Previously on Hybrid Witch
A part of me, somewhere felt guilty. I didn't know why. I wasn't feeling guilty for doing this in the library with my boyfriend. I was feeling guilty because I didn't feel guilty. Does that even make sense? To me it doesn't and I'm thinking it...
Both Daniel and I continued as we were until someone cleared their throat behind us.
(3rd POV)
Liz broke apart from Daniel and spun around only to be met with four people. Lily was trying -and failing- to calm James and Sirius was being held back by a small Peter, so that didn't last very long.
"You bastard!" Sirius exclaims before socking Daniel in the face. Liz stepped back, completely confused, and her gaze traveled over to Lily, who was shaking her head.
"James, don't do it. Sirius is alread-" Her words were futile as James wrenched his hand from her grip and sent a hex towards Daniel.
"You know she isn't your fucking girlfriend! How dare you!" James shouted, not caring that they were in the library. This confused the girl even more.
'Not his girlfriend?'
More insults, punches, and hexes were traded until Lily had enough sense to step in. "Immobulus." The boys froze. Sirius mid-punch, James was about to throw another spell, and Daniel was trying to block the punch and spell.
"WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?" A voice bellowed. McGonagall was red in the face as she looked at the scene before her. A crowd had formed and someone -probably the librarian- had gotten McGonagall.
"Proffesor," James began. Lily had reversed the spell so know the boys were trying to make themselves look presentable. The Slytherin had a black eye and bleeding lip, boils all over his face, and his teeth were elongating. Sirius had a few scratches from where Daniel tried to fight him off and a purple bruise forming on his left cheek -not the face-. James seemed the most presentable out of the three. "We caught this slimy snake shoving his tongue down Rosalice's throat. She doesn't even know that they're broken up. Clearly he had taken advantage of the opportunity." James' sneered in disgust when his gaze landed on the Slytherin, once more.
"He had his hands all over her." Sirius added. Daniel tried protesting but it seemed to cause him actual pain to speak.
"Ms. Rivers, please take this young boy to the hospital wing." said McGonagall to a random Hufflepuff. The brunette nodded and quickly escorted Daniel away.
"I am completely lost." Liz whispers. "And not just with this conversation."
"You and him." James gestures to where the Slytherin had been previously. "Are done. Have been since..... forever. You and Moony are completely and utterly in love with each other." He tells her with a seriousness that she rarely saw from him. Liz looks over to Lily, who is nodding in confirmation, and her raven hair turned a dark purple.
"I don't understand. Moony and I....." She paused to think about it. Her mind was screaming at her and telling her that she wasn't with Remus. All the memories of a boyfriend for her had Daniel in them. But then there was that tug in her heart. She realized that the butterflies in her stomach no longer existed when she thought of Daniel. When she thought Remus...... "Merlin, he really is...."
"He's hanging out with Moaning Myrtle. They're sharing stories of their pain. Go talk to him. Imagine how he's feeling right now." Sirius told her. Liz slowly nods her head and makes her way out of the library. James and Sirius try to sneak off after her, but a hand stops them.
"You, both, are still in trouble." McGonagall informed them.
"But, professor! It was in the name of love!"
Remus leaned against the sink, a box of chocolates in one hand, and in the other was Liz's charm bracelet. The one he got her for Christmas.
"She has to remember." Remus moaned. "These few days without her have pushed me to my breaking point. I can't even imagine how life would be if she was awake, without any memory of me- of us. I love her. I'll love her until the very end, but my love can't even remember us. Not the sweet moment we shared together, or the long hours in which we pondered forever. Nothing. This is what hurts me the most and I can't do a damn thing about it."
"Moony..." A voice whispers. The boy turns to look to his left with wide eyes. "That was..." Her eyes were filled with tears. "That was beautiful." She slowly walked over to him, while he sat there, frozen. Liz leaned down and looked from his tear stained cheeks to his disheveled hair then back to his eyes. "I am so sorry. I can't remember."
"Its ok-" She pressed a finger to his lips to silence him.
"And even though I can't remember the memories," Liz wiped his tear stained cheek with her sleeve. "I can still feel it. There's a part inside me that is calling me crazy but the majority is saying 'Your in love with Remus fucking Lupin'." She admits. Her eyes travel over to the bracelet in his hand and they widen when she sees the charm of the tiger and the wolf. The heart between them. The Always. "So I admit that I am in love with Remus Lupin and I have no idea as to how or why."
There was a pause. Remus was staring intently at her, relishing the closeness that they had. Liz's eyes met his and she smiled a teary smile.
"And I am okay with that."
I had a moment where i was like.... what did happen after that..... so then I wrote it. sorry for the crappiness it was like in 45 minutes and it isn't very long either... but i thought it was kinda cute.....
i'm sorta back... i don't know what i'm gonna do with this... to write or not to write that is the question....
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