He took out a chit from the envelope...This was the chit which Payal left ..that day,saying ...she was going away to spend her life with her love..
Payal's eyes widened , looking at the letter.. She desperately looked at her lawyer for an escape... Her lawyer looked at prem and payal... Clueless.. as he wasn't told of that letter before..
The fact was she hadn't given that a thought that Maan can use that chit for his purposes ...Shocked, Payal looked at Maan...who was smirking looking at her...
payal:- Its ... Its not true ... what letter ??? I don't .. know what are you talking abt ??? I haven't written anything ...(She fumbled)
Geet(got angry hearing her lies and she stood up from her seat):- She is lying ...
Everyone looked at Geet... Maan sighed angrily and pulled Geet back to sit on her chair and glared her...
Maan:- Shut up, Geet...
Geet:- But .. (whispered) she is lying ...
Maan:- Let our lawyer handle the case.. Told you to keep quite... Didn't I ???
Geet(nodded):- Sorry.. She was lying and I just couldn't stop myself...
Maan:- Now don't do anything ...(Geet nodded and then both turned their attention to the lawyer's voice)
Amit:- Your Honor, I have a letter with her handwriting on that.. (He then glanced payal) Its forensically proved by the writing specialists that its your handwriting... (then again turned to the judge) She left this letter along with her newborn son to Mr Maan khurrana, 5 years back...
Judge got the letter and then he went through that ..While Payal looked at her lawyer helplessly...
Amit:- Tell the court, why are you here all of sudden ??? To get your son??? what are your hidden motives Mrs Prem???
Payal:- There isn't any motive ... I just want my baby back... Its mine ... He has nothing to do with Khurranas ...(She was almost shouting out in frustration)
Amit:-Relax..Mrs Prem, I will tell you and the court, why you are here all of sudden to claim your son...(He looked at Judge) Your Honor, she wants the property which is under Mr Avinash Khurrana's name...(After a pause) Mr Maan Singh Khurrana has transferred 25% of Khurrana's property on Avinash Khurrana's name... couple of years ago...
Hearing that Prem closed his eyes...He had underestimated MSK... He thought MSK won't remember that and they will get the share in Khurrana's business along with their son...
Geet looked at Maan in shock... that indicated she was unaware of this fact ... Maan looked at her eyes and he read, her shocking expressions... Maan smirked ... and turned his head back to the pp's ...
It wasn't easy now to give decision in mother's favor since she, herself had abandoned her own son.. and now the fact that she just was after Khurrana's money... It was way too difficult...
Judge:- I have thoroughly studied the case and heard and seen the proofs.. Its clear, that Mr and Mrs prem are Avinash Khurrana's Biological parents...and I understand the parents worry and love for their son...(Geet hold Maan's hand unknowingly hearing that.. Maan looked at her hand and then her but didn't say or did anything while the Judge contd) But, at the same time, the court can't ignore the fact that Avinash Khurrana has been living with khurrana's for whole 5 years ... and he must be getting their love and care from them that's why he has spent his 5 years with them that easily... (Hearing this Maan smirked and put his hand over Geet's , unknowingly.. Geet smiled and looked at Maan) Since, the letter clearly shows that it was Mrs Prem, who left her own newborn baby with her husband of that time..So now, its not easy to take decision without difficulty... and its really difficult to decide, whom to give Avinash Khurrana's custody...
However, in the next hearing, the court will take the decision after deeply looking in to the case and the matter and then will decide... The court is adjourned for the day...
Saying that the judge was abt to go from there ... But Geet stood up from her seat, yet again and said to the judge...
Geet:-sorry, judge sahab !! But I have something to say, can I ???
Maan(hissed):- Geet...
Before Geet could look at him, Judge had already nodded...
Judge:- come to the witness box ..(Geet went there and started)
Geet:- Am Geet Maan Singh Khurrana...Actually .. I want to request you... Until the decision is taken, let me have access to MY SON, plz... plz sir... At least a hug.. A kiss.. she is not letting me come near him...coz of that stupid court orders... Uhh!! sorry... But plz , don't part him from me, until you give the final verdict ... plz sir ...
Judge (could clearly see the love of a true mother, in her eyes... gestures ... words... he nodded):- I understand your worry.. your love , Mrs Khurrana.. (Then he looked straight) Mr and Mrs Prem won't restrict Mrs Khurrana from meeting her son, until the final decision...The court is dismissed for today...
Geet smiled in happiness and instantly ran to hug Avi... who, himself was wanting to go, since Payal's grip on his arm loosened, hearing the judge.. Geet eyed Payal in anger and took Avi with her to spend a good time with him...
After that Geet finally went to KM, with Maan and Dev.. Maan saw the relief on her face , and he wondered why was that change ???What talks she had with Avi, that changed her mood??? she was happy, as if, they already have won the case...
Geet tiptoed into Maan's bedroom and saw him awake.. working on his laptop.. on his bed ...
Geet:- can I come in???
Maan(looked at the source of voice and nodded):- yeah ...
She came and stood on other side of the bed ..Maan waited for her to say anything but saw her silent.. looking down and so he sighed and thought to ask her...
Maan:- what ??? (she looked at him and she knew it won't take long time to get him angry on her... so she started)
Geet:- I wanted to thank you...
Maan:- we haven't won the case, yet ...
Geet:- I know, No.. This thank you is for helping me getting Avi(Maan looked at her) I know, you don't like Avi.. Still you are doing this, just for me..
Maan(ST):- Am I doing this for her??? No... am not .. Am doing this for dad and dadimaa... yes.. (Satisfied, he reasoned himself)
Seeing him silent... Geet thought he actually was doing this for her .. she felt nice...
Geet(ST):- Hayee !! Geet, he is doing this for you.. He is nice guy..(Her thoughts were disturbed by Maan's rude and impatient voice)
Maan:- what else???
Geet:- uhh!! uhh!! I was thinking, umm..Can I.. sleep here tonight???
Maan(first was astonished, ST):-wasn't she the one, who wanted to sleep in Avinash's room, couple of days back???
But then he looked at her , who was waiting for his answer...He nodded and Geet sat on bed and stretched on her side... Glancing at her Hubby Khurrana, dreamily...
Geet(ST):- Why am having this weird feeling that am falling for my Hubby Khurrana??? His actions are to fall for and then...(She paused)Hmmm... He is strong, handsome, caring, millionaire .. Geet, stop it... you have exam tomorrow.. and instead of getting tensed for that you are drooling over your Hubby Khurrana.. umm... My Hubby khurrana...Not bad Geet...
Suddenly, Maan looked at her side and she closed her eyes instantly .. Maan shook his head and sighed, carried on with his work...Geet opened her one eye, and looked at him... and then smiled a bit... Maan knew, something was cooking in her childish mind but pretended not to notice her and got away with his work...Least, he knew, that Geet was admiring her Hubby Khurrana...
Soon she was fast asleep lost in the thoughts of Her Hubby... First time, she felt the feelings which she could never feel even in her dreams ... Maybe she started to LIKE her Hubby Khurrana... and that had made her shy... on her own thinking ... she slept dreaming abt him...
After a While, Maan too felt tired and stretched on his bed, beside Geet, looking at his Child Wife... He stretched his arms as they were aching like, rest of his body parts ...since he had a tiring, almost boring day at court.. and then handling office work load wasn't that easy.. and again he was discussing the case with Amit Kumar... They needed to meet the next morning ...
As Maan's arms stretched ...Geet tugged at his hand and arm.. Tugged that under her head...
Shocked at the touch.. Maan looked at the side, realizing that she had asked him to sleep over there on his bed.. Sighed and tried to snap but she didn't leave his arm..and he didn't try hard after that .. since she too looked tired .. Another sigh, and Maan slept, landing his one arm to his wife... for the comfort...
Am having a very tight schedule from past couple of weeks since am due to submit my project report in abt 2 months ...Am getting very less time to sleep forget abt coming online however am trying my best to be more or less regular...Bear with the lateness plz....
This is a Fictional case... With taking writer's liberty...So take it like that ...
Thanks to those who are liking this story of mine and thanks for comments as well... have replied to all do check if you wish to ..
Much Love Rose
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