Why named after a monster?
"So how do you like it here?" Naina asks as we walk to our room.
"I love it. The view is great, the weather is amazing and the best part is I'm getting paid to enjoy," I answer her truthfully.
"Well, you do know you are working right!?"
"Yeah. If this is how it feels to work, I'd do it happily," I say unlocking the door.
"So I saw you spending an awful lot of time with Hitesh today. What's up!?" she asks, raising her eyebrows with a sly grin on her face, hinting at the non-existent romance.
"Nainaaa!" I laugh throwing the pillow at her.
"Nothing like that. He is just a friend. Plus, you remember what happened before we left, right!?" I ask her as my mind fades elsewhere, to the time I last saw him.
"I know Ness. You just don't see Hitesh that way. Plus, I don't think your Prince charming.." she puts up two fingers showing air quotes, "would let you near any other guy,"
"Ugghh. The last time I checked, he doesn't own me," I say, rolling my eyes.
"Yeah but he is an ass and he thinks he does," she says, stripping her clothes.
"Nainaaa. A little decency please!" I yell covering my eyes and turning around.
"I'm your roommate since three years. I thought you'd be used to it by now," she snickers.
"Whatever!" I say grabbing my clothes and going to the adjacent ensuite hiding my face.
A chill breeze hits me as I walk back to the room. I go out to the balcony to see that the roads are almost deserted and the cold wind brought in a little fog along. Maybe, it will rain tonight or better yet snow!
"Ness, it's cold. What are you out there? Close the doorrrr!"
"It's beautiful here," I answer watching the soft lights highlight the lake, which has a thin layer of fog by it. I couldn't see anything further because of the fog.
I imagine enjoying this view with Caleb beside me and with his strong arms caging me.
I love cosy, cold weathers like this. Makes me wish I had someone to cuddle with!
Another chill breeze hits me and I wrap my hands around warming myself.
"Ness, come in already. We have to get up early tomorrow," Naina says yet again.
"Okay but the weather is so nice," I sulk and close the balcony door with a heavy heart. I love this weather!
"I don't like it,"
"I don't like you," I state huffing. I crack open a window on my side and let the cool breeze lull me to sleep.
My mind soon wanders off to the guy who changed my life. My Prince Charming.
My lips turn into a smile on their own accord, as I think about the crazy things we did the first time we met, and I fall asleep.
Being the Sleeping beauty that I am, I snooze my alarm a thousand times.
"Ness. Come on get up," Somone yells yanking my blanket off.
"Shut up?" I yell.
"Get up. We are getting late Ria will kill you," She says again. Shaking me violently this time.
Oh, work!
"Fine. Don't yell. I'm up," I get up and sit on the bed.
"Good now hurry up. You do my want to be late," She reprimands me and throws a toothbrush my way.
"Ugghh. Fine," I say and go to the ensuite to brush.
After twenty or so minutes I come out with a towel wrapped around my body.
I quickly pick out my clothes and run back to the ensuite to dress up. I wear blue jeans and pair them up with a loose black turtleneck ribbed sweater.
The cold breeze hits me as we step outside the hotel, after a warm and delicious breakfast with coffee. Unfortunately, it didn't snow but it did rain. I couldn't see any snow here.
"What's the plan for the day," asks an excited Sid.
"We are going to the Naini peak and then to the tiffin top where will have to capture the sunset from the ropeway,"
"Wow, that sounds scenic!" I exclaim.
"The cab might take time, maybe we can head inside until it comes," Ria says rubbing her hands.
"Yes please," Naina says in a flash joining her.
After a quick round of yes's, we head inside.
"Let's play something I'm bored," Hitesh says.
"Yeah," Adarsh agrees.
We soon decide to play Truth or Dare - the most common game.
We spin a bottle and it points to Hitesh.
"So what compelled you to join this group of nomads," Adarsh asks.
"Well, I love traveling and Nainital was a place I always wanted to visit. When Ria told me about this show called Xplore- India, where we were going to visit all the wonderful places in India, there was no way in hell I could reject that,"
"That's such a boring answer,"
"Aww, that's so sweet,"
Adarsh and Naina answer at the same time.
They ask yet again.
"Okay, moving on," Hitesh says spinning the bottle and unfortunately it points to me.
"Truth!" I answer.
"So why are you named after a monster when your friend here clearly is the monster," Adarsh asks looking at me.
"Well, that's a long story,"
"We are bored with nothing to do. I wouldn't mind a story," he asks, looking at me with a newfound interest.
"It all started when I met Naina" I point out to my best friend.
"Expected. She is a troublemaker," Adarsh says in a teasing tone.
"Actually, she is nothing compared to Caleb. He is the king of troublemakers," I laugh as I remember the prank he once played on me.
"So how did you get this name?" Hitesh asks, joining in our conversation.
"Umm Caleb gave it," I say sheepishly.
"Wait details please, how did that happen," he asks, his eyes focused on me.
"So ..."
The bell by the door jingles as I enter the phone shop. I look up to see someone else working here not the cute guy with an amazing jawline as last time. He seemed to be a little older than me and is in his uniform.
"How may I help you?" he asks looking at me.
"Umm... I gave my phone for repair," I say looking around searching for it.
"Do you have a receipt with you?" he asks.
"Umm no. I didn't know I had to collect one!" I say and I start panicking.
Is he going to say I can't get back my phone?
"Oh, so you are the one who didn't take the receipt," he says smiling and turns around to open a drawer.
"Here," he says, placing a brand new phone in my hand.
"This can't be mine. Mine was a lot worse, it was broken and it was a black one," I say surprised to see a new phone in my hand.
"Yes, we removed the cover and refurbished it," he says still smiling. He literally was the only guy to ever smile at me.
"Oh," I say forcing a smile on my face. I really wanted to smile but the phone in my hand didn't let me, the cost of which was burdening me.
Damn, this might cost a fortune!
"How much -- is it?" I ask, hoping I won't end up burning a bigger hole than previously agreed upon.
"The receipt says Rs.1500, so yeah whatever Caleb told you," he says looking at the receipt.
I take out the money from my bag and examine my phone. It runs much faster than before. I unlock the phone to check on the camera and see that the camera clarity has improved quite a lot.
"Wow, this is nice!" I exclaim.
The guy behind the counter laughs a little while saying, "That's what we do."
Satisfied with the phone, I make my way out but bump into someone. I look up to see Jacob standing there.
"Hey," I say all chirpy today.
"Hello, Vanessa. Wow, your hair looks different!"
"Wait different? How was it before?" Ria asks, as she comes to sit by us.
"Well. Plain black. It was the first time I got highlights done," I answer fiddling with my hair.
"Oh. So what happened next?"
"What are you doing here so early? Your shift doesn't start until 4 in the evening," he says, looking curiously at me.
"Umm... well. I was bored at school, so I skipped it," I lie through gritted teeth.
"Oh well, I'm going out and Nikhil who was supposed to work hasn't yet come. Maybe you can handle it till I come back," he says cheerfully.
"Sure, but I don't know a thing," I say sheepishly.
"Haha, I keep forgetting you are new here. Here let me show you how it works," he says turning on the espresso machine.
"I remember it being complicated and how I didn't understand how it works. It wasn't a camera and was honestly too complicated for a coffee machine," I say.
"Well I agree with you. I once tried working as a Barista and that was the first and last time I used that machine," Sid says.
"I know right. It's too complicated,"chimes is Naina.
"So after showing me a few more times, he left me alone."
"Okay, adios!" I say after he feels satisfied about my work.
"Don't burn down my shop," he says before leaving.
I turn around and take a good look at the place. It was a small cosy place perfect for date nights. It had a nice view of the beach, sold drinks, ice creams and pastries in every flavour you could imagine. It definitely was a good place to hang out.
I go inside looking for the uniform and see myself inside a dusty room.
I hurriedly take my apron and shirt from the hanger and change in the washroom unable to stand the dirty mess in that room. I wait by the counter and see that the beach outside was empty. It certainly wasn't the peak hour.
I feel something inside me itch and burn. I try to contain it but couldn't hold it any longer. Sighing, I go the closet by the washroom and pick out a mop, a duster and a bucket of water. I pull out my handkerchief to shield my face and pull off my hoodie to protect my hair and face. I go around dusting the room. I mentally wage battle with the computer and the dusty piles of files. I hate dirty and messy things.
The tiny particles of dust dance in the sky before they land on the floor.
They were all meant to fall down, one day. I laugh like those evil Disney villains.
"Who is here?" asks a voice from outside.
Quickly, I throw the mop aside, remove the mask on my face and go to the door. As I was about to reach for it, someone swings it open from the other side and I bump into the chest of someone, again!
"Ouch!" I yelp, rubbing my forehead as I turn to look up.
"You!" we both yell at the same time.
"What are you doing here?" he asks, looking down at me.
"I work here and what about you? You don't work here. What are you doing here?"
"Hey," comes another voice from behind me.
"Hey Naina!" he says, looking behind me.
I turn around and see Naina standing there.
"Hey," I say before walking to her.
"You know this guy?"I asked, glaring at the guy in front of me.
"Yeah, he is my friend Caleb. We both go to the same school,"
"Oh! What's he doing here?"
"I promised him an ice cream," she says, rolling her eyes.
"She lost a bet. Let's be honest Naina. Don't lie to this poor girl,"
"Whatever," she says going out to the counter. I follow her and see her making a double scoop of chocolate ice cream with chocolate sauce and chocolate chips.
"Lucky you, Jacob isn't here," she says as she hands over the ice cream to him.
"Or lucky you that he doesn't see you giving away ice cream," he says happily licking his ice cream.
I smile at their banter, they seem to be very close.
"What are you thinking about Vanessa?" Naina asks, shaking me off from my thoughts.
"Um.. nothing," I say looking around everywhere but at her.
I don't know why I am avoiding her.
"Okay, Caleb time to go. Shoo," she says pushing him as he licks the remaining of his ice cream.
"Oh, I can feel the love dripping from you," he says sarcastically.
"Bye Caleb," she says dragging him now to the door.
"Bye Naina. Bye Ursula,"
"I am not Ursula,"
"You do laugh like one!" he says, smirking at me.
"Shut up Caleb. Sorry Vanessa. He is an asshole," Naina says, looking at me in a pleading manner.
"So he called you Ursula, how did it change to Ness?"
"Well, a giant who thought I laughed like a villain called me Ursula. I didn't like the name and struck a deal with him and had it changed to Ness," I smile recollecting the time.
"You should hear what the deal was," Naina says smirking.
"Shut up Naina!" I yell, forgetting where I am.
"Now that sounds interesting!" Hitesh says.
"Guys, the cab is here," Ria says as she answers a call.
"So Naina, what was the deal all about," Hitesh asks turning to look at her.
"Naina, if you tell, I'll tell them what you did last summer!" I threaten her.
"Wow, this isn't a cab. It's a caravan," Adarsh exclaims running to it as a two-year-old would to chocolate.
"This is...." I smile looking at it in awe "perfect."
"I call dibs on the front seat," Naina yells running to it.
I just carry my camera as Sid carries the stand and another camera around his neck. We get in the caravan and Sid insists on sitting on the top to capture the surrounding views. I also join him ,even though it is cold, it is worth the view.
We set up the camera and begin our journey to Naini peak with the greenery surrounding us, the bumpy road, and the sweet sound of music blasting from the speakers below.
My book hit 1k. Yaaay. Thank you so much guys for reading my book and voting for it. It means a lot to me.
So what do you think would happen next?
The next update would be on the next weekend.
Until the next update.
Lots of love,
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