The darkness around soon takes a toll on me and before I realize I am drowned in it.
I open my eyes to see darkness around me. I'm not even sure if I opened my eyes, because it looks the same.
After what seemed like an eternity, I hear whispers and the sound of footsteps approaching me. I try to listen to what they are talking and keep still.
"Why hasn't he shown up yet?" asks someone who sounds distinctly like the MuscleGuy.
"Yeah. Are you sure you even sent him the video?" asks a second voice.
"Yes. I did. I also dared him to come here. Given his huge ego he will be here anytime," the third guy replies.
"Where is our boss?"
"He is also on his way," says the second guy.
Who is this boss? Who are they waiting for?
Before I could come to a conclusion, the smell of greasy french fries and burgers, probably from these guys, hits me.
My stomach growls, just from the smell of food. Even though it's something I'm not quite fond of, it's still food. I wonder how long have I been here.
I close my eyes wondering when was the last time I had food. I take in deep breathes to control myself.
"Do you think she is awake?" asks the Jamaican guy as their footsteps near.
"Probably not. She is not even screaming like she usually does,"
"Don't get fooled by her. Remember she tried to outrun you guys once!" says the third guy, probably the smartest amongst them.
Giving up pretending, I move to get their attention.
"What is it now?" asks the smart guy, slowly removing the cloth off my mouth.
"Why am I here! What do you guys want?" I ask looking at where I presumed they were.
"Time will answer your questions. Now, wait."
"I can't any longer. Please tell me so I can help you guys, so I will be free. Tell me please," I plead them having no other option to get out.
"No! Let our boss come,"
"At least free my eyes. They're burning in pain," I say turning around to my left, judging by their voice they seemed to have moved.
"Pleaseeeee!" I beg again when I don't hear any response.
I go on and on, hoping I at least irritate them and they free my eyes. I half thought they'd gag me up again, but they weren't keen on hurting me.
After my tenth or so attempt they finally remove the cloth over my eyes.
The minute he does, light hits my eye and I'm blinded for a second. After my eyes adjust to the surrounding lights, I see that I am tied somewhere where there are no windows and the only source of light was the flickering bulb right above me. All three of them looking down at me.
Before I could ask them about why did they kidnap me, I hear a loud roar of an engine outside. Like the sound of a beast roaring.
"Who is it?" I ask reflexively.
"Might be the boss," they declare heading up.
"He must be excited for the fight," one guy hollers.
What fight?
After they leave me alone, I look around and see that I was not in the basement where I thought I was. This looked more like a garage, and has only one ventilation up for the light to enter.
This was probably the storage unit and might have a back door, I suppose from my little expertise.
I even see all sorts of tools on the nearby table.
These people didn't hurt me, but they definitely needed something from me. What is it?
Before I could think of a reason, I hear glass breaking. I look around to see someone in a hood by the ventilation, crouched down.
Whoever it is, soon makes their way into the room, I see the light flickering again. I couldn't see the person's face clearly but whoever that is has a tall and a lean body. The person is wearing loose clothes so I couldn't actually figure out their physique.
"Who are you?" I ask as I see the person take approach me.I could feel his rough hands on my skin as he unties me and I am sure it was a boy. A boy I know.
"Shush. Let's hurry. We don't want them to find us," he says, in a hurried whisper freeing my hands. I bend down to free my legs and get up.
"How do we escape?" I ask panicking.
He goes searching for an exit and sees that the back door was locked. I look up to see the ventilator window, I could hardly reach it given my petite figure.
"I'll carry you up and once you get out, pull me," he says, as if reading my mind.
Why does he feel oddly familiar?
He carries me but my height wasn't enough, I climb on his shoulders and tiptoe to reach the window sill. I manage to fit myself through the window, the broken glass hurts my ribs but it is still better than staying tied up here. When I reach above, I see that this was actually on ground level. Maybe they constructed it in such a way that it felt like a basement.
I look down to see that this guy comes running and jumps easily reaching the window sill. I extend my hand and he grabs hold of it to fit himself through the window.
"Are you alright?" I ask him.
He just nods his head and I follow him as we make way towards what I presumed was the parking. I suddenly catch a glimpse of those three people, now accompanied by a few others.
Someone suddenly pulls me back and I almost stumble. A pair or hands catch me in the last minute and I look at his eyes. He wore a mask covering his face. They look familiar.
Wait is it?
"You can't even walk properly when your life is in danger!" he reprimands me.
I just hung my head low, wondering who is he. Something about him feels strange like I know him.
"Come on, let's go," he says, as we slowly crawl, creep and move in the shadows. We soon reach his bike.
"Get on," he says, starting the engine.
"There he is, catch him!" yells someone. I turn around to see those people approaching us.
"Now!" He yells, pulling my hand.
I hesitantly get on and he revs the engine, letting out too much smoke and drives it straight to them.
"Go in the opposite direction!" I yell.
"Shut up!" he yells back.
As we approach them, I see a pair of headlights coming our way. I didn't know what to do, I scream and hold on tight to his shirt, practically tearing it. My eyes shut and my hands tightly clutched his shoulders.
He accelerates the bike and we narrowly miss the car which was coming our way. I can feel the rough breeze through my now torn shirt, hitting my wounds.
Once we leave them in the dirt, I turn around to see who was it. The people over there soon crowd by the car which looks like one of those classic old cars. They soon start following us and he dodges and turns every chance he gets.
The digital clock placed by the intersection tells us that it is close to eleven. We take a left and enter a dodgy street. The people here stare at us like we were maniacs. Agreed, that his bike drew a lot of attention in this little street but the way people were staring at us burned holes on my back.
The more turns we took the narrower the streets became. There were people eating outside by the restaurants, some people were fighting, some smoking, some drinking and some casually strolling around; mostly men. The atmosphere around was so different, you wouldn't belive it was close to eleven.
He narrowly misses a few people fighting and a string of curses follow us.
He doesn't stop until we were far away from them. The cool breeze now stings my face and fans my hair, I wish I had some music to enjoy this ride. I take in a good look around and realise we were on my side of the town.
"Who are you?"I ask as reality finally dawns on me.
"I thought you'd have guessed your own brother by now," he says cheekily.
Long time no see. So guys my book won the 3rd place in Golden gems award. I'm so happppyyy.
Thank you to all those who supported me and this book❤
What do you think of this chapter? Did you figure it was her brother?
Until the next update,
Lots of love,
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