chapter 24 keep going my friend
Salem entered the cave leading his dragon on ward. He knew she didn't like going into these caves, but it had to be done. He didn't feel to bad about it, he would have done anything she wished of him as well. She was a true friend and companion. He would sacrafice his own life if it meant protecting hers. He loved her as if she were his own flesh and blood. He adored her even when she was irritating, he didn't mind it. She was the only family he had left.She along with Pandora were the only creatures in all the realms that mattered to him. Once again his sweet yet impatient dragon interupted his thoughts.
"How far is this cave?" The dragon whined like a four year old human child.
"I don't know for sure. It looks smaller than the last one." He reassured her.
"Thank the goddess for that." She replied.
Salem led them through a narrow pathway deep inside the darkened cave, hoping against all odds that he chose the right direction. Like the dragon he didn't want to run into any troublesome creatures in these caves. He did his best not to let it show but the dragon wasn't the only one that missed their home. The comfortable chair, the work station and his overwhelming library. He put on a brave face more so to keep her spirits up than his own. He couldn't stand it when she wasn't happy. He loved her too much to see her in any kind of pain. Just the thought of her hurt in any way sent electrifying chills all through his body. He was begining to feel the same way about Pandora. He knew they needed to find the sorceress as soon as magically possible. He too was just as exhausted on this quest as his beloved dragon He knew they had to be getting closer to her, his intuitive nature told him so.He had a strange feeling that it was either this cave or the next one.
"If we don't find the right cave soon I may be unable to help it. I'll be forced to strangle you." The dragon pointed out to him.
"Yes I know. You are a great friend to me."
"So you have said before, more than once I might add." She replied raising her left eyebrow.
He said nothing but simply nodded as they hiked onward through this dark cold cavern. Another forty five minutes passed before her annoyance began to assert itself. Within seconds she let out another growling sigh of adjitation. Salem didn't let it bother him in the slightest bit.
"I know that you are annoyed with all of this but I honestly think we don't have much further to go."
"What makes you say that? Did you have another one of your visions?" She spoke in a sharper tone than intended.
"It looks as though there is something glowing about a quarter mile ahead of us. It could be the way out."
looking straight ahead of them she squinted and saw exactly what he was referring to. Her mood perked up slightly as she swished her tail like a small squirrel. The thought of getting through the cave a little sooner than expected brought her a hint of joy.
"Good, then if we don't find Pandora at least we'll finally get out of this cave." She replied.
They walked on swiftly going a little faster until they had reached the source of the glowing light. It was unbelievable. In front of them wasn't a doorway or an opening.Instead etched on the cave wall was an electric neon blue pentagram. He looked at it with a blank stare, while Kadrid simply grinned with delight.
"That's the most intresting thing I've seen all day. What's it there for?"
"I've never seen one like this before." He admitted to her.
The dragon blew out a small puff of white smoke, shaking her head. Then as if compelled to do so she placed her paw on the center of the bright blue symbol. Salem dashed around one side intending to stop her but tripped over a rock placing his hand over the top of hers instead. In that split second of a moment the light brightened until it nearly blinded the both of them. Then in an instant before either of them knew what was happening they were once again transported to another reality.
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