Kiribaku: Boom.
A//N:'s been awhile since I posted and honestly I haven't been on very much. Sorry to all of you for the long wait. I'm so so lucky to have you to support me. Thank you for everything! This one shot isn't one of my favorites but it'll have to do for now. I'm still working on requests and gaining motivation for them. Thank you and my most sincere apologizes! ❤️❤️ Lots of love
Also, I hope nothing gets too confusing without the italics, maybe I'll come back and edit them in soon but for now I wanted to get something published.
TW: PTSD, mentions of gore?, anxiety
Bakugo Katsuki. Sixteen year old boy with angry hair and a wild drive of ambition. How the hell did he end up with this group of bumbling idiots as they pleaded him to join them in a game of truth or dare. Fuck this shit, he should be sleeping.
He rolled his fiery-red eyes with a big huff, puffing his cheeks out as he slid off the couch and onto the floor to join the small circle surrounding the common room's coffee table. "I can't believe you idiots still play stuff like this." He couldn't believe he was joining these idiots. Curse Kirishima and his perfect, persuasive eyes.
"Aw come onnn man, it's not that bad," Kirishima grinned, dragging out the 'n'. Mina began placing and dividing the deck of cards out into six piles, her acrylic nails clicking satisfyingly against worn-down table top wood. "How the hell do you even play?" Retorted with a lazy grumble beneath clenched teeth. Kirishima slumped against Bakugos left shoulder, "relax it man, 's just a game." He promised, a reassuring hand that slowly took away fuel from the fire burning behind Bakugos eyes.
Kaminari shifted from where he was at the end of the table, a pillow hugged close to his chest as he rested a freckled chin against it. "Yeah...I wasn't exactly focused when you explained it earlier..." Sero laughed and Jirou slapped the back of his head, Mina giggling as mustard hair fell into his face.
"So it's basically truth or dare but without any of the jimble-jamble and trying to think of something on the spot. Instead you just pick a card and do as it says." Bakugo scoffed. "So basically not even truth or dare."
It's not like he had ever actually played truth or dare the correct way before but he figured the whole point was you got to pick. Kirishima nudged his ankle with a socked foot.
Jirou leaned off of the green couch to grab her own stack of cards, she laughed quietly to herself, grasping the attention of Kaminari who looked over to where she sat behind him. "Okay okay, I'll start, we'll go clockwise," Mina started, "Kaminari, Jirou, Kirishima, Bakugo, then Sero and back to me." "We know how clocks work raccoon-eyes." Kirishima, again, bumped his shoulder against bakugos with a choked-back snort.
"Okay okay, uh," she flipped the top card, reading the words out loud, "truth, what would the title of your autobiography be?" She giggled quietly, "easy; She tried, she won. She did it all for fun." Sero laughed, "yeah, sounds like you." "What about me? What would mine be?" Bakugo fought the urge to roll his eyes— it was Mina's (yes he knows her name) question, that's how truth or dare- you know what? he wasn't gonna go into this right now. "Uh..'m not sure...maybe 'Chargebolt: the mess wrapped in electricity." Kirishima grinned, reaching over to punch the sparky-haired boy against his shoulder. Platonic. He's like this with everyone.
He has to remind himself of that.
He didn't need to be reminded of anything thank you very much. Wait who was he even talking to?— JUST LET ME GET ON WITH THE STORY. Geezh
Kaminari had apparently already taken the chance to read his card— damn, he could read? as he leaned over the table, standing on his knees to press a kiss to Minas cheek. They both laughed as Sero made a forced gagging noise, a toothy grin on his face. And then Jirou was reading hers, face flushing as she muttered Yaoyorozu's name. Questions, answers, and crazy actions were going by in a flash through bakugo's thought-clouded vision. Wasn't truth or dare supposed to last longer than this? Maybe he really was losing it.
Cuddle with the person to your right.
Well. Who was Kirishima to forfeit? That didn't seem very manly.
He plopped down into bakugos lap, laughing with a bright smile as he chided, "get ready to cuddle like never before Blasty." The blonde hid a gruff smile against Kirishima's shoulder, willing his heart to slow as their bodies slotted together. And then he was snaking his arms around the other's chiseled, slim waist. Kirishima sighed into the touch, slouching flush against Bakugos chest.
And with a sudden burst of self-consciousness, Kirishima stiffened, turning his head to whisper quietly, "you know you can tell me to get off if you're uncomfortable...okay?" Bakugo shoved a nitroglycerin palm into his face. He drew the red-head closer, tucking his chin into the crook of Kirishima's neck. He could feel the way Kirishima grinned against his cheek.
If only he knew what he does to me
After his turn was over Kirishima vowed to stand up, shifting around in bakugos arms to get a better position. Stay. And Bakugo hadn't realized he had spoken allowed until Mina giggled and Kirishima slumped back down against him.
The game continued for awhile after that— damn, wasn't this supposed to be a quick game?
What has been your worst memory?
His world was spinning. You're here. The floor felt weak, bendy.
Stay back Deku! Boom. My fault. Now it's your turn. My fault. A student named Kacchan. Soft voice. Scared. Villain. Join us. My fault.
And then he was back, time goes funny, but only in the sense that he forgets when it began. The floors cave beneath him and voices echo around in the depths of his ears.
The world around him goes fuzzy. His heart pounded in his ears. It was your fault. Boom. Don't fuck this up too. Someone was yelling his name. His face was hot. Was he crying? Boom. It's just a game. Muscles feel shaky. Just a stupid fucking game. Stomach clenches. Do not throw up. Boom. It's just a game. Boom. 'Bakugo!' Boom. Game. Boom. Just a game. Boom. It's all just a GAME.
And then he was on his feet, shoving Kirishima to the floor with an 'oof' and carrying himself quickly down the hall with some excuse of 'bathroom.' A door slams. Maybe it's his. He doesn't really know. Cold water. Hot. So hot. He barely recognizes the boy who stares back at him as puffy eyes gaze into the bathroom mirror. The faucet sends cold water swimming through pipes as Bakugo holds on to the porcelain sink. His hands are sweaty but- when are they not?
The world's ringing, blocking out every other sound that busseled in the night.
He's such a fuck up. It's just a game. Boom. No no. He hit the peak already, he was not gonna relapse— the bathroom door creaked open, a blur of Red hair and kind eyes appearing behind his reflection.
"Can I touch you?" And if it had been anyone else, he'd have said no. But I wasn't anyone else so, instead he mustered a shaky nod as kind, strong hands found their way to his shoulders. "Breathe. You know who you are. You know where you are. We're right here. Standing in the common room bathrooms and the others are outside playing a knock-off truth or dare." He forced a laugh. "You are Bakugo Katsuki and we're in the common room bathroom with the cold water running and our pajamas on."
It was clear that this wasn't Kirishima's first time walking Bakugo through a bad day— well...a panic attack. He was man enough to admit what they were. And while it took a good deal of time to drag him back to reality, he hadn't met anyone better at it than Kirishima (that was, with the exception of his mom).
Suddenly he was back in his body, Kirishimas, calloused hands stroking his shoulders like winding a fishing rod that would drag him back to reality. The tile floor was cold against his feet and Bakugo was hit with a wave of exhaustion as his mind registered what time it was. Not like Aizawa-sensei cared anyway— he had cameras.
"That was a pretty bad one..." Kirishima said kindly, his touch still lingering against black fabric. Calloused hands had moved down to rub quietly on Bakugos hunched back as his torso hung, propped up against the sink. Is it hot in here? The red-head reached over to turn off the water, looking over to quietly watch the side of Bakugos concentrated face. His brow was furrowed, nearly connecting in the middle as he twisted his mind, begging the rapid pace of his heart to slow. It did after a while. "You're staring again shitty-hair."
Kirishima ducked his head embarrassingly, pulling his hand away to rub the back of his neck, "sorry."
It was quiet for a while after that and muffled laughter could be heard from behind closed doors as the group went through their cards. How long had he been in here?
And it was then that he realized. He had changed a lot since elementary school. It was scary how much. Self-hatred burned his esteem and dragged him down.
The full buzzing of Kirishima's phone against the counter gave Bakugos heart the nudge it needed to bump back into its normal course. And his shell was back, thick and opaque like a mask to seal your identity from the world. Kirishima answered the call, knowing it was Mina before even checking the caller ID. Bakugo could only hear half of the conversation but he picked up that it was mainly focused around him.
"No yeah...thanks we're fine."
"Haha, okay- no wait don't put Kaminari on the- hey man!"
"No, thanks. Oh I gotta go—" and then red met its match as Kirishima swerved on his heels to meet bakugos eyes. "You think you'll be okay to head back out?"
He shrugged, that familiar pang of anxiety ricocheting off his mind, the fear of fear. The fear that it would happen again. Another panic attack. But he willed himself not to dwell on that and instead, accepted the quick squeeze of his hand and followed the other back out to the common room.
No one dared to ask what had spurred the whole thing which, deep down, bakugo was thankful for. Because, what even had caused his nerves to go haywire? Mina and Kiri seemed to have a full conversation with their eyes, something that still baffled Bakugo no matter how much he thought about it— I mean, who can talk without words? That's the whole point of talking. Sero and Kaminari gave him a quick pat on the back and the electric-boy made sure to whisper, "I get 'um too, so....I'm always here if know."
He would never admit how much that meant to hear.
"Still up for the rest of the game?" Sero clarified with everyone. And when Bakugo settled back down on his spot between the table and the couch, things were back in gear. "Switch your clothes with the person sitting to your right."
"Dump ice down your shirt."
"Peel a banana with only your feet." That one had been fun.
"What does your ideal date look like?" Kirishima said 'something sunny or just with the person I love' Bakugo could have sworn the red head's gaze had found his own as he spoke. But he must have seen wrong. Right?
"Dance the hokey pokey" Jirou refused to go through with this one.
"What is your biggest fear?" Failure
"What has been your strangest off-limits crush?" Sero asked if fictional characters count. Bakugo said they don't.
"Give yourself a haircut" Kaminari had never looked more excited to do something so utterly stupid.
"Try on someone else's bra" he had to admit, Sero looked pretty good in cheetah-print.
"Pretend to be someone's pet for the next five minutes." That's some kinky-ass shit for ya. Kirishima did it anyway. Kaminari was more than willing to play along. What a bunch of idiots.
Bakugo loved them anyway.
"Who is someone you pretend to like but actually can't stand?" Let's just say...Mina has a thing against a certain gym teacher from her fourth grade elementary.
"Dance like a cowboy." Bakugo takes that dance with him to the grave.
"Make up a funny comedy act." "My life is a comedy act." Everyone laughed.
"Best condiment." Jirou's got a thing for relish. Kirishima said Ketchup. Does hot-sauce count?
"How many candy bars can you eat before it's too many?" Sero took that as a challenge. Denki helped.
"Who is your crush?" Bakugo was more than relieved for not being the person to draw the short straw for this one. Turns out Kaminari has a thing for the purple-haired extra in class 1–C. Heh.
The game was drawn to a close as it reached 3 in the morning, Jirou's upper body was draped across Kaminaris shoulders, her hair falling against tired eyes as she leaned half-off the couch. Sparky never seemed to get tired, guess it was all that electrical energy stored up from his quirk. Sero was the first to go upstairs, mumbling something that couldn't have just been one language before heading over to the elevators. Kaminari followed closely behind.
Jirou yawned, giving Bakugo a quick pat on the shoulder and leaving to the third floor, her plum slippers padding quietly across kitchen tile. Then it was just three of them, Mina resting her head against strong shoulders while whispering giddily with Kirishima. Then she giggled, leaning in close to tell him something that lit his cheeks a dull pink. He shushed her, shoving pink shoulders back in retaliation. "Goodnight boys," she yawned, leaning over the table with thin legs to reach the stuffed seal she had sitting on the couch opposite to them.
A comfortable silence fell, light and airy as it twisted with the sounds of late-night and the fireplace crackling. "So," Bakugo spoke up, "you got a thing for pink-face, or what?" Lets just say he wasn't expecting the gruff, breathy laugh he received in response. "Nah, no way man, Mina's like a sister to me." He figured, for now, he'd leave out the whole 'I'm gay' part. That was a talk for another day, maybe one more low key that hadn't consisted of secrets shared and panic attacks in the late night. Bakugo nodded, seeming not fully there and only half listening as Kirishima talked whatever came to his head. Something about his cousin having her first baby and his new gym routine.
The sound of bones popping into place startled them both back to consciousness as Kirishima stood up from the couch. Cushions retracting back to their puffy, untouched form as his weight was lifted.
A hand was offered, calloused and firm. Bakugo took it. He'd always accept a hand if it was Kirishimas. They wordlessly made way to the cold, metal doors of the elevator, hands still intertwined in a way that kept Bakugo grounded, safe, rescued. And then, with a metallic ding, they reached the floor, padding across the hallway and stoping just as they reached the faded green of Bakugos door.
A comfortable silence was shared before Kirishima spoke up, anxious to hold on to the feeling just a bit longer.
"Hey are you doing with..ya know— like.. how are you feeling?" Kirishima's voice was quiet, hushed with a sense that made Bakugo wonder if it wasnt just for the sake of their sleeping classmates just down the hall.
He shook his head with a shrug, "I'm fine dumbass, really." He wasn't quite ready to admit how much he really appreciated Kirishima being there— how much he needed him. "Don't get your shitty hair tied up in a knot." Kirishima laughed. Bright. Shining. Perfect.
"Yeah yeah, but seriously— I'm always here." Heat pooled in Bakugos gut, warm and kind, feeling satisfied with the way his hand slotted together with the other's. He hesitated, watching his door with waiting eyes. Both stalled the anticipation of ending the night.
Fuck it.
Bakugo swerved hot on his heels, reaching to cup the back of Kirishima's neck as he smashed their lips together. Hot. He pulled the red-head closer, firefly-eyes fluttering closed as he kissed the boy he loved. Hot. Boom. His heart hammered in his chest but this time, it wasn't out of fear. This time it was for purely Kirishima. And then just as it had started, it was over, Bakugo was pulling away, reaching for the cold door knob. Casting one last look, their eyes met again and Bakugo felt the smallest of smiles tug at his thin lips.
"Night, Shitty-hair" and before Kirishina could even muster up a response, he shut the door.
Word count: 2750
Comments make my day! ❤️
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