Treebros: Memories are exhausting
A/N: hi. So I know this wasn't requested. And I'm really far behind on those but I was feeling angsty and wanted to write this so. I hope it's not too bad. I had this idea a bit ago but it's not exactly how I wanted it. Please comment, they really brighten my mood. Love you! Enjoy!
Evan stood at the bottom of the tree, tears streaming down his face as his memories bit at him like mosquitoes. "I can't...I can't." He said allowed, fingers tracing the cast that had been plastered onto his arm only four weeks prior. "Why did I live? I was supposed to-"
"Hey...are you alright?"
A voice echoed from behind him, the sound of feet crunching into the fresh fallen October snow surrounding the air.
Evan hid his face, his breath making puffs around him. His breathing ragged.
The voice asked after recognizing the bulky cast covering his left arm.
"Y-yeah yeah it's me but I'm fine. Whoever you are. You can go. Ignore me. Like everyone else..."
"Slow the fuck down, you're gonna freeze out here so late."
Evan turned around, facing none other than Connor Murphy, who looked pale and skinny as ever, his lanky legs still wearing his black jeans and combat boots, snow sticking to his long brown hair.
"It's almost midnight. I'm sure your parents are worried. You need to go home."
Connor said, his nose red from the cold.
"I moms not home tonight, she has work. I'm fine here."
Evan said, wrapping his arms around himself. He really should have worn a coat.
"Jeez kid, you look freezing. Here."
The brunette commented, sliding off his jacket. "I don't get cold."
Evan looked at the jacket, attempting to stutter an objection but his teeth began to chatter so he accepted, managing to thank him while sliding on the large black jacket. Evan was nearly buried in the thing but at least that meant it fit over his cast.
"What are you doing out here so late?"
Connor asked.
"I'm not sure...I Uh..."
He looked back up at the tree, a few more tears making their way down his cheeks, and a loud sob escaping his throat.
Not here, Evan. Don't make his life harder too. You should have died. That tree should have taken you from this world. Then maybe you wouldn't be bothering him like everyone else. Maybe-
"Hey. Calm down. You're hyperventilating."
Connor said worriedly, placing a hand awkwardly on the blonds shoulder.
"I uh...fuck I'm not good at this give me a second." He muttered, pulling out his phone. He pushed his hair out of his eyes, ignoring the messages from his sister and opening google.
"Okay. I need you to breath with me. In for four, hold for seven, out for eight. Can you do that?"
He said in an unwonted, calm tone. Evan nodded l rapidly. And followed Connors breathing, attempting to match his with the taller boys.
Evans breath slowed down and he open his eyes to be met with Connors. "Okay...good job. That was good."
He said comfortingly.
"Let's get you out of the cold yeah?"
He suggested, standing up, his long sleeved black shirt covering his cold hands.
Evan said, following Connors actions.
The two headed towards the dirt road, the sound of their breath being the only sound to match the crunching snow.
Evan yawned, his lack of sleep over the past week finally getting to him. Connor looked over at the small boy, noticing the dark circles caving his eyes through the dark of the night.
"Hey uh...why don't you come over to mine. Just....ignore my family."
He suggests, looking back to the path ahead of them. Evan looked abruptly in his direction, tired eyes widened. "Nononono I couldn't. Ar-are you sure?"
He stuttered. Connor shrugged, trying to keep himself calm
"You don't have to. You can go home, and be what I assume is alone, or you could shut up and come with me."
He turns, his long legs carrying him down the road to his house. The small blonde stood for a moment, playing with the hem of the black hoodie before jogging to catch up with the pale boy in front of him.
Cynthia sat at the kitchen table, a hand rubbing her temples as she struggled to keep a smile on her face. "Where is he?" She muttered. "Mom. Relax. I'm sure he just went off to get hight or some shit." Zoe said, trudging down the stairs, clad in her purple pajamas and hair in a messy bun.
"Language please."
Cynthia tried to correct before hearing the door creak open.
"Connor! I was so worried where-"
She stopped when seeing the small boy behind her son. "Oh..hello. I'm Cynthia, Connors mom. Are you alright? It's very late." She said, straightening her blouse and looking at her watch.
"Cynthia this is Evan. He's from school."
Connor said sternly.
"Oh well, it's nice to meet you. I'm glad Connor has finally made a friend-"
"We're going to my room. It's late."
Connor cut her off, grabbing Evan by the wrist and leading him to his room.
Evan said with wide eyes as he followed Connor upstairs.
Cynthia whispered.
Connor lead the smaller boy into his room, shutting the door loudly and cursing to Zoe who yelled from the loud impact it had. Evan stood awkwardly, fixing the zipper on Connor sweatshirt repeatedly while holding in a yawn.
"Go ahead, get some sleep"
Connor said from his seat at his desk, and motioning towards his dark blue bed. Evan didn't even think to ask where Connor would be sleeping before thanking him and climbing into bed. He was unaware of Connors gaze on him as he pulled the blue duvet over his frame, drifting to sleep.
Connor took another glance at the pills he had planned to swallow that day before shoving them into his desk drawer and walking over to the bed. He slid off his shoes, sitting down to look at Evan carefully. The brunette admired the sleeping boys soft features, reaching over to brush some hair from his eyes.
"I'm sorry if I didn't do well. I hope this helped."
He muttered, knowing he couldn't hear him. He slowly tucked his long legs under the blanket, making sure to give Evan space before drifting off to sleep.
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