Geet:- where are you going ??? somewhere she was thinking of living in the hotel room alone, was not a good idea...
Maan:- Going for dinner... and I hope you aren't hungry , after all you ate lot few hrs back..
Geet:- who said am not hungry... of course am starving ... I will also come down for dinner...
Maan looked at her shocked ... and within few moments she was standing in front of him... He couldn't believe , she could eat that much... what he didn't know was, the fact that she wasn't feeling good to stay alone in the room... the child in her overpowered her mind ...
Geet:- shall we???
Maan:- Huhh!!! Yeah...
Saying so both came out from room to have dinner... But Maan noticed throughout the dinner, that she ate minimum.. Quite contrary to the fact,that she had said that she was starving ...shrugging off the thoughts of hers,He ate in perfect silence... and then both retired to room...
On entering the room, Geet had only one thought.. where will they sleep...she couldn't hold back the query and asked..
Geet:- where will we sleep ??? Am not going to sleep on couch... had very bad experience already..
Maan smirked looking at her, as he knew abt her little bad experience on the couch...but straightened himself, clearing his voice he said...
Maan:- you sleep on bed there... (He pointed to the bedroom) and I will go there (pointing at another bedroom) as you see, this is a suite ... so there are separate rooms ... and I have work also, so .. will be up till late night .. you can sleep whenever you want... Good night...
Saying so he didn't wait for her wishes and wants and left to the adjacent room... That was quite small compared to the main bedroom.. but he was thankful to the hotel that there were two bed ... the beds ... was the only thing running in his mind when he entered the suite with Geet this morning ... Directly he had searched for extra beds.. and to his utter relief, there he found 2 bedrooms ...
Geet felt like talking to Avi... as she was missing him... and top of that, Maan's rudeness was making Geet angry and sad at the same time... Geet couldn't sleep for the night- The huge bedroom was kinda scaring her and so tossed around the bed thinking when will she be there with Avi...
Finally giving up at her attempts to get herself any sleep.. She got down from bed and headed to the adjacent room-where she believed Maan was still working... and she was right... As she peeped from the entrance she saw him sitting on couch and working on something ...
Geet pulled herself away and then thought to knock on the door... she did, and then entered ... Maan glanced her way ... she was standing with her blanket...Maan sighed.. Then raised his brows to ask why was she there...
Geet:- wo... if you don't mind ... can I sleep here (then immediately she added) I will sleep on couch...
Maan:- Why ??? what happened to your room??? He was confused as to why she wanted to sleep there... with him...
Geet:- Am not able to get sleep there... wo... Am scared ...
Maan:- Are you a kid, that you are scared ???
Geet:- I have never slept alone ... There too Avi and I slept together... please let me sleep in this room... in your presence...
Maan(was already frustrated at the work he wanted to do ASAP...So not wanting to argue with her..He sighed):- Fine, go and sleep on bed ...
Geet:- No, No... I will sleep on couch... you please get up and go to bed ...
Maan:- you didn't hear me properly, Right??? I said go there and sleep... or you can leave the room...
she was being adamant... he thought none can be that stubborn than him... so he blackmailed her...Hoping she would agree to him...
To his surprise Geet nodded and started to go to his bed ...she lied down there and before closing her eyes once again wanted the confirmation that he wouldn't leave the room...
Geet:- you promise, you won't leave the room????
Maan(sighed):- Am here... Go to sleep... Geet closed her eyes and slept... leaving Maan wondering ...
Maan(ST):- She is a crazy girl... Sometimes so mature... That she take cares of Avi...she fights with me .. Argues back.. Demanding to sleep on bed.. and now she is sleeping in this room just coz she is scared to be left alone ??? weird girl...
He shook his head in disbelief and kept on working on his laptop... After a while Maan felt his eyes are giving away and so keeping the laptop aside, he stretched his legs on the couch.. Thankfully the couch was big enough for him, unlike his room's couch and soon slept...
Geet opened her eyes and looked at the other side of bed... the word escaped her mouth was Avi's name... so much used to be with Avi.. she missed him... Then suddenly she remembered that Maan was also in the room... glancing sideways , she saw him sleeping on the couch, covering himself with the blanket which was his ...Geet looked around to check the time... It said 10am...
Geet(ST):- won't he get late for his meetings ???? but I don't know, when his meetings are... As if am his secretary... forget it, let me sleep... (she lied down.. but then again got up) let me just wake him up, else he will get annoyed and his annoyance will turn into scolding me for no fault of mine... Hmmm...
Decided, she got up and went to him...
Geet:- Maan...
This was the first time she called him by his name... and here he didn't even respond... How would he, when her so-called call was mere whisper..when he didn't reply she thought to touch him and get him out from sleep... She was abt to touch him with her finger on his shoulder, followed by the call of his name, when all of sudden he opened his eyes and looked at her...
Geet gasped, knowing him, he will shout on her.. but that didn't come.. Instead he sat up on couch and looked down... Geet thought to clarify why she was there...
Geet:- wo... Its 10am.. I thought you might have meeting so thought to wake you up...
Maan(looked at her):- Thanks ...
When he didn't say anything else.. she thought to go back.. but as she was going back, she tripped on the carpet and losing her balance, directly landed on him... Maan hold her by her waist.. she was on him.. and He couldn't take his eyes off her... For the first time in his life, he felt like looking into her scared eyes... Might be scared to get injured by that hit .. or might be, He was the reason of her fears this time ... He couldn't point what bothered her... as she started to wriggle under his hold, whereas he was feeling good having her so close to him... whatever it was.. but wasn't a wife supposed to feel good, being in her Husband's arms ... He forgot he called himself her husband ...
Precap:- what's coming in the next ????
Thanks to those who are liking this story of mine and thanks for comments as well... have replied to all do check if you wish to ..
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Much Love Rose
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