Another update. 10k!!
Okay everyone. We hit 10k a bit ago soooo I'm gonna do another update type thing on ships, request ideas, and all that good stuff.
OH ALSO!!! I wanted to do one of those fun 10k contest things? could write or draw something from one of my one shots? It would make me legitimately cry to see someone draw from something I wrote. Honestly idk if anyone would do it, but if enough people did, I could like? Have winners? I guess? And then I could give prizes like writing a one shot for them or drawing something myself :) idk, maybe I'll do that. Lemme know in the comments!! Because I think that would be really fun.
I'm gonna be honest, I use ao3 a lot more than this app now, in fact, I'm barely ever active on here.
I know I just made a chapter as an explanation to my lack of writing (especially in the bmc and Hamilton fandoms) but I just kinda wanna catch you all up on what's up?
Honestly, I've been in the mha fandom for over a year now, and I'm starting to feel myself slipping from it. The manga has been....bad lately and I guess I'm looking for more of filler episodes and chapters rather than all this Deku angst we've been getting nonstop. Overall, it's discouraging me from the fandom. Now, that being said, I am 100% not going to fall completely out of the fandom, but, I may take a small break from it? I don't even know for sure.
I've gotten really into mcyts, mainly the dream smp, so that's been my main focus lately. But, to tell the truth, I've been in a TERRIBLE writing slump since November. Schools out now but I have summer camp for three weeks and then I go on vacation, then my birthday, then another vacation, and then I'll be back in school for Junior year. I'm honestly struggling a lot to figure out what to write and how to get the motivation to do it.
I know a lot of you don't particularly care about what I'm writing or not, I'm not the best writer, not even close, but I enjoy getting my writing out there, as I hope some day I can hit it big. Hearing people's comments and thoughts on my work never fails to brighten my day.
I've been ranting for quite a long time now, and I'm sure most of you are NOT going to read that, SO without further adieu, lemme give you all a list of what I'm into and what I'll be more likely to have motivation to write.
Like I said, this show has been...difficult for me lately, but it's still the main thing I write so KEEP IT COMIN.
My main ships are:
But what I mainly write is bakusquad because I love them 😌
I'll write practically anything as long as I have the motivation? Except bakudeku...I don't think I could write Bakudeku. Ship who you want! I just don't like the ship myself.
Okay, real talk people, this is currently MY LIFE. I love them all dearly. I- yeah idk if I should list my "ships" bc those can be a very controversial topic so we're gonna move on from that.
My favorite characters and people to write however!
-SBI and Benchtrio in general
(Can you tell I'm indecisive?)
*forgets every single fandom I'm in at all*
-Sometimes Alana/Zoe
Honestly, I just like projecting. I've been working on a fic for this for a few weeks now so hopefully I'll finish it soon. There was an...issue that came up not too long ago with my mental health surrounding this musical so I've been trying to distance myself from triggering any ~mental illnesses~ lately lmao.
Okay...this is a tough one. Because I'm not in this fandom much at all anymore BUT I'm willing to go back and finish up things I started writing or ideas I'd had.
OKAY LISTEN IM JUST OBSESSED WITH THIS MOVIE OKAY? I was excited for months for it to come out and I have watched it SO MANY times already since it's been released. So yes. I will be writing fanfiction on them 😌
-Luca/Alberto (dont @ me, everyone ships them. Have you SEEN the movie? They're gay.)
Okay I guess that'll wrap it up? I know it's not a lot, but I've been struggling with being interested in anything lately so I hope this is enough for a lot of you.
As always, I love you all, thank you for all you're wonderful and supportive comments. And if you made it this far, thanks for reading!
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