Geet:- I overheard Dadimaa.. I mean my dadimaa and mama's convo with Dadimaa...
Maan and Yash looked at each other.. and it hit Yash that the ladies were there in His mother's room and she heard from them... in a way it was good that Geet came to know abt their and specially Maan's thinking on Avi's related matter ... and both sorted out as well..
They still were standing there when Dev entered room with Avi.. and like everyone else, he too was happily surprised to see the room... Looking at Geet , he was reminded of her mother...
Dev:- Oh !! Bhabhi ji... Aunty.. I mean, your mother was asking for you...
Hearing her mother's name... Geet got upset and decided to ask her views, and the motive on sending Avi away from her... She smiled at Dev and headed outside... While others admired her work and talked with each other.. Whereas Maan looked at the retreating Geet, thinking something ...
Maan(ST):- Just hope, she doesn't ask anything from her mother... She might get upset... I think, should check ...
Thinking to go after her, he was abt to go when Yash stopped him, placing his hand on Maan's shoulder... whereas Dev and Avi were exploring His new room...
Yash:- Maan, don't push her away.. Am sure, if not today, tomorrow she will want to start a family with you..and maybe she is holding herself back coz of you...(Maan went silent at such words and listened to his father) Try to know more abt her... You need to know her, in order to build a relation...Just saw the admiration in her eyes for you... And also the hug says all...
Maan(sighed, his dad was misjudging her hug):- Dad I...
Yash(cut him):- Look Maan, am not saying to go and just start your life with her right away... But at least you can start from being friends with her?? or by taking her out with you?? You know Maan, you have accepted her ... (Maan looked at his father getting surprised) Don't look at me like that...I know that..I just want you, to accept her fully... Take your time son, and decide what you want... I just want you and her happily married... (Patting his shoulder Yash went out of the room, leaving Maan to ponder over his father's advisory words)
Yash knew, Geet's mother wasn't wrong and her worry was right and he wanted Maan to think on that aspect as well... So, he advised and went from there...
Once, finding her mother, Geet pulled her in a room and started her queries ...
Geet:- Mama what is this ???
GM:- what ???
Geet:- why were you planning on sending Avi away from us ??? Why did you pressurize Maan on that mama???How can you do that???
GM:- I didn't put pressure on him ..It just was a suggestion... But yes, I want you to get involved in family matters beta... and that's not going to be possible if you are always thinking and worrying abt that kid...
Geet('s tone went loud):- Mama, he is my kid...
GM:- This isn't right way to talk to me Geet... (Her mother scolded her, seeing her tone )
Geet(sighed, she had fixed Yash's words in her mind that she got all rights on Avi and was being a bit harsh on her own mother):- Am sorry... but mama, he is my son.. My responsibility... and he still is a little child Mama... How can you suggest like that ??
GM(yet again scolded her):- Geet, you have got other responsibilities..What abt them???
Geet(irritatingly asked):- Responsibilities, like what mama???
GM:- Like your household works ??? Like your marital life??? It has been over a year Geet.. and you both aren't planning for kids???
Geet(looked at her mother shocked..At what she just heard):- Mama??? What are you saying ???
GM(countered back):- What wrong am saying ???
Geet:- How can you think on that ??? Am still studying ... and Mine and Maan's relation is ... (she whispered the last sentence and stopped in the mid )
GM:- so what Geet, if you are studying???you can handle that ... The new generation can do that and am sure you can also manage...
Geet(sighed):- Mama .. you don't understand ...(She tried to talk but Her mother cut her out)
GM('s tone got softer now):- Beta, what your in-laws might be thinking ??? Its been a year and still you haven't given them anything ... I just want your happiness... and that's only possible if you are free from running after Avi...
Geet:- Mama , nothing like that is going to happen... Maan isn't sending Avi away ...And it's his decision... and My relation with Maan, isn't what you think like...
GM(looked at her daughter shocked, she jerked her daughter and asked):- Don't you want to start your marital life with him??you stupid girl, you know why we got you married haan?? (Geet looked down) Or is it him, who doesn't want you in his life??? (this thought was really scary and she looked at Geet in shock) Geet, isn't he ... isn't he interested in you??? (Geet looked away.. Her mother got furious and jerked her back)Geet answer me ..(Her mother's doubts were getting confirmed with Geet's silence) Geet, tell me beta... Don't they treat you properly??? (again her tone changed ..as a worried mother looked at her daughter in helplessness when she didn't say anything) Beta, share your probs with me ... Am, your mother, we will sort a way out beta...Just tell me...
Geet(sighed at her over reacting mother,who was panicking and took her hands in her own):- Mama, plz.. Calm down... Its nothing like that .. They all are so sweet mama... Even Maan is also caring... and loving (She wasn't feeling good to lie to her mother but then she couldn't have taken her mother's accusing words for Maan, who was getting sweeter with time... so she defended Him and her in-laws)
GM(calmed hearing Geet):- Then what's the problem???
Geet(blurted whatever came in her mouth):- umm... We.. thought to wait for a year or so to know each other properly.. and, we just were going to start our .. umm.. relation now .. Really... But your suggestion on Avi.. disturbed us ... You shouldn't have done that, mama...
GM(was relaxed at that assurance ):- oh .. Am so sorry beta.. I didn't know .. I just over reacted ... That's really good ... (she was abt to cont. when her phone buzzed and she smilingly went to answer the call)
Geet sighed with satisfaction that her mother was calm finally and has stopped her inquiry ... and was turning round to go from there when she saw Maan standing in front of her and was glaring her... She looked down... and prayed that he didn't hear Her lies ...
Maan stared her for a few secs and then came to stand before her.. She got scared and took her steps back... Till she was cornered to the wall behind, with Maan in front of her..
Maan:- you have lied Geet... (This wasn't a question... indicating, he had heard her talks with her mother)
Geet(closed her eyes, and guessed he had heard her lies):- Am.. Am sorry... But ...
Maan(cut her):- why ??? (she looked at him getting confused) why you lied Geet???
Geet:-Ummm.. wo.. Mama was saying lots of things abt you all..I .. I had ... to lie ...
Maan:- why ??? Why didn't you tell her the truth??? That we both don't share any relation...
Geet(looked at him shocked):- How could I tell her ???
Maan(placed his both hands on her either sides):- Why not ???
Geet looked away and tried to get away from him.. But he now was leaning on her and she felt uncomfortable ..He wanted to know what she thought abt him ???was she willing to be in a relation with him or their relation was going to be like this only ... And that's why she was trying to lie abt their relation to her mother??? He had started to bury his past life somewhere and was now thinking to start a fresh with her.. since she wasn't bad at all..in fact a good and caring girl... Like his father told him a while back... that she was a good girl and he must think on their future together, and when Maan heard her lies with her own mother regarding their relation, he now wanted to know more of her views on their relation...
Maan:- Geet???
Geet:- wo... Ummm... (She couldn't get courage to say out her fears.. and so she stopped at that .. and looked everywhere but him... Maan sighed at her reluctance... and turned away from her.. She sighed in relaxation)
Maan:- I will come straight to my point ... Do you want this relation or not ??? (Geet looked at his back in shock.. He looked back at her face and saw her shocking expressions.. and he knew, what might be the reason of her shock.. so he lessened her fears a bit) Forget abt Avi... He, anyways is yours ... (and that did work, as he saw the changes on her face from shock to relaxing face)Just tell me, what do you think abt US ???
Thanks to those who are liking this story of mine and thanks for comments as well... have replied to all do check if you wish to ..
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Much Love Rose
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