chapter five
[third person]
"why are you calling me a tree?" willow giggles, cuddling up to the warm duvets, as shawn grins, stretched out next to her, the sheets just covering his lower half.
"because your name is willow, like the tree," he responds. "it could be our thing, calling each other weird names."
"our thing? since when was it ours?" willow asks, smirking slightly, as she sits up, looking at shawn.
"since you decided to come back to my bed," he answers cockily, making willow scoff and slap his arm lightly. "i'm joking."
"good," she rolls her eyes, pushing out a small chuckle. "i-"
"do you know what else you are?" shawn asks seriously, sitting up against the headboard.
"i'm scared to ask what, but what?" willow replies, a straight face over her expression, slightly worried to what shawn is about to say.
"a marshmallow."
"a marshmallow?"
"a marshmallow."
the two young adults look at each other for a few moments; willows face contorted into one of pure confusion, and shawns remaining cocky and sarky; he was getting on her nerves, and he adored it.
"because you're sweet, and soft."
"i'm soft?"
"yeah, soft."
"yeah," he nods. "my fans use it a lot."
"yeah i know what it means, but soft?"
"soft." shawn nods, leaning down, and picking up his boxers. "anyway, want some coffee?"
"please," willow smiles sheepishly, resting her head on a fluffy white pillow. "black-"
"one sweetener, i know," shawn grins, putting on a pair of sweatpants, and walking out of the master bedroom, heading straight into the kitchen, turning on his coffee machine.
willow sighs gently to herself, deciding to pull on her underwear and a t-shirt. she stands up from the warm sheets, and slides her undergarments on, strolling to the wardrobe, and sliding the door open, and taking a soft white saint laurent t-shirt, letting the material fall to just under the curve of her bum.
"my clothes, eh?" shawn smirks, strolling back into the room, holding two white mugs of steaming hot coffee.
"oh shush," she says, feeling her cheeks flare up as shawn hands her the mug of coffee.
"it looks better on you anyway, keep it," shawn says softly to her, sitting down on the mattress of the bed, folding his legs into a criss-cross position. "how are you holding up otherwise?"
"i'm getting there," willow replies, letting out a small sigh. "it's just hard to comprehend, you know? i never thought anything like that would happen, i thought that both of us were satisfied with what we had, obviously he wasn't," she mutters, slightly bitter.
"hey, it's not your fault, don't blame yourself," shawn reminds her. "have you faced him about it?"
"no," she sighs softly. "i don't even want to, but i know i'm gonna have to at some point. i really don't want to, because i know he's gonna deny it."
"he's such a dick," shawn mutters, taking a harsh sip of his coffee. "how dare he treat you like that?"
"shawn it's-"
"don't you dare tell me it's fine, because you and i both know that it isn't," willow looks down at the white sheets, seeing her sweatpants she was wearing last night balled up next to the bed. "i'm just saying, i would never treat a girl like that."
willow feels her eyes brim with tears, and she quickly blinks them back, looking away from shawn. "it's not like that."
"then what is it like? he cheated on you," shawn scoffs, as willow feels her heart completely break yet again. "shit, i didn't mean that," he says quickly, noticing willows change in mood. "okay, let's watch a film, yeah? maybe a comedy?" shawn quickly reaches forward, taking the coffee mug out of willows hand, and placing their mugs on the bedside table next to them, before grabbing the remote to his television, and turning on netflix.
"i'm sorry," willow mumbles. "you're telling the truth and i'm just getting butthurt, it's dumb. i'm sorry."
"don't apologise," shawns quick to reply. ""you have every right to be upset about it, and i should be more sympathetic to that. i know you really haven't had time to actually process the breakup and that's definitely something you should do. think of me more as a best friend rather than someone you hook up with, you know, if you really want to talk about it." willow pushes out a small smile, sighing gently, and laying her head in shawns lap. "okay, so we're really having a counselling session?"
"yeah," willow giggles, looking up at him. "can i talk to you about the relationship?"
"of course you can."
"we started dating around two years ago?" willow begins, trying to think back. "at first, we didn't want anyone knowing about it, so we kept it between us for quite a while, but then we slowly started telling the people around us, and getting used to being boyfriend and girlfriend. i thought he was the greatest person in the world, shawn," she sighs gently, her eyes moving away from shawns figure. "he made me feel as though i was on cloud nine, never failed to make me laugh, and make me feel adored every second of every day. i loved him."
shawn looked at the confused girl with interest and curiosity. why would someone let her go that easily?
"it was funny, you know. once more people started finding out about us, he used to get defensive. i should have seen that as a sign, it was almost as if he just wanted a relationship so he wouldn't be alone, so that he could have someone else cater to his needs, instead of actually thinking about the other person." she explains, looking back up at shawn. "love is strange, shawn. don't think that it isn't, because it is the only emotion in the entire the world that can make someone happy, yet completely and utterly broken at the same time. it's deadly if you ask me."
"you don't like love?"
"he took away my passion for love," she says, pushing out a tight lipped smile. "one day, it'll come back, but i just need to get through this now."
shawn starred at her as she shut her eyes slowly, letting out a small sigh, before curling up against his lap.
he couldn't deny that he was more than curious about the girl lying on him.
so my boyfriends trying to get second row tickets to one of shawns shows next year shdjdj oh my god i actually adore him (but the tea is he's actually doing it for himself bc he's a bigger shawn stan than i am lol)
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