hurricane jones [3]
[Quinn; Geronimo by Sheppard]
I apologize for sucking at Australian slang. Comment what's wrong with it please and tell me which words I could use instead?
word count: 1523
School came around but Dalton didn't.
"Why can't mom just drop us off on her way to work?" Rhett had whined, voice annoying me too much too early in the morning.
It was the following day, my thoughts the night before overlapped by Spanish homework and I had regretted staying up late, my head was back to killing me and my eyes stayed locked on the ground. I thought about shoving my backpack down Rhett's throat, telling him to stop complaining and wait for the bus in peace. Really, I just wanted to sit down and get some sleep for ten minutes before school despite the bumpy ride.
I tightened my hand around the strap on my back, scratching the back of my head. It was cold due to it being so early in the morning so the jacket on my torso felt reasonable but I just knew it'd get hot later and I dreaded it. I absolutely hated hot weather.
Pulling my headphones out of my jacket pocket, I plugged them into my rose gold iPhone, shoving the ends into my ears and listening intently to the calming and raspy sound of Hozier's voice. My lips were chapped and I pulled them into my mouth as my hair made its way into my eyes and I had no strength to push it away.
I watched Rhett whine, thankfully not being able to hear it as Vince smacked his head.
And I found myself humming, gently whispering the chorus every so often as my eyes had drifted over to the Jones' house.
"With his straw blonde hair and his tongue so mean... He's the Angel of Small Death and the Codeine Scene."
This song reminded me of Dalton: his hesitance to join a conversation, his short responses, his blonde hair, and maybe I should've been slightly worried that he reminded me so much of this painful track. If only I could predict what would follow through after our meeting but we can't predict and prevent the future, none of us really can no matter how much was wish we could.
I looked down at my feet, pushing around slowly in my black timberlands I'd gotten for Christmas and I watched as my hair veiled over my face. I needed a trim and I needed one bad but I was way past caring when there was a way I could just let my hair fall.
I felt a tap on my shoulder, looking up, my eyes connected with brown ones no matter how much I was silently hoping they were blue. I didn't want to talk and I knew Dalton wouldn't willingly talk to me but I tried to keep the disappointment off my face. She smiled at me, dimples indenting and slowly, I'd pulled one earphone out, bracing myself for the conversation that followed but there was none.
Quinn batted her long eyelashes before shaking her head, "it's early, I'm not ready for a conversation."
Shrugging, I tilted my head as if to concur, looking behind her at the door that seemed to be permanently closed. There was obviously no chance for Dalton to show up at the bus stop now, I knew due to the sound of the big yellow thing creaking to a stop in front of us.
She shook her head as if to say he wasn't coming, a sad smile pulled onto her face.
And we boarded the bus to hell.
It was half past the time lunch had started and I was sitting by myself out in the tennis court that sat pretty right beside the cafeteria. I always enjoyed the sun, hot weather not so much, but the sun... The sun was nice. Laying on my back, I shut my eyes attempting to ignore how many people's shoes that had no doubt scraped the ground beneath me. I needed a break from life in general and with the buzzing around of The Jones' boy- Dalton, showing up, I'd been on high alert. I hadn't even spared a glance at Wyatt Stevens the entire day, his beauty not entrapping me.
I was anxious to see Dalton, a feeling of guilt enveloping me at the fact that he was getting attention, drawing attention and I'd dreaded having to step out of the shadows and talking to him.
It had gotten darker, the sun behind my eyelids and the pink view blackening and I felt my eyes blinking open at the realization that I wasn't alone anymore. There was someone above me, looking down at me and blocking my view and with a few seconds to register, I'd realized it was Quinn.
Throughout two of the four periods leading up to lunch, I'd gotten to know Quinn a little more. Conveniently, her locker was placed on the same hall as mine and when I'd seen her schedule, I'd realized that I wouldn't be getting rid of her anytime soon.
Really, her presence didn't bother me but I wasn't used to it. I wasn't used to human interaction where I wasn't completely intimidated and that might've been a bit weird considering my age but I hadn't cared to dwell on it. Talking to Quinn though, I'd come to realize how outcastes I was and with her by my side, I'd felt attention on me... Obviously it was because of the tanned beauty with the killer smile and the alluring accent... And I didn't particularly like the attention.
My eyes were adjusting to the lack of sunlight, taking in her presence and trying to figure out why exactly she was talking to me. I wanted to know why she followed me and then kindly ask her to leave but I didn't have the guts, "Hi?"
"You fancy sitting alone?" She was pushy and I felt bad for wanting her to leave but she asked and I answered truthfully.
Her thick brows furrowed, a frown etching its way onto her face but still, there was a persistence. She rocked back on her white converse, biting her lip and sticking her hands into the pockets of her boyfriend jeans, "Can I join you? I'll be quiet."
Somehow I doubted that but I felt bad, shrugging, I scooted a little to the side, "Yeah."
She sat, crossing her legs and pulling her hair back into a ponytail before leaning back in her tanned arms and looking towards the sun. She must've been used to it, coming from a place that probably made Georgia seem like and ice-land but I felt the sweat on the back of my neck, my curls sticking to me. She sighed and then the questions started rolling in, "you don't have any mates?"
And I shook my head, not really enjoying her prying or the fact that it hadn't even been two minutes and she was already speaking.
"What's your deal?"
I thought you'd be quiet. "What do you mean?"
"You're always alone, I've noticed, it's a bloody shame that you're such a looker." I didn't know what to say to that, she was obviously attractive and I could acknowledge it but she wasn't my type.
I accepted her compliment, my lip pulling into my mouth, "Thank you."
She'd tilted her head, eyes scanning me with a smirk plastered on her face, "You're gay, though."
"What?" I didn't consider myself gay nor did I remember ever leading her on to that assumption but I didn't doubt it. I had a favoring for guys, I could tell but I didn't really want to label myself or commit to just guys for the rest of my life. Well, I mean, I didn't see myself committing to anyone let alone ever having a relationship considering how introverted I was but... I didn't care to confirm my sexuality.
And unlike many Americans I'd encountered, she simply shrugged. The people around town either knew I was into guys and chose not to speak to me or assumed I was straight just like Wyatt Stevens -my ultimate crush who, during our first meeting, asked if I was aware that Genevieve Dawson liked me - had.
And no, I wasn't.
But that wasn't important. What was important was the fact that maybe I didn't expect Quinn acceptance or the fact that she could find out within two encounters but I knew it wasn't a problem for her. There was a certain feeling, as if we were talking about the weather when she spoke again, accent thick, "I know you are. You look at Dally so much."
What was important was the fact that she knew I found her best friend hot but with a laugh, she shook her head. "No worries, I won't tell."
That was where the conversation ceased and we continued to sit, her staring at the sun.
I wondered why I wasn't left alone.
a u t h o r ' s n o t e
For those of you wondering:
Gabe is a boyyy.
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