Maan was in his room at that time ...Dadimaa was abt to go after her when Yash stopped her..
yash:- No maa... Let both talk first ...
Dadimaa nodded and looked at Geet's retreating figure... Geet entered the room and saw him working on his laptop... She got more angry at his ignorance to the happening at there and going to him she took laptop from his hands...
That angered Maan.. he was abt to shout at the person who did that... But was stopped as he looked at Geet ... looking at him in anger..
Geet:- what kind of person are you??? How can you sit here like that when your son has been snatched from you???
Maan(looked away):- He wasn't my son... stop over reacting ... and give me, that (he tried to get his laptop back from her)back...
Geet :- you are a heartless person... I thought you would be nice with Avi in my absence and you were proving yourself good at that but ... I was wrong ... you can never be good at that ...
Maan:- Geet... I don't want to listen anything abt him... He had to go one day, and consider that, that was his day to go from here... Now just return this back, I have works to be done...
Geet( She pushed the laptop in his hands, without looking what was he doing ... and told him with determination):- Fine then... But let me tell you Mr Maan singh Khurrana, I won't let Avi go... Am gonna get him back.. right now...
Turning, she was abt to go out when Maan grabbed her from wrist, stopping her...
Maan:- Are you mad??? They have got court orders ... We can't do anything for him... so stop your non-sense and let him live there with them in peace...
Geet(pulled her wrist back):- No... where were they, all these years??? why today they just showed up from nowhere and just took MY baby with them??? I don't believe in those papers ... Am just gonna get him back...
Maan:- you are not going to do that ...
He harshly pulled her to face him... Geet wriggled in his hold but couldn't do anything as he was not leaving her.. She was angry, scared and worried... Angry on Him, scared of Him and worried for Avi.. and his safety..
Geet:- Let me go...
Maan (told very sternly, to make her stop from going there and do any stupid thing..He had no other way apart from Blackmailing her):- Listen to me very carefully... Don't do anything that will cost you separation.. If you tried to go to him then I will divorce you.. you will solely, be responsible for that divorce...then keep explaining your parents why I gave one..
Geet looked at him shocked... Her mother was still not fully recovered and here Her Hubby Khurrana was blackmailing her..yet again...Geet was HURT, hearing him...
Geet:- what are you??? Till now, you were blackmailing me into agreeing with you by taking Avi's name, and now when he is, in need of our support... You are blackmailing me , that you will give me divorce..!!! Is that so simple for you to take such decision??? you always HURT me , treat me like, as if I don't exist ...But today you crossed all limits ... (she was crying by now but still wanting to tell him abt his doings..While Maan listened as he had no other way to stop her from taking any haste decision..He wanted to think and then deal with them.. But his wife wasn't ready to think..before doing anything...She only had one thing in her mind, to get Avi back..)Ok fine, I promise I won't go to him.. But I will leave this house as soon as mama is stable ..I just don't want to live with you anymore...But I don't want her to get stressed coz of me...
Crying badly, Geet just went out of there and Yash entered after her.. He was hearing everything from the doorstep and was getting more and more angry on his son.. For threatening Her, for the divorce...and eventually making her mouth shut...Yash was angry on Maan...
Yash:- Why you keep HURTING her like that Maan??? What do you want, that she leaves you forever ?? Hmm???
Maan(sighed):- Dad plz, am not in a mood to talk, right now... Plz leave me alone..
yash:- No Maan, you are doing wrong.. How can you say like that to her??? You know her mother is not well and she must be worried for her and then Avi's absence like that would be more than enough for her...even then you dare to put a condition like that with her??How can you Maan??? Do you have any idea, despite of your ill treatment to her, she still is stuck here ... why ??? Just one reason, she had.. and that was Avi... Now that he has left, am afraid she might ... as well...
Maan:- That would be, for her own good ... Coz am not in for any kinda relation with her .. and she knows it too well..and I feel , its good that Avi is no more here... It will be easy for her to leave.. me ... this mansion... and us ..
Yash(raised his voice on him):- Maan...
This was the first time ever, Yash got this much angry on Maan.. That thing shocked Maan too...
Maan(stared at his ever so cool dad):- Dad???
Yash:- you are ruining everything ... and I won't let that happen.. She is happy with just Avi and her studies... Are you gonna snatch that little happiness too from her??? No Maan, she has had enough of your threats ...Not now .. no more...
Saying that Yash left in anger... Maan was still thinking and trying to gather His dad's words and make out his meanings .. but he couldn't do that ... He left a sigh .. for, making his dad sad and angry .. Maan followed him and stopped him..
Maan(whispered):- Am sorry dad... But am.. helpless.. I didn't mean to hurt you dad... I don't even know what are you talking abt ... But try and understand.. we can't bring Avi back, even if we try to.. Since that women has gotten orders and if we don't follow them then she will... might file a case against us ... and I don't want that ...that too for someone else's child... I .. want to think thoroughly.. properly, before taking any action...
Yash:- you could have told this thing politely to her as well.. No???
Maan(looked away):- I .. still was thinking, and working on that on laptop when she barged in and annoyed me .. so .. I just ...
Yash(completed for him..shaking his head):- Took your anger out on her.. like always...
Maan nodded... Geet who was hearing everything from the stairs .. Just looked down when both the men looked at her way and went from there without a word...
Geet entered the room and took her pillow bed going outside.. Maan looked at her confused..
Maan:- where are you going ???
Geet:- I can't sleep here.. without Avi... So am going to his room..
Her voice was chocked..Maan sighed but didn't stop her...and for that, she thanked him mentally for not arguing with her...
But sleep was far away from both's eyes ...Maan, was busy in thinking what to do to make his dad happy, he had to think a way to bring Avi back...and then He was kinda missing the kids in his room, he looked at the empty side of the bed and sighed... and Geet ,just couldn't sleep without Avi in her arms ..
precap:- Avieet's little secret...
Thanks to those who are liking this story of mine and thanks for comments as well... have replied to all do check if you wish to ..
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Much Love Rose
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