Maan looked out as he saw Avieet were passing from his side of the car, then only he realized He was still there in his car, whereas they have reached KM... And he followed them ..
Maan entered the study after taking a nap... and looked at his father, who was reading a newspaper...while Dev was working on some file.. Yash looked at Maan and was surprised to see him there... But then he knew, his son must be worried for his business so he shook his head and smiled at him...
Yash:- Come, We both have tried to run your business well, not sure, its up to your mark or not... (He teased Maan, to which Maan smiled, while Dev laughed)
Maan:- Dad, I trust you both...
Yash:- Hmm, that's why you are here after your long trip and journey from HP, you are here to know abt your business...
Maan(shook his head):- No Dad, am not here to get the accounts... But , wanted to talk... Umm, its sort of urgent...
Yash(was serious in a mint):- Alright .. Come sit...What's the matter???
Maan(looked at Dev):- Dev.. Uhh!! If you don't mind, can you excuse us plz ...
Dev:- Arey !! Of course bro... (Dev was out of the study the next mint)
Maan(sat and after a few mints of hesitation started):- Dad, my MIL, gave me a suggestion... (Yash nodded and Maan contd) Geet's mother wants Avi to go to boarding ...
Yash(was angry at once):- what non-sense??? How can she suggest like that ...
Maan:- Dad, she thinks that Geet is not getting into family matters as she is all the way busy in Avi... Even I... (Maan looked at his angry man-Yash,who was glaring him) I think, Geet's focus on studies is not the same like before...
Yash(calmed a bit down hearing abt her study issue and thought for a while):- Hmm, you are somewhat right...(Yash looked at Maan in confusion..Maan looked down.. He sighed and nodded)Yes, Even I know, she was so much happy to get the permission from us, of joining her studies... But now, you are right .. She needs to focus..But, Avi has nothing much to do with that???and His absence won't make much difference on her study... Anyways, I understand.. (Maan sighed a bit that his Dad understood his POV)So ... What have you thought on that ??
Maan:- I don't know Dad...
Yash:- What ??? you too don't want Avi to go from here, right ???
Maan:- Am not fully convinced with that idea...(He paused and looked into Yash's eyes) She won't agree ..
Yash(smirked):- True ... She will never...In fact, I will suggest you to not to even talk to her on that... (Maan was stopped at his Dad's suggestion, he thought for a while and then said)
Maan:- I want her to do her best for her career...Not like , just hardly getting passed and not learning anything ...
Yash(smiled hearing him..He felt good, to hear that, he started to care for her, and for her matters):- you remember Maan, when you were in your 12th grades ... you wanted to become a Doctor..you even got the seat..you were among 3 best passers... But my accident at that time, cost your seat... and you lost that coz of me...going to the hospitals and doing everything for me... and finally managing my business...
Maan(sadly smiled):- Was so ambitious to excel myself there being a doctor...(He sighed) But eventually I ended up, being a top businessman...So, don't have any regrets...
Yash(nodded):- But Still, I can see your that long lost ambitions in your eyes, today... (He smiled)you badly want her to be on top as a doctor, Don't you???
Maan(smiled looking at him and nodded):- Dad, I know she is intelligent..She is different .. and so, am supporting her..who cares now that am not a doctor, But I want her to be one...
Yash(patted his shoulder):- Am so proud of you...
He was happy that Maan said, she is different ... and he liked his thinking for Geet... They looked at each other, recalling their good and bad times for a few more mints and then Maan came back to the topic...
Maan:- But what abt Avi??? (Both the men looked at each other)
Yash:- Hmmm, I think, I shall ask Maa abt it first ...
Maan:- Dad, she is a lady and she is going to support Geet and Avi.. and she will definitely talk, in their favor...
Yash:- But Maan, you are forgetting she is Geet's grandmother's friend... She will definitely think for Geet's betterment ... Her Marital life and also on Her mother's suggestions ..and I think, if Maa agreed then we will wait for Avi and your birthdays... That's just in two days ... Then you and I will talk to Geet, and make her understand ...
Maan(nodded):- As you say Dad...
They decided what they were going to do for the betterment of their family... and for that, Geet has to understand their POVs...
NT, who thought Dev still was there, and had brought a cup of tea for him, was shocked to see and hear them...Yash and Maan were worried when they saw NT there, her facial expressions were clearly indicating that she has heard their talks ...
NT:- uhh!! I know, its not my right to interfere but ... I don't think you should separate Avi from Geet Bhabhi... She won't ever accept that decision of yours ...
Yash:- Beta...That you leave on us ... But, don't mention this thing with anyone ... Hmmm ???
NT(smiled a bit):- Of course,papa ji.. I won't ... (she looked here and there) Uhh!! Guess , Dev isn't here???
Yash:- No, he just left to his room...
NT smiled and went from there... While Maan and yash exchanged glances to each other and Yash nodded in assurance that NT won't spill the beans...And then Maan left the study...
Maan entered the room and saw Geet, who was lying on bed and Avi was asleep...She looked at him and smiled a bit .. Maan too passed a smile and went to sit on his side of the bed... Soon, he found her talking to him ..Of course, she can't keep quit..
Geet(whispered):- where were you??
Maan(turned and looked at her):- was with Dad ...
Geet(frowned in confusion):- But where?? I checked almost everywhere...
Maan:- In the study... Dad was there...
Geet:- oh !! I didn't check that ...Thought, papa is working there, so didn't want to disturb him...
Maan:- Hmm... .
Geet:- Are you going to sleep???
Maan:- uhh!! No.. (He grabbed his laptop from side and opened that) Am just catching up with my work...
Geet:- Shall I bring coffee for you??
Maan(sighed):- yeah , plz ...
Geet(smiled in delight, that he was letting her do some wifey type works):- ok.. Will just bring ... (With that she was on her feet and gone to make his coffee)
He shook his head and settled properly with stretching his legs on bed... Maan was working on his laptop when he felt a soft hand curling his own hand, which was busy in typing, he looked at the hand and then turning his head, he saw Avi smiling ... looking at him... He was sitting on the bed and was looking around ...
Avi:- papa... Mama kahan hai???
Maan:- Aati he hogi Beta... thora wait karo..
Avi:- Hmmm... (and he again was back on his sleeping mode , but now, he rested his head on Maan's chest, using that as a pillow and was asleep)
Maan sighed and his eyes drew to his little fingers which still were holding His palm... that was typing .. He smiled and looked at his face... He liked his gestures towards him...He liked the way, he always behaved nicely with him... Such was Geet's upbringing ... He caressed Avi's face and Avi moved to his side more.. Maan closed his laptop and kept that aside... then lied down on bed .. to put Avi asleep properly... and didn't know, when he, himself went to sleep...
Geet entered the room with a tray of coffee and snacks .. But was stopped at the doorsteps itself as she saw Maan and Avi, sleeping together... She smiled and quietly left from there...
She also made coffee for Yash.. So, she went and knocked his room... She smiled and placed the cup on the table ... and was walking away when She heard Yash...
Yash:- Geet beta...
Geet:- Ji papa??
Yash:- I hope, you still remember, day after tomorrow its Avi's birthday...
Geet:- Ahh!! Yeah, I know ...and this time I have a surprise for him... (then she told herself mentally ST:- and for my Hubby Khurrana as well)
Yash:- Good ... And you also remember, its Maan's birthday as well.. and what abt him??? (Yash's tone held tease and she smiled a bit)
Geet:- yeah I do know ... But what abt him, meaning ???
Yash:- You aren't planning a surprise for your husband ???
Geet looked down feeling shy at his direct words.. But then nodded and ran out from there.. while Yash laughed at her antics..
precap:- The Birthday wishes...
Thanks to those who are liking this story of mine and thanks for comments as well... have replied to all do check if you wish to ..
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Much Love Rose
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