Stenbrough: Stan is depressed™️
A//N: sorry about this. I'm just kinda....angsting right now. (Even though that isn't a word) sorry stan! It gets a bit better in the end! :) comments make my day! Love you!
Also, apologies for any errors or just bad writing, I didn't edit this at all. :)
Stan dragged the blade across his skin, watching the small dots of red appear along the lines. He repeated the satisfying feeling again, the pace of the red dots quickening with each stroke.
I can't do this. It's too much. I deserve it. Bad son. Scaredy cat.
His mind threw all the insults back at him, a physical flinch striking through his body. A choked sob escaped his lips and he leaned back onto the wall as tears began to flow.
Fuck up.
The last phrase made him stop, blood staining his pants as his shirt was soaked with tears. The noodle-haired boy curled into himself, loud sobs wracking his body.
That's when the bathroom door opened.
"Hey S-stan? You in here?"
Came the sweet voice of Stanley's crush of three years, Bill. He gasped, holding his breath and attempting to hide himself further in the stall, despite the pain it caused.
Bill walked into the bathroom, gaze adverting to the last stall, the only closed one.
He saw a drop of blood at the bottom of the stall.
"St-Stan!" He called, knowing very well that the boy was in here. He heard a whimper come from the stall and his heart beat out of his chest, the floor seemed to sway beneath him as he rushed over to the stall.
"F-for f-fucks sake Stanley o-open the door."
He gave up with his attempts after getting no response, and got down onto the flood to slide under.
The stuttering boys slim body fit easily. But when he saw stan, he wished maybe he could have done that even faster. The sight of his best friend on the ground covered in his own blood and tears broke his heart.
"Hey hey hey. Stan t-t-t-t-talk to me."
The boy took off his shirt and jacket, wrapping one around each of Stans arms.
Stan stuttered.
Bill commanded, shaking his head.
"Relax. Don't s-s-s-say anything, lemme get y-yyou cleaned up, a-alright?
"N-no Bill....I'm sorry"
He sighed, honeycomb eyes closing tightly as tears leaked out.
"No no no shhh. J-just relax p-please. We're gonna get through this."
"I d-don't want to."
He cried, bills broken heart shattering further.
He didn't say anything after that, only getting paper towels and using his shirt and jacket to cover stans cuts. After he was done, he placed a pale hand on his best friends cheek, wiping away a tear with the pad of his thumb.
"C-can I t-take you b-ba-back to my house. It'll be l-l-lunch soon. I'll tell the o-others you w-were sick."
Bill suggested, only getting a nod from Stan, who was just too emotionally and physically tired to say anything else.
Lucky for them, the school halls were empty because of class still going on, and because of how laid back their school was, Bill just called the school nurse, telling him that he and 'Stanley Uris' would be home sick.
The two drove back to Bills, his parents out on vacation for the week.
"S-stan...are y-you o-o-okay if we change your cl-clothes?"
Bill whispered, as Stan sat down on the edge of his bed. He didn't respond, only looking slowly in bill's direction, scanning him with his eyes.
Bill got out a pair of his sweatpants and a sweater. "You ok-okay with c-changing? Or d-do you want me to...."
He trailed off, watching as Stan mumbled
"I dunno"
Bill nodded understandably, slowly beginning to unwrap stans arms.
He slowly pulled stans shirt off, looking up a few times to make sure he wasn't crossing a line. The tall boy did, however, allow Stan do take off his own pants, knowing that would have made him uncomfortable if the tables were turned.
When Stan had finished, Bill dressed him back up, sliding his raw arms through the soft material of the sweater. He then put stans clothes into the laundry basket, and got some blankets and pillows.
Stan sat blankly, watching as Bill wandered around his room to set things up. And soon enough, bill had set up a cocoon of pillows on his bed, and a first aide kit in hand.
"We c-can ta-talk about this later b-b-but right now I-I need to clean you up. I-is t-that okay?" Stan nodded, closing his eyes slowly as Bill rolled up his sleeves.
What made his eyes shoot open was when he felt delicate kisses being placed on each cut.
(((Chill people, they aren't bleeding anymore)))
Bill looked up, a sheepish expression on his face.
"I w-would a-always do thi-this for G-Georgie w-when he got h-hu-hurt." He explained, spraying disinfection onto the cuts before moving to the other arm and repeating the process.
In any other situation, Stanley would have been a blushing mess, but at the moment, he didn't really feel anything. Just numb, and disappointed.
When bill had finished, he took the remote from his nightstand and turned on the TV for background noise.
The slim boy moved onto the bed with Stan, patting the cover.
"C'mon le-lets talk ab-about this."
Stan looked down, moving over to be next to Bill.
"Do you w-want to t-tell m-me why?"
Stan shook his head, but spoke anyway.
"I just....I c-can't do it anymore Bill. I'm just a waste. I can't keep living th-this way"
He shook the slightest bit as his body prepared him for another sob session.
"Shh Shh Stan...w-why d-didn't you t-tell m-me?"
Stan just shook his head.
"S-seriously. We can g-get through this t-together okay?"
"I'm not worth it Bill."
A tear slid down his cheek.
Bill pulled him into a hug, being cautious of Stans arms.
"Shhh shhh you are worth it. You're okay. Your feelings are valid. Shhh, it's okay, it's gonna get better. We'll get through this."
He whispered into his ear, running his long fingers through Stans curly blonde hair.
The boy held tightly onto bill, never wanting to leave his warm embrace.
After awhile of Bill whispering sweet nothings, however, Stan began to get tired and moved down, resting his head in bills lap. The pale boy kept his fingers in stans hair, leaning against a pillow to get some sleep as well.
"We're gonna get through this alright? Together."
Bill said confidently.
Stan hummed, nuzzling his nose into bills lap.
"I love you."
Bill whispered. Stans breath caught in his throat.
"I love you too Bill."
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