The boy side stepped Ruby as she rushed towards him.
The Beta growled as her body slammed into the couch and her momentum carried her over it.
She shot up. "Why you little-" before charging at him again.
Jake dodged again. He was not letting her catch him.
She reached again. " Stay still! "
"Not today!" Jake shouted running upstairs.
Pack members stepped out of the way of the chase- amused looks on their faces.
Ruby was at it again. No one dared to question the eccentric second- in- command.
Jake dodged again as the female caught up. He couldn't afford for her to even touch him.
She'd torture him- one way or another.
Jake flipped backwards as the Beta attacked him, leaving a dent in the floor from her fist. He needed to get away.
"What're you doing, kid?"
Jake averted his gaze to look at his brother, the source of the voice, temporarily distracted.
Ruby using the distraction, lashed out again.
The boy saw her out of the corner of his eye, but was a second to late to escape the grasp, as she gripped the edge of his red hoodie.
He quickly ripped himself away, at the cost of ripping the crimson fabric in the process.
Jake gasped. His hoodie! Why! Especially this one! The design was heat! He loved hoodies!
"What are you whimpering about?" Kyle asked.
"You saw!She ripped my hoodie!" Jake whimpered, dodging again.
"And?" Kyle asked. "What's the fuss about?"
"What's the fuss?" Jake repeated shocked. He adored hoodies. What couldn't his brother understand about that?
"Stop distracting me please. It's like you want her to catch me!" Jake said jumping unto the banister. "I mean seriously!"
"I have no idea, what you mean," Kyle smirked playfully.
"Then what's the evil smirk for?" Jake raised an eyebrow.
A kick swiped him off the banister and unto the wooden floor before the two adults.
"This," Ruby grinned as her foot implanted in Jake's stomach, winding him.
"Stupid....werewolf......speed," Jake gasped for air.
He would recover quickly, but before that could happen, Ruby started dragging him away.
A few seconds later, he started to struggle.
"Let go!" Jake screamed.
"Nope," Ruby grinned, popping the 'p' as she dragged him by his feet.
Jake's claws extended and he dug them into the wooden floor, trying to get traction.
SCREECH! Sounded as the Beta still carried on unfazed, dragging away her prize. Claw marks were embedded in the floor as she carried on. Jake looked up helplessly at the few members on the landing, one of which shook their head and gave him an apologetic look. Jake gave up.He would have grabbed something or someone, if not for the fact, she'd still continue. The last time this happened, there was a train of three bodies, including him.
The other time he had grabbed a door and she pulled on him, ripping it off its hinges since he refused to let go. So it ended up with him- dragging a door along as a companion. Plus, no one stopped Ruby when she set off to do something. She was just determined when her mind was set on something.
Maybe, only Kyle, but even his influence was limited.
Most pack members liked the black haired, chocolate skinned female. She was a bit childish and playful here and there, but when she got angry or was in combat, she was almost unstoppable and left a trail of blood in her wake. It earned her the title 'Red Maiden'.
She threw Jake into her room, before following and locking the door.
Jake groaned. Why him?
"Kill me now," the boy muttered, lying on the bed.
Ruby's dark eyes looked down at him. "Where's the fun in that?"
Jake's eyes widened as the female continued. "It's much more fun to torture you! I'll enjoy hearing your groans and screams,"
"What are you going to do?" Jake said cautiously.
"Simple," Ruby grinned. "We're going to watch every Barbie movie ever made- starting with the recent ones," the female turned on the TV and watched as Jake's light brown skin paled till it looked almost white.
* * *
"NOOO! Please no more!"
Ruby struggled to pull the screaming, struggling, kicking boy back in front the TV. She needed to keep him for at least another hour.
Jake unlocked and ran out the door, out into the corridor, breathing heavily. If he saw one more flash of pink, one more blonde; if he heard, smelt or saw anything Barbie related for that matter- he would scream.
He walked over to a window that showed the surrounding foliage. The tall green trees, the darker green bushes and thousand of colourful leaves littering the forest floor, kissed by the last rays of the setting sun.
Nature is so enticing and beautiful, he thought to himself.
"And in your case, conveniently distracting," Axel suddenly piped up.
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"Feel it, sense it and see without your eyes," his wolf said.
Jake suddenly felt a shiver run up his spine.
His instincts screamed at him. Danger. The boy's eyes glowed red. Someone was watching him.
Outside was almost pitch black.
Jake closed his eyes and let his energy flow, letting his enhanced senses do their work, scanning the outside area. There were some warrior wolves, protecting the borders of the territory. He could recognize them, but there were others. Three more to be precise, masking their presence, slinking around the territory. Who the hell? What was going on?
Suddenly, something grabbed him, snapping him out of his trance- like state.
"Boo," Ruby said her arms locked in a vice like grip around her young target's torso.
"Why did you run away?" Ruby asked sadly.
"Huh," Jake looked at her "Um, let go please,"
"This is serious! There are rouge's on the territory, I saw them."
"Yeah, right. What do you take me for?" She scoffed.
"Fine, then, explain why I feel the creepy sensation- that someone's watching me. I'm pretty sure those two combinations are not a good thing!"
"Wait sensory?" Ruby turned him around. "We're you doing that motion heat detector thing again?"
"Yeah, why?"
"Why didn't you say so?" Ruby laughed, slapping him playfully on the back.
Jake gasped. He swore he might cough up blood or a few vertebrae just cracked. She seriously needed to control her brute strength. It was just insane for a werewolf.
Ruby drawled on talking.
What was he doing again? He felt dazed. That's when he saw it.
"Ruby," Jake tugged on her blue mini dress.
"Look outside."
She obeyed and scanned the outside with her eyes.
"I don't see-" she started before something shifted in her line of vision.
Did that shadow just move?
Suddenly, she could see a pair of yellow eyes. That couldn't be a pack member. Why would they be sneaking around in the shadows? Didn't smell like it either. How did the warrior guard miss these pack-less wolves? Why did Jake see them this easily?
She grabbed Jake and dragged him down another corridor. "We're telling Alpha, ASAP," she paused. "Unless you want to finish the Barbie marathon?"
She couldn't wait to sink her claws and fangs into those trespassers.
A wicked grin crossed her face at the thought which made Jake flinch.
Jake considered. Torture himself with Barbie movies or go to his brother who was going to kill him once he had him alone? Especially about that S.I.T.E issue.
Hm. It wasn't really that hard of a choice.
Alpha, it is.
Ruby smirked as she realized she had won
A/N Bam! Welcome to yet another chapter on Hybrid. Vote, read and comment! Also thanks to everyone who has done so.
Enjoy! 1299 words
Edited 21/04/2017 (slightly😊)
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