Reddie: Thank you for telling me
A//N: I hope you enjoy this! I don't actually hate this one but it ended up not being too hurt/comfort-ish so....sorry about that. Comments make my day! Love you all!
Richies POV
I sobbed, clutching my knees close to my chest. What is wrong with me? Falling in love. Falling in love with a guy.
Falling in love with Eddie.
I lay in the corner of the old ally. Memories of fighting that douchebag clown flooding my mind. Eddie didn't deserve to go through that.
Jeez, Richard! Stop it with the gay thoughts.
It was midnight and I had just woken up from a nightmare. Deciding it was best to get some fresh air, I rode my bike around town. Now you may be thinking, wow Richie, you would think you would have learned your lesson. Nah, I'm not scared to be alone.
Well....not that kind of alone at least.
Another round of tears streamed down my face. Stop it. Man up you idiot.
"Hey Richie, what are you doing here?"
A familiar voice asked.
"Oh...hey Ben..."
I turned, rapidly wiping away my tears with the back of my hand.
"What's up? You okay?"
"I'm doin fine and dandy Haystack"
"You're crying."
"What?! No no man, I think YOURE crying"
Damn Richie, what kind of a comeback was that?
"Oh, well, don't tell me then."
He sat down next to me, opening up a granola bar.
"Why you out here so late huh?"
I asked him, attempting to turn the conversation off of me. He just shrugged.
"I'm gonna go...."
He got up, walking towards the entrance of the alleyway.
"See ya Richie"
He watched me for another second, eyes trailing down my face. I wish he'd cut that out. "like what ya see?" Ben rolled his eyes (shocker) and placed a hand against the brick wall. I tried for another goofy smile, but he didn't seem convinced, shaking his head and dipping out back down the sidewalk.
The second he left however, I dropped the act, a choked sob escaping my lips, stiffled with the back of my hand.
Bens POV
I know he wasn't okay. You think I was actually just gonna go back to my house? Nah. I was headed to Eddies.
Richies POV
"Jeez okay okay!!"
A hushed whisper cafe from the entrance to the ally. Is that? Eddie?
"Just-just go in! I dunno what's up with him but you're the only one he even has a chance of talking to."
I knew I shouldn't have let Ben leave unwatched.
Eddie. Eddie. Crap! That's Eddie!
I sighed, sliding my hood over my head and turning the other direction.
"Answer me! Look, this is scary. Why are we doing this again?! If that fucking clown is back— I swear, I want nothing to do with this."
"Shut up, would you?"
He stopped in his tracks, head whipping around to face me with those intimidating, thick doe eyes.
"Richie! What are you doing?!"
"Nothing that concerns you."
What is wrong with me?
"Hey! I'm serious."
"Not as serious as your mom..."
Maybe he won't notice...
"What's your problem! I come here to see if you're alright because Ben comes to my house telling me something's up. I woke up in the middle of the fucking night! To ride my bike down to this smelly ally and you just ignore me?! What is going on Richie?!"
"Nothin, I'm fine. Just....go home."
I shrugged, avoiding his eyes toeing at the loose dirt around me. The rocks shifted as he made his way over.
"I'm not leaving. Tell me what's going on. I didn't come here for nothing."
He sat down next to me, placing a hand on my own. I stiffened a bit, not letting down my hood to let him see my face, or to look him in the eye.
"It's nothing, okay?"
I sniffled.
"Mkay, don't tell me, but I'm still not leaving." He leaned against the wall, resting his head on my shoulder. I blushed. Damm hormones stop it!
A few extra tears ran down my face, I sniffed, attempting to unsuccessfully wipe them away subtly.
"'re crying."
"No I'm not...."
"Yes you are, don't lie to me right now."
He stopped for a moment, sitting up straighter and tightening his grip on my hand.
"Shhhh. Just tell me what's going on. Please?"
"I-I can't..."
"Why not?"
"You'd hate me."
"As much as I already do, I could never hate you Richie."
"I can't...."
" least put your hood down. I hate not being able to see you."
I smiled the slightest bit, slowly lowering my hood. Eddie lifted his head from where he watched my lap, scooting in front of me.
"Look, Richie...."
"Richie, I don't want you to think I would hate you. In fact it may seem like I do but I don't. And my anxiety always seems to get in the way. You always seem like such a jerk, and don't even get me started on my asthma. But that's not the point, Richie. You can be a total doofus sometimes and honestly, you could definitely use more personal hygiene-"
I couldn't take it anymore.
"I love you."
I told him, and then things were silent for a moment. What. The. Fuck. Richard. What. Was. That.
But then his fist was wrapped tightly around the collar of my sweatshirt. And he yanked me closer, smashing his lips into mine. What. The. Fuck. Is. Happening. I sat still for a moment shock slicing through my veins and leaving me still before my mind caught up and took back the reigns. I kissed back.
We stayed in that position for what felt like hours. Just the two of us in the dark of an ally, fireworks shooting through our veins. Eventually I pulled away, afraid of the outcome and afraid to see if this was all a Dream.
However, the second I pulled away, he threw himself into my arms.
"I love you too Richie."
I felt him grin onto my shoulder, placing a small kiss against my shirt. I held him tighter as he placed more kisses on my skin.
"This is real....right?"
I whispered into his hair. Giggles echoed from the small boy in my arms.
"Of course....can we go though, I don't really like sitting on the ground here... my house?"
He asked me. I nodded, closing my eyes and lifting him off of my chest.
"You sure Bill won't mind?"
Eddie had moved in with Bill after the whole...incident.
"It's Bill we're taking about Richie. You know he won't mind."
Eddie smiled up at me. I couldn't contain myself, I lent down, grabbed his shoulders, and connected our lips again. He wrapped his arms around my neck as I curled an arm around his waist.
I trailed kisses down his jaw, my hands roaming around eager to cover every inch of him I could. He reached up, taking my chin in his hands to angle my head in a way he could see my face.
"Hey, not here, mkay?"
He asked me.
"Of course Eddie Spaghetti."
I smirked.
"Don't call me that!"
His face lit up a bright red.
"But, it's nice to make you flustered~"
He groaned, shoving his face into my chest. I place a hand on his back, swaying the two of us back and fourth.
"I really do love you"
He whispered, muffled by the fabric of my hoodie.
"I love you too Edds."
The two of us biked back through town, making sure to stay as close together as possible.
"Richieeeee! Slow down!"
I chuckled, stopping completely.
"You're a dick."
"Wouldn't you think so?"
His face lit crimson as he groaned.
"Cut that out...."
"You Love it."
"Hm, maybe I do. Guess You'll never know."
We biked the rest of the way back in silence, minus a couple giggles escaping either of our lips.
"I have the key..."
Eddie mumbled as we stepped onto the porch. Before he could get to it, though, I wrapped my arm around his waist. Kissing him passionately. I was gonna take advantage of this, no way was I gonna miss any chance to get my hands on him.
"You need to stop doing that."
He muttered, placing our foreheads together.
"Doing what?"
I asked.
"Taking my breath away."
He breathed. I chuckled, placing a finger back under his chin and kissing him once more.
"'s late...."
He gasped. I laughed quietly at his flustered state, acting calm, even as we both could feel the way my pulse raced beneath my skin. The two of us slipped through the front door, careful to be quiet.
"Follow me"
He murmured. Motioning his arm down the hallway.
"Jeez Eds. How do you keep this room so clean?"
"Why are you asking me that question?"
I sighed, he was right.
"I love you."
I muttered.
"Haha yeah, I know. I love you too, Richie. Here, I'll sleep on the floor."
"No way, you get the bed."
"Wow, Richie being generous? It's a miracle."
"Oh shut your pretty little mouth spaghetti."
"Let's just both sleep on the bed, huh?"
"I think I can live with that."
", turn around, I have to change."
I scoffed, but did as he asked, respecting his wishes. I would be lying to say I didn't sneak a few glances though.
"Richie....I don't have anything for you to wear...."
"It's fine, I'm wearing a T-shirt under this, and if it's okay with you, I'll just sleep in my boxesr."
He blushed but nodded.
"Yeahyeahyeah sure why not?"
I smirked
"Don't get too turned on by all this"
I motioned up and down my body as Eddies bright red face molded into a glare. He slapped his palm against his face, but I saw him smiling behind his hand.
I stripped my hoodie and pants, letting Eddie crawl into bed. He cooed, nuzzling onto his pillow. I followed soon after, lifting the covers to slide in next to him.
Eddie turned over, eyes already closed.
"Thank you"
He muttered, curling up onto me.
"For what?"
I asked, running my fingers through his hair.
"For telling me the truth."
I kissed his forehead.
"Go to sleep Eds."
"Mmm night Richie...."
"Goodnight my love."
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