Geet:- I agree to whatever you will ask me to do or say...
Yash(smiled at her child like excitement):- Fine then... you will not sleep in Avi's room, from today onwards..
Geet('s smile vanished... shocked at her FIL's condition):- wh...
Yash(looked at her seriously):- surprised??? How do I know... ?? (Geet looked down) Geet, if you don't give this relation a chance then this won't work... Maan is my son.. and I know, how stubborn he is.. but I believe, that you can put some sense in him and give me a new Maan.. which I know, exists somewhere in him... but its hidden from all of us..
Geet(still was looking down):- But he doesn't like me ...
Yash:- And so??? You will spend your entire lives like this ???? Detached from each other, not even trying to work your relation out???
Geet:- But he can also take the first step naa??? (She was being hesitant in talks like these with a father)
Yash:- He won't ..(He sighed as he said so and then added) what will happen, if you will take that step??? And I have decided... Am shifting Avi to your room...(Geet gasped)
Geet:- but Maan, wouldn't like...
Yash(cut her):- He will have to accept that.. and that's my final decision... If you want to work as per your own choice, then you will have to be in Maan's room, along with Avi... How are you going to convince Maan or Avi for that, it's up to you... (Geet just looked down.. unable to say anything) Now, bring me coffee... that coffee I left in study...(With that told, he dismissed the talks)
Geet:- Ji...(Her FIL, was being rude with her.. and she didn't know , what was the reason behind his that rude behavior)
Just saying that she came out from his room, leaving a smirking yash behind... but she got shocked, as just outside Yash's room... she saw Maan standing there with angry looks ...
Maan:- you like to mess everything, Right??? (He didn't wait for her ans and went to Yash's room, with a file... Geet looked at his back and closed her eyes... Her one wish have caused lots of troubles for her own self..But she was really thankful for one thing, and that was ..Maan had heard everything and that meant he also heard what her FIL wanted .. so she didn't have to face the wrath of Maan regarding Avi sleeping in His room)
Geet went and convinced Avi-well, he already was eager to go to his papa's room... as Yash had told him, he will be shifting... Geet started to pack his things and was running from one place to another and got tired ... she was scared to face Maan's anger.. Now, knowing everything related to his past ... but somewhere she was happy too, as now was the chance to bring father- son close to each other.. and for that, she couldn't thank yash enough...
When Maan returned to His room in the night.. He saw Geet and Avi were cuddled up with each other.. on His bed... leaving a space for him...
Maan(ST):- Great!!! Just perfect...(he got irritated and looked for the couch in his room to sleep on, but to add to his anger that was not in the room) Now , where did the couch go???
He went to Geet's side and shook her up.. She sat up in no time.. looking at him, scared ...
Geet:- Ji???
Maan:- where's the couch???
Geet(got confused, as she still was sleepy):- couch ??? (Maan pointed to the area where the couch used to be) Ahh!! I don't know.. when I entered with Avi.. I too didn't find the couch.. Really, don't blame me for that plz... (She added as she knew he was surely going to blame her for that)
Frustrated Maan just left the room .. He came down and sat on couch in lounge, switching on the T.v.. After a few mints he saw.. His dad coming and settled beside him...
Yash:- what happened son ??? you aren't sleeping...
Maan:- why are you doing this dad ??? you are only forcing me, to hate her more...
Yash(smiled):- Am just trying to bring you two together..
Maan:- Huhh!! That won't happen... Not now, Not ever...
Yash(sighed and nodded):- Try , giving her a single chance... she is a good girl... (Maan remained silent) and Avi... Don't you see the fact that he has mingled with her quite easily???? From the marriage day itself... He is like her own son...
Maan:- But he is not MY son... I don't know why he is living here...Why I even agreed ....
Yash(cut him):- Maan, don't be harsh on that boy.. He doesn't have any fault , with whatever his mom did...
Maan:- I don't want to discuss that dad.. plz leave me alone..
yash:- I will.. Just promise me one thing (Maan sighed and yash contd) you will sleep in your own room, not here... Go and sleep in your own bed.. That couch is not going back in your room...(Maan nodded looking at him knowing his dad was behind it, while Yash contd) so better adjust with whatever is there... and am sure, she maintains distance from you... so she won't jump on you..
Maan(looked away):- Dad plz... your talks are irritating me more...
yash(Smirked and stood up):- Good night son.. Have sweet dreams...
Maan looked at his dad's back... and switched off the t.v in anger... He waited for a while .. thought abt his dad's last words...
Maan(ST):- Lets go Maan.. why should I sleep anywhere else??? That's my own room.. my own bed... and dad won't spare me, if I slept anywhere else...
He decided and stood to go up to his room... Yash smiled looking at his son, going upstairs...
Geet on the other hand had lost her sleep as she saw Maan going out...
Geet(ST):- If , DD didn't come back then papa won't give me permission for the job...How am I to convince that, Mr hubby khurrana... (she started to think but no idea strike her...and soon she heard the opening of the door.. she quickly closed her eyes-pretending to be sleeping)
Maan came and went to change .. then came back and lied on the bed, beside Avi... but he turned his back to Avi and Geet and slept...
Geet smiled seeing that ... she relaxed as now she didn't have to think ways to bring him back to this room...
Maan opened his eyes as he felt some weight on his upper body..Turning around he saw Avi sleeping on him... That angered Him.. He was abt to snap Him, when he saw, Geet's hand on Avi...Her head on Maan's arm, It was like, Geet too was hugging him... But He knew she wasn't hugging him.. she just was concerned for Avi.. Not wanting to shout on both... He patted Geet's head... in order to wake her up... He was being gentle- reasons of which , were unknown to him..
precap:- Falling in love with...?????
Thanks to those who are liking this story of mine and thanks for comments as well... have replied to all do check if you wish to ..
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Much Love Rose
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