Geet:- Thoda sa??? (She asked from Maan) itna saa... plzz..
Maan:- I said no.. Now you both... Go from here...
He pointed towards the door.. Avi looked down sad at the way his father was getting angry.. Geet looked at him in anger... While Maan was giving her a tough competition here... no one could say who was more glaring in anger.. Geet or Maan...
Geet whispered in Avi's ears something and he smiled widely hearing His mama's plan .. then went behind Maan and colored him with the color he had brought with himself..
Maan was abt to scold and shout at him when all of sudden Avi came and was sat on Maan's lap.. He was slipping from there as something had caught Avi's feet... But Maan caught him tight in his hold and made him sit on his lap properly.. It all happened in blink of an eye, that even Maan was shocked at what just happened...
Now, the boy has messed with his face/cheeks and his new kurta which he was wearing after he had the bath... But before of, Him getting angry, it was Geet, who laughed out loud on his state... in her half senses...
Looking at her laugh, Avi was also laughing at Maan.. Making Maan more angry on both... But he couldn't have done anything ...
After a while Avi looked at Maan, with a small hesitation... He wanted Maan to color him now ...
Maan:- what ??? Don't put more color on me ... Its enough...
Avi:- papa, Aap bhi thoda sa color lagao naa mujhe...
Maan sighed looking here and there... But there was no color available there... And he got a good escape from there...
Maan:- where's the color ?? There's none... So now go...
Avi looked here and there .. and even at Geet for any help but Geet just was leaning against the chair and was watching the show.. she had had that wine from the table, which was of Maan's and earlier she just had that bhang mixed cola.. and now ...She was not in her senses with having wine..and was grinning widely without any reason...
Finally, finding no color around, Avi pulled himself more in to Maan and rubbed his own cheek with Maan's colored one's ... Maan was surprised at that ... He looked at the boy, who was now smiling happily at him...
Avi:- Happy Holi papa... (and then kissing his cheek, got down from his lap.. ran out of his room..screaming that he had his papa colored)
Maan touched his cheek, where he just kissed him... and a small smile appeared on his face... After a few moments ...Maan looked at the unfinished glass of wine (which actually was filled with Bhang-cola) and decided to remove that feel of his soft lips from his mind..so he had that cola...and then saw ahead..
Geet, with her unsteady steps rose from opposite chair of hers and forcefully sat in his lap... then she too wished him holi, just like Avi had done earlier... by pressing her one side of cheek to his... Maan was too shocked to react, at first but then when she kissed him on his cheek just like Avi.. He lost all is control and hugged her back...
Some of the control was lost coz of the Bhang he had had.. and rest HER closeness... and her ever so soft lips on his cheek... He pulled her closer to him by waist and kept her in the same position... for a while ...Feeling something strange stirring inside him... As if, he wished to hold her for eternity... like that..
Letting go of her, from his hold.. He scooped her in his arms and then took her to bed.. But there he tripped and both landed on bed with Maan atop of Geet.. Too tired with the effects of double dose, Maaneet didn't do anything ... neither pulled away from each other.. just lied and went in unconscious state...
At late night,
Avi entered the room along with Yash, who was curious to know,after Avi's little prank on Maan.. that where did Maan and Geet go to, from the Holi party...
And Yash was happily shocked to see the scene in front of him, while he stood looking at the wife and husband in each other's arms.. sleeping .. Yash thought to not to let Avi sleep there.. But the poor boy cried for his mama.. and so he left Avi there...
Avi went and slept .. beside Geet.. taking her one hand out for himself and wrapped that around himself...
Geet opened her eyes and found herself trapped ...From one side, Avi was hugging her from her waist... And looking at her other side, she got shock of her life...Maan was snuggled closer to her.. with his face pressed on her neck and one hand over her head... He was facing her... But was asleep... She looked at the wall clock and found that it was late morning, thankfully today was holiday...and so she needed not to panic..
But how come both landed there like that with Avi along with them.. was the thought running in her mind ..
Geet tried to disentangle his hand from her head but his sleep broke with that and he jerked up...
Maan was no less than shocked himself, realizing what was he doing there with her like that .. A sudden pain coursed through him and he recalled everything ..
Abruptly Maan rose above her and went to washroom... Geet looked at sleepy Avi and sighed...She was afraid of Maan's anger now... But she also knew she wasn't at fault... Ermm.. Not fully ...
Maan looked at himself in the mirror .. Angry on his own self.. the way he was all over her... Made him angry.. The fact that he let a girl sleep with him, made him angry... The right she has got to be this close to him, made him angry.. He was irritated most, for his own behavior and actions and so in his anger he hit the mirror hard, and the mirror broke down into pieces..
Outside,Avi woke up with a jerk... Geet too got startled at the voices coming from the washroom and she knew it was mirror which must have been shattered into pieces.. Geet even thought next would be her head which will be broken... knowing his anger.. So she convinced Avi to go out and get freshen up.. while she herself was leaving outside ..away from his wrath and anger... But then stopped as the door to the washroom opened.. Her curiosity and care, made her turn and look at him.. just wanting to get assured that he was fine.. But ... before she could look at him... She found herself being pulled in and the door to their room got shut ..
scared, with a gasp Geet tried to look at His anger filled questioning eyes..
Maan got why he was like that with her in the bed... He remembered he had that cola and lost his senses soon after that and he knew, she had entered there in his room last night with a glass filled with cola...
Precap:- Maan With Avi...
Well, Rahul's plan was to get closer to Geet in her semiconscious state and then have some pics with her then blackmail her to be his GF at the college ... That's it ...
Thanks to those who are liking this story of mine and thanks for comments as well... have replied to all do check if you wish to ..
like and comment if you like to
Much Love Rose
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