Chapter one
Um, hi. My name is Kasia (ku-see-uh) Marie Sterling. I'm 16 going on 17. My mother is Allison Sterling and my father is Robert Sterling. We aren't like any "normal" family. We are werewolves. It sounds unbelievable, I know. But my parents always beat me because of what I am. I am a white wolf with red eyes. They say I'm a disgrace to this family. The reason why we aren't in a pack. We are rouges. It's been that way since I first shifted. They say that I'm nothing more than a cold blooded killer. But it's not true! I never killed anyone. I don't like violence in general. But I will fight if it's my last option. And I mean my last option.
I was in my room when they came barging in and started yelling at me. I couldn't understand what they were saying. I honestly don't know what they were saying. Then my father grabbed me by the hair and pulled me into the floor and started kicking the living hell out of me. I yelped when he did that. My mother then joined him in beating me. I had to keep quiet or else they would go harder. I didn't even do nothing wrong! So I just lay there and cover my face neck, and midsection making sure I don't get kicked there. After they were done, they spit on me and left and slammed my door.
I have to get up. I have to go to school. My wolf has been silent for a while now and it's starting to worry me. 'Dawn? Are you there?' I asked my wolf. I don't know if she's ignoring me or something. Then I heard her voice for the first time in 2 weeks. 'Yes, I'm here. I have a feeling that today is gonna be good.' I heard a hint of happiness in her voice but also nervousness. I wonder why? But I smiled at her words anyway. 'I hope you're right.' She didn't answer that, but atleast she said something.
I painfully got up from the floor. The pain in my ribs and lower back were painful, but bearable. I lightly limped to my closet and chose my outfit. I was lucky it was a little chilly out. I can wear my sweatshirt and leggings without a problem. 'Hey dawn, I think I'm gonna go for a run later. What do you think?' I asked her. 'I think it's a wonderful idea. Maybe I can stretch my legs.' She responded back, I can see her smiling in my head. I smiled at her and got my shoes on. I got my backpack on and quietly went down the stairs and out the door. It would take me about 20 minutes to get to the school.
*20 minutes later*
I finally got to school. I went into the building and went to my locker. Everyone here ignored me. I'm the "freak" of the school. I got my stuff for my morning classes and went to first period. I sat all the way in the back of the class. Since I'm always early to class, I just get my stuff ready and put my head down. About 15 minutes later I hear the bell go off and people starting streaming in. A few minutes after the students came in, the teacher came. The day has just only begun. Hopefully it won't be too bad...
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