Birthday Kisses [Gon x Reader]
It was your birthday, the day that celebrated your birth into the world. Normally your birthday wasn't anything too special, just spend the day with family, open gifts and that was it. That birthday however was special, because it was the first birthday that you would spend with two of your best friends in the whole world, Gon and Killua.
You were on your way to the building that they demanded you to go to. You assumed it was because they were throwing you a party, why else would they have you come all the way to meet up with them on your birthday?
You opened the door and stepped inside the house, which was dark. You sighed and smiled. 'Typical. This is how surprise parties always start huh? Though it isn't really surprise if I know what's going on' you mused, hearing the faint giggles of your two friends. 'Dorks' you thought as you felt against the wall to hit the light switch.
You turned it on, and as you expected, Killua and Gon jumped out yelling "SURPRISE!" in the loudest voices they could muster. What you didn't expect was to see Leorio and Kurapika right next to them, with Leorio being the loudest of the bunch. You giggled at seeing your other two friends. You didn't expect to see them considering how busy they were. You were happy though, you loved them almost as much as you loved Gon and Killua.
You jumped up and down in excitement smiling widely. "Wow! Thanks guys, you really shouldn't have"
Gon gave you the cutest smile, causing your poor heart to melt, he was the cutest person you've ever met. "You're our best friend, so of course we were going to celebrate this day with you" He grabbed your hands and started to drag you to the adjoining room where four presents and a cake rested on a table. "Come on open the presents we got you"
So you did, opening Kurapika's first. His present? A book. You should have figured he'd get you that. He was always telling you that you should read more. Oh well, it was a book about something you liked so you couldn't complain too much about it. Leorio's gift was a gift that scared you for life and can't be mentioned at all. You were surprised though that he would dare to give that to you. Killua's gift made you smile. It was a bag full of candy. Well at least you'd have enough sugar to last for a while. Gon's was your favorite, it was a stuffed teddy bear with a heart. It made your heart melt again, then again anything Gon did made your heart melt.
"Now it's time for cake!" Killua said excitedly taking the cake and putting it on the table in front of you. He turned to the other three and said "come on guys hurry up" you giggled, knowing that the reason that Killua was in a rush was because he wanted cake. He had a serious sweet tooth so he wanted things to hurry along to satisfy it.
They all sang "happy birthday" well really Gon, Killua, and Leorio did. Kurapika wasn't the singing type after all. You didn't mind, just the fact that he was there made you happy. After the song was done, you cut the cake and took the first bite. Tears instantly came to your eyes, it was nasty. 'Don't tell me they mixed the salt with the sugar' you thought as you took another bite just to make sure 'yep. They did'
Before you could say something to stop the others, they all took a bite. Gon, Killua, and Leorio all spit there food out, and yes it was as gross as it sounded. Kurapika had the decency to spit into a napkin and not all over the table and floor.
"This doesn't taste like cake at all" Killua grumbled glaring at it. He glared over at Gon "hey Gon, don't tell me you mixed up salt with the sugar"
Gon blinked in thought, then blushed as he rubbed the back of his head "probably, they both look so similar"
"Idiot" Killua said whacking him on the head. "You just ruined [First Name]'s birthday"
Gon's eyes widened and he looked at you with the cutest face he's ever given you. Eyes looking so sad, to you he looked like a puppy. "Did I really ruin your birthday"
You blinked and said "no of course not" then determination hit you and you grabbed your fork, taking more bites of the nasty cake. "In fact, this cake is delicious. I love it a lot."
Gon watched you and smiled. Eating that cake was worth it just to see him smile
It was late at night. The party went on for a few more hours after the cake incident, in fact it had just finished and you were just lounging on the porch, enjoying the night.
You heard the door open and looked to see Gon there looking at you. He gave you a weak smile and stood next to your seated form. "Sorry about earlier. Didn't mean to ruin your birthday" he said sheepishly, rubbing the back of his head nervously.
You sighed and smiled. "You didn't ruin my birthday Gon"
"But the cake-" he started to say but you cut him. "was disgusting" you said finishing the sentence. "However, the cake doesn't make the birthday. You smiled. "What makes the birthday is the wonderful people. Gon you made this one of the best birthdays I've ever had"
That caused him to smile, the widest smile you have ever seen. He bent down and kissed you right on the lips. You blushed at his bold actions and pulled away. "Wh-what?" you stuttered out, face like a tomato. "What was that about?" you asked embarrassed at what happened. It wasn't that you didn't enjoy it, it just took you off guard.
He grinned at your blushing form and replied "I wanted to give you a birthday kiss" he blinked and gave you a worried look. "That didn't bother you right?"
He gave you more puppy dog eyes. Man the kid sure knows how to get to you. Still blushing, you said "no Gon. I didn't mind"
His worry turns into happiness, and he said "good. I want to give you kisses all the time". 'Was that a declaration or something' you said, red face turning to shades you didn't think were possible. He laughed and bent down again, giving you another kiss. That really was the best birthday you've ever had.
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