Geet was almost ready wearing the suit she chose from before and looked at the small box in her hands...That contained cufflinks...simple yet elegant... She bought from her window shopping, in the noon...
Geet(smiled looking at them, ST):- Just hope, he would like my present... And Am sure he will... Since have seen him wearing such cufflinks sometimes...
She was left speechless when last night he gifted Avi such a beautiful hand band that too specially ordered and made for Avi.. She thought to gift Maan something that would be useful as well as liked by him... And of course his Birthday present was also pending so it just came on right time.. and she purchased that box for Maan...
She placed that inside her small clutch and got ready ... to go down and wait for Maan...
Maan arrived at home, all tired and exhausted from the office work..He had to postpone a meeting for his dinner outing since he knew Geet would be ready and must be waiting for him..He didn't want to cancel their plan...For the first time, He has asked someone out and so it would have left a very bad impression on Geet... And Thanks to His dad's visit earlier who informed him abt Geet's worry on their dinner outing...So, he postponed the meeting instead of the plan of dinner... He ordered one of the servants for a coffee and went to freshen up and change..
For Him, it just was a casual meet with his own wife..To know her better... To know abt her views...
But For Geet, it was all new ... Going out at the night time.. that too, with her Hubby khurrana...and surely , she was worried for his topic of conversation...
Geet was in Avi's new room with him, inquiring him abt his studies and HW's ...when a servant came and informed her abt Maan's arrival..
Geet has decided to not to withdraw herself from Avi, just coz of her mother's harmless worry, but surely, she thought to meet and spend time with him , when he and she will be alone or only a few ppl will be around, so that none will see her spending all of her spare time with him... and specially her parents... She has mentally told herself to maintain a distance with Avi when her parents are around...
Geet winded up the class, she was taking, of Avi.. and Avi too came out from his room in the main hall... to sit with rest of the family members while Geet noticed one servant going into Maan's room... taking a mug of coffee... she stopped him and
Geet:- Let me take this for Maan... (Servant nodded and left handling Geet the tray)
Geet entered the room and saw him, standing in front of mirror ... For the first time, she noticed his tired features ... She felt bad... went and stood right behind him... so that he could see her in the mirror...
Geet:- Your coffee...
Maan(gave her a small smile and noted her dress for the outing):- You didn't need to do that ... Anyways thanks ...(saying that he took the mug from tray and started to sip his coffee)
Geet(looked down):- you look, tired.. We can postpone our program !! You must take rest ...
Maan(smiled at her worry or maybe at her running away):- Not at all.. Am fine... In fact, have cancelled a meeting just for you.. so get ready , we are leaving in 10 mints...
Geet(felt good to know that he actually cancelled meeting for her...she smiled at him and nodded):- Am ready...
Putting the mug down on the tray, still held by Geet.. He nodded and taking his cell phone from table... asked her to join him ...
After a bit of teasing comments passed by Dev , NT and even Yash... A shy Geet and a bit irritated Maan left for the dinner... Avi waved his hands till the car disappeared from his sight and then Geet sat properly in the car, which Maan was driving... To kill the silence, Geet started a conversation with him...
Geet:- Mind, telling me .. where are we heading to???
Maan(glanced her and smiled):- Not taking you far away from home.. Its just a restaurant at the other corner of this road..
Geet:- okhh... and then silence lingered between them...Till Maan reached the restaurant and parked the car...
Geet looked at the hotel-cum-restaurant and was awed at the sight.. Even by living in such a huge city for more than a year, she never went out ..not even with her friends .. for few reasons, one she didn't want to be called as spoilt brat, who was throwing money for her luxuries, since she knew Maan's mentality on money minded ppl... and the other reason was, her studies and house chores/Avi were always in her mind and so she never thought to even go out... But this day was different... She was there, with her Husband that too on his insistence .. so, she felt special...
Maan, being a true and sophisticated gentleman lead Geet to the huge hall for the family and made her sit on one of the chairs ... She smiled at his courteousness and sat .. While he came from the other side of the table and sat on the chair...
Geet noticed two ppl came behind them and then went to sit to the nearby table...She felt fishy.. Since they were looking at them both... She was distracted from her spying job..when Maan looked at her...
Soon enough, water was served..and waiter kept the menu card in front of them...
Geet looked at the menu and was surprised that along with Continental food , the restaurant was serving Desi food ... She immediately, searched for her fav Desi dishes and ordered two .. Maan smiled a bit at her choice of food, as his guess went right abt her liking towards the Indian food ...
He then ordered his fav. pasta and then opted cold drinks after the dinner and the waiter went from there...
Geet(commented):- Nice place...
Maan(smiled):- yeah... It is ...
Geet(ST):- I must give him the present right now, since he seems to be in a good mood now...Who knows, after my talk with him, he would get angry and won't accept my gift.. (she debated with her own self and then reaching for her clutch she took out the box of the cufflinks and forwarded that in front of his eyes on the table)
Geet:- This is for you... Umm, your Birthday present from my side...
Maan(looked at her, getting surprised):- You didn't have to...
Geet(cut him):- I wanted to.. When you denied for anything, your birthday night... I thought, you might not like gifts and all..so I didn't buy anything for you(she laughed a bit) Thought, you might get angry so... but when , yesterday you accepted papaji's .. and others gifts...Then you also gifted Avi... So, This I bought for you today... Hope, you will like it ...
Maan (was rendered mum at her explanation on the gift, ST:- She is serious abt us , am sure now... He smiled and nodding opened the box.. took out the cufflinks and looked at them with amused smile):- Pretty... Thank you... I accept your gift...
Hearing that , Geet smiled back at him...Maan then took the box and put that inside his blazer's pocket... Since waiter came and served the dishes...
Maan looked at her childlike manners of eating... She had ordered typical Punjabi food of her taste and was eating , forgetting all the mannerism of eating in a restaurant... full of ppl... Maan was not bothered of the looks of ppl, but he was curious so he asked...
Maan:- You like Punjabi cuisine???
Geet:- yeah... How do you know ???
Maan(pointed at her plate):- Well, the way you are relishing the food, indicates ... (He left the sentence unfinished while Geet stopped in the mid, feeling embarrassed) Ahh!! Don't mind... Was just casually saying ...You carry on.. (He passed her a smile)
Geet:- Wo... You are right ... I love Indian food... specially spicy ... why don't you taste it ??? Its yummy...
Maan:- No thanks... I don't like spice...
Geet:- oh !! Our tastes differ...
Maan nodded at her and resumed his eating..Geet looked at the men , who entered just after them, they both were looking at their table only... She got suspicious.. thought to tell Maan abt them...
Geet:- Umm... Maan, (He glanced up at her) Want to tell you something...
Maan:- Geet??? What happened ??? Why are you whispering ???
Geet:- umm... 2 ppl are continuously looking at us ..
Maan(looked at her in concern):- what??? Where ???
Geet(pointed at that side):- There...
Maan( glanced at her pointed space and then back at her face, with a smile):- Geet.. These are my BGs ...
Geet(got confused):- what BGs ??? What are they doing here???
Maan:- You don't know abt them??? (He was surprised that she didn't know that... His BGs always followed him and she was oblivious of that) They are assigned for this job only.. To be with me 24/7...
Geet:- So, our life styles also differ ...
Maan looked at her face... getting the meaning of her words and then got she must be feeling uncomfortable...He then looked at the guards behind her...Gesturing the guards to go out and wait there... Geet smiled at his caring ...
Geet:- Thanks, was really feeling awkward, being watched like that...
Maan(smiled):- Yeah !! Am used to it... But guess, you would take time ...
Precap:- Date Continues...
Hey all,
Yeah am finally back at this one...Am gonna keep trying to update this every now and then..We all know the current situation all over the world, am being a Dr have also been loaded with lots of duties so couldn't keep up to my words with you all and was busy....Will update soon...As for the other works, yeah am working at them all as well but at snail pace....Keep up with me plz...
Thanks to the New readers ... Am glad to see their views... Highly appreciate it...Would love, if you ppl will cont, reading and liking and of course leaving your views.
Thanks to those who are liking this story of mine and thanks for comments as well... have replied to all do check if you wish to ..
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Much Love Rose
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