Liz P. Tvorik || The Melody of Silence
There are three great ships in the history of ships. Wesley and Buttercup, Claire and Jamie, and Alex and Nate Reynolds. If you don't know who Alex and Nate are, strap the fuck in, because I'm about to tell you. I finished lptvorik's Melody of Silence trilogy this morning, about an hour ago, and I am still crying.
Heartbreaking tears because of the journey these characters have been through, joyful tears because they got the most beautiful ending they (and we the readers) deserved, and devastated tears that the story is over and I don't have any more to read. I've got Liz's other books queued up in my library because even if it isn't Alex and Nate I just can't stop reading her books. I am addicted.
So I wrote a review over on adultfiction, and also got to do an awesome interview with Liz. In which I didn't ask HOW DOES IT FEEL TO TEAR YOUR READER'S HEARTS TO SHREDS YOU MONSTER?! But I should have, haha! However at the time I had only read book one, a bit of book two, and a few chapters of book three (because I somehow accidentally started at the end when I picked up the series). That isn't to say there isn't a lot of heartbreaking shit in the first book, but let me tell y'all, book two is a fucking doozy.
"You're mine," I said unnecessarily, tears pricking my eyes when he turned his hand and interlocked his fingers with mine.
-Alex, The Melody of Silence, Part 2
Anyway, now that I've finished the whole thing, and am still clinging to it for dear life, I want to talk about it. Because I have an emotional hangover and I don't want to be alone, you guys. Join me. I won't spoil anything for you here that Liz doesn't spoil at the beginning of the series, so read on with me and if I don't sell you on reading these books, then your money back! Just kidding, we're all broke authors. XD
At the beginning of the trilogy, Liz assures us that there's going to be a happily ever after. One might think this is a spoiler, but it's not. In fact, looking back, it's a challenge. Because she does her damndest to make us forget that it ends that way. And I have to say thank you, Liz, for giving us that little shred of hope in a sea of hardship, because sometimes it was my only lifeline in a veritable ocean of tears.
Alex and Nate meet as kids by chance, but it's not actually by chance. It's by fate. They're two halves of the same whole, and their journey begins at exactly the right time, when they needed it to. Nate is a victim of the foster care system in the most horrendous situation you could imagine for a child to be in, and Alex is the daughter of a preacher and a distant, mentally ill mother.
They keep those hardships from each other, however, and keep each other from everyone else. In their own little bubble, they share Oreos and Snickers and laughter and sweetness. It's everything. The other day I ate Oreos, and then messaged Liz to let her know that I couldn't stop thinking about Alex and Nate splitting cookies together under the stars.
I kissed her again, sealing my mouth over hers as if, through that contact alone, I could pull every ounce of good out of her body and into mine.
-Nate, The Melody of Silence, Part 1
The trilogy follows the two through their struggles, hardships, happiness, and pain as they grow. There are moments of such joy that had me swelling with love, relating to the feeling of having a family and feeling whole and complete. There are moments of absolute rock bottom that had me clutching a teddy bear and sobbing into a hot chocolate that I'd made to try to comfort myself. More than once while reading at night I found myself sneaking into my kid's rooms, giving them a kiss on the forehead while they slept because I was so emotional.
Deeper into their marriage, Alex and Nate have grown and been through so much, and are living a perfectly imperfect life. They bicker and bitch, but intense love and security thrums beneath it all. They're a team, and the most mundane of daily tasks together like brushing their teeth or doing dishes is magical to read, with all the sweet fluffiness that my body could handle. Liz hit the most relatable things about marriage and parenthood on the head, and so many moments had me just fist-pumping the air like 'YES! EXACTLY THIS!'
And then when we get that happily ever after, not only is it one of the most beautiful pieces of prose I've ever consumed in my life, it just feels so earned. After such an intense emotional rollercoaster, it feels deserved, and it is glorious. By itself, I'm sure it would have an impact because it's so well-written, but after everything we've been through with the characters, it is the most wholly satisfying ending and all I could have ever wanted for both them and my aching heart.
If you think I'm being melodramatic, I dare you to read these fucking books and come back to me without these sentiments. I'll mail you a badge that announces to the world you have a cold, black heart, you MONSTER.
"What the hell right do you have to be more beautiful each day than any day before it?"
-Nate, The Melody of Silence, Part 3
Now, I need to wax poetic about the damn writing. I love all manners of style and voice, but my very favourite is descriptive and poetic. These books read like a song (which fits so well with the title and theme), in which the narrative flow is so smooth. The story is told in dual POV, first person, between Nate and Alex switching back and forth every chapter. They both have clear voices, and a perfect amount of fourth-wall breaking as if they're telling this story from a time in the future. It whisked me up and carried me away, completely immersing me.
When I'd manage to tear myself away and put my phone down, it was like coming up for air, back into the stark realization that I was in the real world. This kind of escapism is so rare for me reading books, either published or on Wattpad or otherwise. This kind of deep, engaging prose is just a rare, beautiful thing. This level of storytelling prowess is only painful because I want it to be out in the world, read by millions.
I know Liz is probably sick of me lavishing praise all over her face like an excited puppy, but like seriously. I ain't gonna stop until the whole world has read these books, haha! I know it sounds corny, but I'm seriously changed after reading these. They've affected me in such a visceral way I don't even know how to describe it. I feel like Alex and Nate are a part of me, and there are so many moral messages to carry into life.
Be honest. Stand up for what's right. Don't judge people by their past, get to know them instead. Tell your family that you love them—often. Try to let go of mistakes you've made and repented for, especially if those you've wronged have forgiven you.
When somebody sends you a letter, read it RIGHT AWAY. And most importantly, don't apologize for stupid shit.
Thank you for coming to my TED Talk. Now go read The Melody of Silence, right fucking now.
I love you, he said. Like I hadn't always known.
-Alex, The Melody of Silence, Part 3
(Direct links in comments, or just click lptvorik <there to go to Liz's profile. DO IT!)
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