle my eyebrows at her. She scoffs but I notice the blush that is forming in her cheeks. "I see he's finally getting to you that's good. Don't worry it will be our little secret." I put a finger over my lips.
"I don't like James." She hisses. Her voice cracks slightly and I raise my eyebrows at her. "So I heard you pranked Severus and Regulus yesterday." She says changing the subject.
"Oh yes! Veggie and Snivellus are so fun to prank." I clap my hands like a excited five years old. The librarian 'shushed' me and I just made a face at her. "Did you see it Lily? Probably not the best I've done but it was pretty funny." I see her mouth twitch and I nudge her. "Come on you know you want to laugh. Just laugh already or at least smile." She smiles softly and chuckles.
"Okay it was kind of funny. I heard that you ran out the great hall with one of the shapeshifters hand in hand. What was that all about?" She asks siriusly.
"That's just Seth. Him, Jacob, Nessie, and I did the prank together." I answer slowly. Lily searches my face for any signs of lying and sighs.
"Good. I wouldn't want Remus to be hurt like that because we both know that Seth is cute. I know your not like that but you never know if Black will rub off on you." I roll my eyes at her comment.
"I'm not, okay Lil? I have to go okay." I get up quickly since I'm slightly pissed that she would even think that I would do something like that to Remus.
My footsteps echo throughout the empty corridors as I walk. I notice two other pairs of feet joining me and I look over my shoulder. Veggie and Snivellus are behind me. My hand immediately goes to my wand as I turn around slowly.
"If it isn't my favorite Slytherins!" I say sarcasm dripping off of each word. They narrow their eyes at me and point their wands at me.
"Think your so funny don't you Masen! I've had it with your pranks!" Snivellus shouts. I roll my eyes even though I'm internally shaking. Even if I don't want to admit it I know Snivellus is a good dueler. Two against one. That doesn't seem to good.
"They're just a bit of jokes Sn- Severus. No physical harm done. The main reason I even agree to pranking you is because you called Lily a mudblood then me a mudblood." I see pain in his eyes when I mention Lily.
"Well you have absolutely no reason to prank me." My wand flies out of my hand and my eyes slightly widen. Crap! I forgot about Veggie!
"Why don't you show her your new spell Severus?" Regulus taunts. I get ready for the spell that will probably hurt.
Pain is in the mind. Pain is in the mind.
"Sectumsempra!" Severus yells. I feel the spell hit me but I don't give the boys the satisfaction of hearing me screaming. The blood oozes out of my body and I put a shaky hand on the gash.
"Pain is in the mind. Pain is in the mind." I chant over and over again. Tears fall from my eyes as I start to feel the pain.
"Is she supposed to be bleeding this much?" Regulus asks shakily. I fall to my side and look at the boys with tears streaming down my face.
"No she isn't." They just stand there frozen in fear. Maybe my pranks were mean.
"I'm sorry." I choke out. The boys run away and my pain becomes to much and I sob which only makes it worse. My vision begins to darken. I can't die like this. No please no.
"Liz!" I hear a voice yell.
Then it all goes black.
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