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Rasha007 || Roommate

I'm a lover of fanfiction. Though it gets a bad rap and it's hard to find good stuff sometimes, to me it's worth the slog to uncover the gems. My favourite fics are the ones that really twist the narrative, and give the characters something really fresh that canon doesn't. It's a fine line to be able to do that while still remaining true and believable to the source material.

Roommate is one of those stories.

Daryl Dixon, before the apocalypse, is a grumpy hermit, and also in his spare time enjoys murdering people. Bad people (a la Dexter), but people nonetheless. He needs a roommate to avoid incriminating himself, and ends up with Lumen, a frail-seeming young woman with a mysterious past.

Hijinks ensue, because of course his hobby isn't a safe one, and her past comes back to bite her in the ass. It's tense, it's violent, and of course a little bit sexy too.

Of course Daryl's brother Merle is around too, and he's always a beacon of joy in every scene. Rasha depicts him as a perfectly endearing asshole that I can't help but love when he's in a scene. The brotherly bond between these guys carries over from the show well, despite their differences and how rough around the edges they are.

If you're not into fanfic, then Rasha has a non-fanfic version, because it's so A/U from The Walking Dead, it's easy to enjoy even if you're not a fan of the series. However, I dare you to read it without immediately flipping over to the sequel, After The End, which takes place after the zombie apocalypse and follows canon more closely.

You can find Roommate and many other kickass stories at Rasha007's profile. BUT FIRST! Read our awesome interview below to get to know the woman behind the creative exploits.

She loves horror and gore and dark, complex romance. She runs community profiles and events that enrich the Wattpad experience and brings people together. She is a voracious lover of fandom and supportive of writers in all walks of life. She's a bilingual badass bitch and I'm proud to call her my friend.

So without further ado, here's Diana!

Emily: Okay so let's start with you telling me a bit about yourself.

Diana: Who am I? It's one question with so many different answers based on who asks. I am never sure how to define myself. As a mother? As a wife? As a writer? As a story lover with known gaming addiction problem? As a puppy momma? Would people even care to know these?

I think I'd say, I am a person with an adventurous soul who settled down for a bit. I look at my life as a journey so I don't see anything I do as an end stop. There will be always something more to see, do, and discover. And myself, as well, I'm not finished. So what to say about myself? I guess that I'm the girl from Prague who always wants to be more and know more.

Emily: That's the best bio ever!

Diana: It is? I always struggle so much with this question.

Emily: How about your writing journey? What drew you to writing?

Diana: Oh that one is easier! If I went through my emails, I'm sure I could tell you the exact date.

So once upon a time, somebody told me about this thing called fanfiction and I went to find out what it was and where to find it. Aaaand me being me, I completely fall for it. I spent hours and days reading about anything and everything. I read The Walking Dead fanfiction before ever seeing the show (and I was very disappointed Merle got cut out so early in it). Anyway, one of those stories was about a little girl in TWD universe, and I left a few suggestions to the author and she contacted me back and asked if I wanted to brainstorm with her and help her out because she liked my suggestions.

That was about 5 years ago, I think. I was very shy about my English but I am not one to back out of an opportunity so I said yes. And this girl is responsible for all my writing. I started to brainstorm with her, then wrote a paragraph here and there. Then even a part of a chapter here and there. And one day I told her about my idea for a fanfiction. She loved it and pushed me to try to write it down. She's been my beta for the whole thing and I love her for all her support. She also brought me to Wattpad (her username is Wheresmypenn). Ever since I joined Wattpad I've met many people who helped me and supported me in my writing. I found a few true friends here too.

I discovered I enjoy very much plotting and brainstorming... Putting it on paper is another thing entirely, so I am terrible with updates.

Emily: Haha writing it all down is the hardest part! I'm also a huge lover of Walking Dead fanfic (as you know lol) because I find there are so many rich character arcs to work with. The Dixon brothers are popular not only because of their sexiness but I think because they play off of each other so well and have such a mysterious backstory in canon.

The best fanfics though are the ones where authors really take the characters somewhere new. And you definitely did that with Roommate.

Diana: Thank you I love those fanfics the best too. I know so many fanfictions I would love to see on the big screen. Totally new stories in a world I love.

Emily: Ugh me too! There are so many fanfics in many fandoms that I like better than canon, haha!

So I know you like to explore dark themes in your stories and the depth of the human psyche. What inspired you to turn Daryl into a murderous sociopath?

Diana: Well, it all started with one scene in the series. I'm not sure if people remember it because there is nothing that special about it. But in season 3 Rick, Daryl, T-Dog and maybe Carol? talk about the prisoners they found in prison. And T-Dog is advocating for letting them join the group. And Daryl says something like "I know these guys, I could have been one of these guys." and T-Dog goes, "So you agree with me?" and Daryl, "Hell no, everybody fend for themselves."

It was funny, and got me thinking what if Daryl was part of the group in prison?

Then I started to think what he could be in for, and I looked at him in season 1 and 2 and the way they portrayed him there, in my opinion, leaves the door to his past wide open for any kind of interpretation. He was in his brother's shadow and I think he could have been the shy, nice guy they made him as well as a psycho murderer :)

And since I love me some good psycho murder story, I chose that.

Also, I am a big fan of Dexter and if you look closely, there is a big influence of that there too.

Emily: I definitely see Dexter there! Of course he's a little more rough around the edges than a forensic scientist but there's totally Dexter flavour. Is Lumen also inspired from Dexter? I loved her character arc in the show, that was such an intense season.

Diana: Definitely. I loved her character too. She looks so fragile at first but is not, not at all. That's what I wanted for Lumen in Roommate. She experienced something terrible but went out as a winner. She's not forceful but doesn't let people give her shit. She wants to help people, hence choosing the nursing school and so it's not in her nature to hurt others and I thought it would make a nice twisted mirror to the psycho Daryl.

I had a much more complex story in mind to be perfectly honest. But got discouraged after a few chapters and negative comments and cut it shorter.

I wanted the FBI involved and knocking at their door and in general to show more of the investigation.

Emily: Fuck those negative comments! You should totally expand the story!

Diana: I have 3 unfinished stories atm. I promised myself to finish those before working more on Roommate.

Emily: Chop chop!

Diana: XD

Emily: You have such a cool visceral style. There are so many good lines in roommate, there was one that stuck with me that had to do with gravity working it's magic on exploding guts. [EDITING NOTE: Found it, the quote is "The gravity does its magic and his guts spill out." LOVE]

What draws you to gore and horror?

Diana: I think... I am not that sure. For many years now (ever since I was pregnant) I have a hard time watching certain types of horror. But I still love to read them because in good horrors you can explore all the raw needs and wants people have. We all wear masks in life for society, for our boss, even for some of our acquaintances. In horror you see people as they are without those masks and it's as terrifying as it is fascinating.

Emily: Yeah I've definitely become more bothered by some stuff since becoming a parent. I think our deep fears shift when we're in charge of another life (as do a lot of things really). Did you find your interests in fiction and entertainment changed a lot after having a child?

Diana: I think the only thing I really noticed are the horrors. When Hostel first went out, I went to watch it in cinema with a friend. These days, I am closing my eyes and covering my ears any time a person is tortured in a movie, can't watch it, I'm getting sick hearing it.

I thought I would be okay writing it. But I found myself cutting the scenes with Daryl killing too. I got soft.

As for other entertainment... Never knew who Tomas & Friends was before I had a kid. XD

Emily: Yeah I've watched a lot of kids shows that I never would have discovered otherwise. XD

So tell me about your process. You said you like brainstorming and plotting. What does that look like?

Diana: Usually, it starts with some simple idea. Like what I said about how I came up with the Roommate story. Or for my story Sinking Into Oblivion... I was fascinated by old cultures ever since I was a kid and I read many books from Daniken about his alien theories. And one day, I thought about all those bloody rituals Mayans did, and then thought about how would it look if the aliens actually did show up... And I had this scene before my eyes of the alien and the Mayan and what if they somehow worked together...

So once I had this idea, I spend a lot of time thinking about how to actually make it happen so it would be believable. I mean... As believable as aliens and friendly psycho murderers go.

That's where the brainstorm starts. Each of my stories started with me bothering one of my friends with ideas and seeing if they seem as good to somebody outside of my head. Like, with Roommate: Why would he want a roommate in the first place? With Mayan story: Why would the alien seek the help from somebody who is obviously not as advanced as they are, etc.

Once I have this logic done in my head and I am satisfied with it. I think about where I want the story to lead.

So then I have the initial spark, the end, and then I plot how could we get there. My most favorite part. :)

Anand then there is the "write it down, you slack" part. I suck at that one. Because you know how I said I have three unfinished stories? I know the general plot and the end for each one of them. If only I would put it in word on paper. *facepalm*

Emily: Do you have the ending of Dead Earth plotted?!

Diana: Yes :)

I have the whole general plot plotted, in my head.

I think that's the biggest issue I have with the writing. The story is more or less done in my head. The fun part ended.

Emily: But it's fun for us to readddd it!

Diana: I don't have many readers, I think it makes me slack more. Like... Should I write it down? Bleh, who'd care?

Pfunzo18 advised me to try to "make the time" for writing. That the issue most people have is that they push the writing in favor of other stuff they need to do (totally my case) but if I say "each Monday and Wednesday 8-10 is my wiring time" you know, in a fashion of any other hobby, and really let that time to be dedicated to writing, it'd help me a lot. And that's what I wanna start doing.

Emily: Agree! Even if it's just a little bit of time. Like a half an hour a day adds up over time. And who knows you might hit a flow and just keep going. That's always the best.

Diana: That's what I'm hoping for. I do love the feeling of posting a chapter. Like "yes! That was me! I managed to finish this one!"

Emily: Such a good feeling!

Soooo what about Wattpad stories, what are some of your favourites and why?

Diana: Oh my... There are so many! All the stories by you, to begin with. I love everything about them. The way you write, how human your characters are, flaws and everything, the danger, the adventure, the hot sex! You are a genius! [EDITING NOTE: This is Emily, sitting behind her computer blushing furiously into her hands.]

I am also a big fan of ivy475, her stories were the first I read on Wattpad, she's all horror and sex, it's amazing. Her characters and writing are super realistic. I love so much all the situations where there won't be no morning sex because, "dude, I gotta pee!"

I am also a big fan of Daniel_Barnett the king of horror, I swear his writing gives me goosebumps.

And one book which I certainly wouldn't wanna leave out and which I recommend whenever I can, is Dead Serious by StuartCampbell5 it's so awesome. It 's about a student who works at a funeral home during summer, it's ridiculously hilarious.

Who else, who else.. Oh! kibakibi!! She has these amazing short horror stories which I can't get enough of, with amazing twists.

Oh, almost forgot, The Lost Valor of Love by ea_carter it's about ancient Egypt and the research this woman has done to make this story happen is extraordinary. It's one of the best history books I have ever read.

Emily: That's quite a list! Scrambling to add to my reading lists haha

Diana: And V.A.P.I's Brief Pleasure by FabianFabrino I can't put in one sentence just how funny and great this story is.

I could go on and on. I have discovered so many amazing stories on Wattpad.

Emily: Speaking of short horror stories, you also have a book of shorts too. Two, actually if you count Afraid to Laugh (which I do). You're very skilled at short and punchy, do you find shorts easier or harder than longer stories?

Diana: Definitely easier. Because I can plot whatever I want in my head but only have to focus on the small part which goes to the short story and it gives me this strange sense of having all the time in the world to make it how I want... Not that I am pressured for longer stories but it just feels different.

Emily: Definitely! I know a lot of novel writers struggle with making short stories clear and concise, wrapping up a snippet of story with a satisfying conclusion. Do you have any advice for crafting an engaging beginning-middle-end under low word count limits?

Diana: Well, I am no expert, but I think to make it engaging, it's important to not to run into explaining what isn't important for the part you are telling. Meaning, one has to ask, what do I wanna say here, do I want it to be just funny? Do I wanna make a big discovery, simply, what's the conclusion, and then to try to get to it as simply as possible to keep the spectator focused on what matters.

Although, I read short stories which felt as if they told me the whole backstory without it feeling like I was just smacked with a bunch of facts, so... It also depends on one's story telling skills.

Emily: I think it depends on genre too and what that conclusion actually is. Short and punchy is my favourite though.

And for Afraid to Laugh. Give me some backstory on that.

Diana: Definitely. It's really hard to make short and punchy with fantasy, for example.

Afraid to Laugh... If I remember correctly, you had your fingers in me publishing those jokes didn't you?

I don't remember exactly how it went down, but I think I was just throwing those jokes around in the @Rebel_Town chats and then decided to put them up for everybody.

We Czech people are known for our dark humor, I think I was making a point there. XD

Emily: 'You had your fingers in me' sounds way more fun than I think it went down! XD

Diana: XD XD XD

That was me doing some word to word translation of a Czech expression. We use the "You had fingers in..." whatever went down, in case somebody somehow influenced something happening.

Emily: I got the gist lol the execution was excellent.

The joke book is such an awesome package, the cover (Hand drawn by the talented Dark_Writes), the title (Afraid to Laugh, because these are going to be jokes that make you cringe and feel dirty for laughing at), and you definitely deliver.

Diana: Some of them are really brutal. I am glad only people with my kind of sense of humor stumbled upon it so far.

Seeing this interview. I am starting to see a pattern... I always need that little push to publish something.

Emily: Bahaha... *shove*

Okay one more topic. Because we have to chat about it. Conversations with Di and Em. Once a week, Diana and I recap an episode of Buffy The Vampire Slayer over on TalesoftheSlayer, which is a community profile we hang out at to fangirl over all things Buffyverse.

(When I say we, I mean Diana writes out the episode and makes all the Gifs and I just yack about it lol)

Diana: XD XD XD

Emily: BUT it's super fun and I love reliving these old episodes with you.

Diana: It's the one assignment which doesn't feel like an assignment. I honestly enjoy rewatching the episodes.

Emily: It is a blast, and it's interesting the different insights we have watching it now vs watching it as teenagers.

Diana: That's so true. I notice so many things now as an adult. I think I didn't notice that much, when I was a teen, that most of the monsters there stand for real life struggles.

Also, the older I am, the more team Spike I am too. XD

Emily: Omg right? I remember liking Angel as a teen and now I'm like 'shut up you're so annoying'

Diana: He is. Plus when you see he's actually funny without Buffy, I can't see that "we are meant for each other" thing anymore

Emily: Exactly! They're both so much better apart.

Diana: Spike and Buffy on the other hand, that's the adult kind of love. There are no pink glasses, they know all the horrible stuff about each other and yet

I mean, Buffy never says she loved him, But I think she did, in a way.

Emily: She does love him! *girly sigh* I love this show lol

Diana: She just can't get over his not having soul, so she wouldn't admit it.

Emily: But then he gets one for her... like puts himself through that hell for her. :*(

Diana: I know! It's an amazing show and tells that the soul is not the only thing that matters, it's the men in the vamp. Like Angel used to be mean drunk. So he's a mean vampire and can't be good. He's good just because he's too self absorbed and stuck in all the guilt.

But I like they never got them together after what happened, it wouldn't feel right. I love the friendship they developed instead.

Emily: Yeah he had it forced on him, meanwhile Spike chose that pain to try and be a better man.

Anyway. XD

If you want to listen to us chat about Buffy, we just posted Halloween from Season 2 on Friday, and there's a new episode every Friday! (In which I mean Diana posted it and posts new ones every Friday. XD)

So, wrapping up, a few rapid fire fun questions: Do you have any pets? What's your favourite movie and why? And also shoot me one of your best Czech jokes.

Diana: Yes, I have two dogs :)

Fav movie... Wow, that's a hard one. I have so many.

Emily: Muahaha! Okay I'll give you three.

Diana: Haha, okay, sooo, one you won't know because it's a czech movie based on a czech book. It's called Saturnin (which is a name of a personal valet in the movie). I put this one on the top three because there was a time when I watched this movie every day and couldn't get enough of it. It's just so funny, it's funny every time you watch it.

Second, I say One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. I saw the movie for the first time when I was quite young and it just stayed with me. Jack Nicholson is amazing in it and it touches so many topics one would cry for a week

Emily: Omg I love that movie!

Diana: Damn, which one I say as the third... Three is too little! XD

Emily: XD XD XD

Diana: Well, if I absolutely have to choose... I'd say the new Joker. It went high up on my list as soon as I laid my eyes on it. Such an amazing exploration of how a mental disease can go terribly wrong... It was extraordinary.

And a joke, ha. One I didn't say yet?

Oh, I know one you'll like, because you like the question ones.

It goes in one ear and out the other but stays in your head anyway. What is it?

Emily: Lmao what?

Diana: A pickaxe!

Hope you enjoyed reading about me shooting the shit with Rasha007! You should check out all of her stories on her profile and make sure to kick her ass to write more. ;) 

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